Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1243: Wonderful puzzles (first)

Weng Li turned his head to Guan Heng and said, "To pass this level of the lake first, you must get something on the stone platform here. It is said that this is a prop left by previous explorers to facilitate future generations, but if you want to get Things must pass the test of Shitai Elves. "

After saying this, Dwarf Weng Li reached out and knocked on the stone platform in front of him three times: "Da, da, da!"

"Aha, you explorers, how are you!" Shitai suddenly appeared with huge eyes and mouths in front of the crowd, and said with a smile: "Do you want to pass the lake to the stairs to the next level?"

The dwarf Weng Li said, "Yes, Mr. Shitai, is there any test today?"

"Let me think about it ..." Shitai Elf groaned, then said, "Well, today's test will use riddles to determine the outcome."

The dwarf Weng Li smiled slightly: "It turned out to be a guess." Then he turned to ask Guan Heng and Borui: "Who should come first?"

"Elders first, younger ones, brother Weng Li, please come first." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Let us observe the rules of the game."

Borui nodded in deep thought: "Yes, I think so."

"Well then, Mr. Shitai, please come up with a riddle." Dwarf Weng Li patted his chest in the mountains, he said with pride: "You know, I'm the smartest guessing expert in the history of mountain dwarves."

"Okay, please listen to the riddle." Shitai Elf said with big eyes and blinking, "I can walk without feet, I can speak without mouth. I represent the eternal cycle of the world. People under my mention, I have a regular life every day. Who am I? "

"Haha, today's puzzle is quite simple." Dwarf Weng Li touched his rough jaw, and said with a smile: "I know the answer, that is-clocks!"

"Congratulations! Dangdang! Answer correctly!" Shitai Elf shouted at this time: "Please Mr. Explorer to accept your prize ... Ooooo!"

The stone tai elf opened his mouth and made a look of pain and vomiting. When he saw an old scroll falling at the foot of Dwarf Weng Li, he picked it up and looked at it: "Oh, it was a 'walking in water' magic scroll. It works within 24 hours and is a very good item. "

At this moment, the stone elf said, "Please the next explorer to come forward and listen to the mystery."

"Okay, it's my turn." Guan Heng took a step forward with a smile, and said, "First time you meet, I would like Mr. Shitai to take care of me."

"It's really a polite explorer," Shitai said with a smile. "Since you're so polite, I'll make the most difficult riddle."

Borui heard this sentence in the back, and said secretly in his heart, "What a weird stone bench elf. If others are kind to you, you will be more embarrassed. This is such a terrible character."

"Ahem, explorers, please listen to riddles."

Shitai Elf cleared his throat and said, "I'm a traveler with no limbs, no shadows to go, no wandering, no stop, sometimes with some partners around, but eventually let them bury the loess, the most important thing The thing is, people love me in summer and people hate me in winter. May I ask who I am? "

"It turned out that the hardest riddle of the spirit of Shitai was so simple." Guan Heng laughed in his heart, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Shitai, listen to the answer, the answer is-wind!"

"Congratulations! Mr. Explorer! You got it right, Mr. Explorer." The elf of Shitai seemed more excited than he had just said, and said loudly, "Please come forward to collect the prize ... vomit."

The spirit of Shitai once again spit out something in pain and fell to Guanheng.

Picking it up and holding it in your hand, it turned out to be a small cube-like box. Guan Heng turned his head and asked Weng Li: "What is this?"

"Oh, it's a contract box of the wind elf." Dwarf Weng Li smiled and explained: "After opening the box, you can call the wind elf to sign a temporary contract, and you can use the wings of the wind to fly within 24 hours."

"That's the case, so that you can fly over the lake." Guan Heng smiled slightly. At this time, Borui timidly took a step forward. He whispered to Weng Li and Guan Heng, "This is awful, I The least good at it is the guessing game, otherwise you guess it for me. "

"This is not okay, the test does not allow others to help." Shitai Elf said very seriously: "Juvenile, think about it, if you and your wife want to have a baby, but you are powerless, should you also let your friends do the work? ? "

All of a sudden, the three people who were present called out. Guan Heng and Dwarf Weng Li said: "We don't mind."

Borui yelled angrily: "I guess, can't I guess?"

"Hehe, awkward explorer, please come forward to listen to the mystery." The stone elf said with a smile: "I am always born between inadvertent words, no matter whether my nature is evil or good, it always causes people. Hurt, everyone hates me and scolds me, but everyone is my parents. Excuse me, who am I? "

"Uh, this riddle is so difficult ..." After Borui heard the riddle, the cold sweat on his forehead fell off, and he muttered to himself: "It's bad, it's bad."

"It's estimated that the boy's IQ will be stumped by this riddle." Guan Heng watched coldly behind him, his heart murmured: "Well, it's a brother, I'll help him, but Shitai Elf said If you don't allow others to help, then I have to do some small actions in secret. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly smiled and said loudly: "Borui, this is just a riddle at the toddler level. I can't help you, come on, handsome."

"Uh ?! Boss even called me handsome?" Borui heard the shout of Guan Heng, and his heart just smiled bitterly: "How could he always say that he is handsomer than me, and today he even lied to me with such naive words ..."

"Wait!" Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and Borui keenly felt the hidden hint in Guan Heng's speech. The corner of his mouth flashed a mysterious smile. Then, Borui shouted to the stone elf: I know the answer, the answer is-lies. "

Without waiting for the Shitai Elves to announce the results, Borui has explained to himself: "Lies are always inadvertently spoken, and no matter the starting point of the liar is good or bad, the deceived person will definitely be harmed. Every time Individuals have lied more or less, so everyone is a 'lying parent'. "

"Congratulations, awkward explorer, you got it right." A strange look suddenly appeared on the anthropomorphic face of Shitai Elf, saying, "Although I don't know if this answer came from you, but Please accept your prize. "

—— [First update of 2016.6.5, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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