Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1244: Take care of yourself

This time, the stone wizard didn't make any vomiting action, it just sang a few unknown lyrics in a melodious voice. At this moment, I heard the sound of horseshoes on the surface of the lake. Then a magical creature rushed to the shore.

"My God, it turned out to be an aquatic unicorn!" The dwarf Weng Li exclaimed at this time: "I have heard of the existence of such a fantasy creature in the underground lake of the labyrinth. I did not expect to see it with my own eyes today. . "

Guan Heng then asked Weng Li: "What kind of creature is the aquatic unicorn?"

"Specifically, it is a kind of fantasy Warcraft that can survive in amphibious amphibians. They usually forage and play in the cleanest water. When diving and swimming, the hoof will become webbed and fishtail."

The dwarf Weng Li explained: "But the aquatic unicorn has a weird and unpredictable temperament, sometimes docile and irritable, which makes it difficult to detect."

"Oh, young explorer, the person who answered the hardest riddle today is you."

At this moment, the stone elf said to Borui: "So, this aquatic unicorn is your prize, you can ride it across the underground lake, then, everyone, you've all settled your affairs. Goodbye. . "

After saying this, the eyes and mouth of Shitai Elves disappeared, and an ordinary stone platform was in front of them.

"Haha, this aquatic unicorn is really beautiful." At this moment, Borui looked at the white unicorn, the skin was like a smooth satin unicorn, and the saliva was almost flowing out: "Oh, this is my mount, it is really awesome."

"Okay Borui, don't get demented there, let's cross the underground lake."

At this moment, Guan Heng had opened the contract box of the Wind Spirit, and signed a temporary contract with that cute fairy of the mosquito size. A moment's notice, a pair of crystal clear wind wings suddenly appeared behind Guan Heng.

"Hahaha, it's great." Soul-sucking beast Yabu fanned his ears in the air and yelled, "Guan Heng, you can fly like me now."

"Well, these wings of wind are still pretty good." Guan Heng floated in the air at this time and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, look at me." Said the dwarf Weng Li, reaching out and tearing the scroll, his feet suddenly felt a circle of white light, Weng Li stepped forward, and immediately stood firmly on the water, Will not drop water at all, this is the power of the "walking in water" magic scroll.

As for Borui, this kid was quite arrogant and turned over and rode on the aquatic unicorn. At this moment, Borui shouted, "Drive-rush!"

The aquatic unicorn flew on all fours and ran like a smoke on the surface of the underground lake.

"Borui, you slow down." The dwarf Weng Li shouted anxiously while running on the water at this time: "Don't try to drive the unicorn too hard, his temper is sometimes irritable, be careful of aquatic independence The horns tip you into the water. "

"Hey, it doesn't matter." Borui shouted proudly at this time: "Aquatic unicorn is a prize given to me by the Stone Tai elves, I believe it will not be dangerous to me."

Guan Heng fanned the wings of the wind to follow at this moment, and he thought to himself, "But don't forget your boy, it was under my reminder that you found the answer."

However, the elated Borui became more and more reckless at this time. He slammed the unicorn's hips while yelling, "Baby, hurry up, hurry up, drive-"

Borui was so proud that he hadn't noticed the reaction of the aquatic unicorn at this time, only to see the blue tendons on his mount's forehead appear, apparently holding a belly of evil fire.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Borui's ear: "Hey, young explorer, is the riddle you just came up with?"

"Of course, a clever person like me doesn't need help from others ..." Borui said this subconsciously, and he felt something awkward in his heart. He shouted, "Who is it? Who is asking? ? "

"Oh, boy, you found the answer, but you have to pay for it, because you are lying!"

The inexplicable voice did not fall, and I saw His aquatic unicorn screamed his head hissing: ": ————"

The furious unicorn suddenly lifted its forefoot, and overturned the unprepared Borui into the water: "Stop!"

"Coo, coo ..." In a panic, Borui was about to sway up the water, but his limbs were suddenly stiff, and Borui was secretly crying: "Well, the lake has been set up with a weird ban. , I can't swim anymore! "

"Borui ?!" When the companion fell into the water, Guan Heng looked in his eyes. At this moment, the dwarf Weng Li shouted, "This time is troublesome. The aquatic unicorn is not only grumpy, but also the most annoying thing is the mouth full of lies. Man, Borui's kid was probably fooled by the spirit of Shitai, because he lied just now. "

"Let's talk about these things later, let's try to save people first."

Guan Heng cursed in his heart: "There is a lot of magical restraint in this huge maze. I just tried to release the beak dragon, but the tube of the magic pet could not be opened. Weng Li told me that things outside the maze Neither monsters nor creatures can survive in this maze, except for creatures like Yabu, who are in a different world. "

At this moment, Guan Heng couldn't get the toucan to come out to save people and had to say to Weng Li, "I jumped out of the lake to save Borui ..."

"No way." Weng Li, the dwarf, hurriedly stopped and said, "The wings of the wind elves cannot touch the water, otherwise they will fail immediately. If you fall into the water, things will be difficult."

"Let's do it." After finishing the sentence, Dwarf Weng Li began to look into the water, because the lake was clear, he soon found Borui, who was struggling hard, and was about to drown. At this time, Weng Instead of jumping into the water to save people, Li took off his short-handed wheel axe around his waist.

There was a thick rope around the end of the axe handle, and a grappling hook made of fine iron. Weng Li quickly untied the rope and whistled a few times in his hands. Grapple flew over.

"Slap!" The grappling rope that draws a long, narrow waterline at the bottom of the lake suddenly caught Borui's wrist, and the dwarf Weng Li flung the other end of the body to Guan Heng in the air. Pulling across, there are ogre fish in the lake and the violent aquatic unicorn just now, they will tear Borui into pieces. "

Guan Hengwen, who caught the rope, didn't dare to listen to this remark. At this moment, he couldn't ignore the reaction of Borui. He quickly fanned the wings of the wind and flew towards the opposite shore. Yabu was chasing after him. He also picked up his wheel axe, spread his legs and ran on the lake.

—— [Second more in 2016.6.5, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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