Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1250: Skull Skeleton (Third)

"In my opinion, since it's all here, there's no need to hide." Guan Heng said with a slight smile. "Let's just kill it in large numbers. Both Borui and I will use the fire system to restrain the undead skeletons. Bing should be easy. "

"That's it." Weng Li put on a huge iron shield and carried the wheel axe on his shoulder. He laughed loudly: "Lao Tzu has long wanted to make a noise at the bottom of this underground maze, let's go . "

The three men smiled boldly, and then strode toward the door of the underground palace.

"Dangdang! Wow!" At this moment, the dwarf Weng Li, who was walking in front of him, fit forward and slammed the iron gate in front of him with a thick shoulder. At this time, the strange bone friction sounded, several The eyes of the swaying skeleton soldier flashed terrible green ghost fire, waving the sword and spear, and rushed towards Guanheng.

"It's all soldiers and soldiers, we don't need to take our shots." Guan Heng pouted and laughed aloud: "Yabu, it's time for snacks, all the ghosts who live in these skeletons are yours."

"Okay, I'm moving." Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, rejoiced, fluttering his huge ears and flying towards several skeleton soldiers. He opened his mouth and sucked hard, and the ghost fire in the skull's eyes was suddenly pulled by force When it came out, all of them went into Yabu's mouth.

These skeletons lost the support of ghost fire, and all of them broke into scattered bone fragments in a crisp sound. Yabu shouted at this time: "Haha, it tastes really good, it's all ghosts that have lived for a long time."

"Oh!" At this moment, in the periphery of the palace, a large number of skeleton soldiers who came to support came over. The hundred or so skeleton soldiers waved sharp blades, and they turned off in a blink of an eye. Blocked a leak.

"Boss, leave these miscellaneous fish to me to clean it up." Borui was about to cast a magic spell on the skeleton soldier, Guan Heng suddenly said: "Bo Rui, the palaces in this maze are all in disrepair, you can Do not use too strong advanced magic, otherwise we may be buried in the rubble. "

"Understand." Borui heard that, and felt that it made sense, too, and he poked forward the dragon's wand in his palm: "Furious fire spell!"

Intermediate flame magic suddenly swept through the surrounding skeleton soldiers, scorching them and rattled, and Borui laughed proudly: "Boss, how about? With only intermediate magic, I can still clean them up."

At this moment, Guan Heng's expression was clear. He shouted, "Borui, don't care, the remaining enemies have rushed over."

It turned out that some of the hundred skeleton soldiers held swords with one hand and shielded the "sword shield skeleton soldiers" with shields in their hands. The shields in those guys' hands were marked with a rough matrix that weakened the magic effect. For Borui's fierce fire The spell had a resistance effect, so the Sword Shield Skeletons were killed from the waves of fire.

"Come and see me this time." The dwarf Weng Lizeng suddenly drank, and the wheel in his hand flew away with his axe, "Bang!" He smashed the skull of a skeleton soldier impartially. , Broken bones scattered around.

Guan Heng and Borui looked closely. Although Weng Li threw the axe, he still had a thick rope attached to the handle of the axe. At this moment, Weng Li shouted and turned the rope around the weapon to rotate like a windmill. Wherever possible, dozens of skeleton soldiers were smashed into pieces.

"Borui, clean it up by yourself." Guan Heng said, wielding the dragon's toothblade, cutting out a scorching flame, and burning all the bones on the ground. At the same time, Borui also burned with the flame spell. Other bonebreakers do this to prevent the skeleton from resurrecting with the power of darkness.

"Ha ha ha, killing you today."

"Slap!" The laughing dwarf Weng Li pulled the rope and caught the wheel axe rolling back in the air.

"Thanks to you today, my last maze expedition was not killed in order." Weng Li said, took out a sharpening stone, stabbed the axe twice, and then said to Guan Heng and Borui: "We Go ahead and go. "

"Okay." Guan Heng promised and laughed, "I'm going to take the lead this time. It's been a long time since I've been active, and no one of you can grab me."

Soul-absorbing beast Abu had already sucked up all the ghosts in front of the skeleton at this time. It called, "Guan Heng, I'm with you."

In this way, it was just a scene of two or three minutes. A few people were like a wind and a cloud. They destroyed all the skeleton soldiers surrounding it. Until the second major gate on the periphery of the palace suddenly appeared a giant that was twice as tall as an ordinary skeleton soldier. Skeletons, wielding a few meters of mace and launching a fierce attack on their enemies.

"When! Click!" Weng Li ushered up with his iron shield and was blocking a heavy smash by a giant skeleton, but cracks appeared on the ground beneath his feet, showing how powerful the giant skeleton was.

"Yeah! Kill!" The mountain dwarves used iron and forging tools all year round. They were also powerful and powerful. Weng Li roared quickly, then quickly waved the wheel axe and chopped the opponent's thigh bone. On, only a snapping sound was heard, and one leg of the giant skull broke off.

"Tongtong!" After losing a leg, the giant skeleton on his knees fell fiercely. The fangs in his palm waved out, and the wind was so strong that Weng Li's forehead broke through!

"Woo!" Weng Li, who was dodging in time, let the giant stick swipe his jaw, and his wheel axe hit him headlessly, banging the giant skull and cracking the ground.

"Oh!" Abu swiped from the side without losing time, exhaling the ghost fire from the giant skull.

At the same time, Borui imprisoned a giant skeleton with a foot-bound stone demon, burned the opponent into a fly ash powder with a fire spell, and Guan Heng simultaneously faced two mace with a mace.

"Oh!" The left-hand dragon's blade was suddenly cut off, and the mace on the opposite side of the giant skull suddenly had only a handle, and the head of the rod fell into the ground, without waiting for the giant skull to make the next response. Just like anthrax of the bones, it swept the whole body of the giant skeleton in a short time, letting it collapse and collapse in the flames.

"Ice Devil's Fight!"

"Yeah!" In the low roar, Guan Heng's dragon tooth in another hand suddenly swept the cold, cutting out seven or eight swords in succession. "The crackling in front of him—" The giant skull in front of him kept holding up the mace. The posture that was about to be dropped was completely sealed by ice.

"Hoo!" The dragon's tooth blade in Guan Heng's palm suddenly flipped, and the knife handle was already lightly knocking on the frozen giant skull: "Slap!"

It just touched it so lightly that the frozen giant skeleton had shattered into countless ice in an instant. Guan Heng then turned around and said to the two companions: "Easy to come, let's go."

—— [The third update of 2016.6.6, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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