Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1251: Command the guard

As the three men walked deeper and deeper, it wasn't just the Skeleton Soldier that gradually appeared around them. There would be dead bones of the beasts, and groups attacked Guan Guan against them.

"Bang!" Borui waved the wand of the dragon demon and knocked on the bone of a wolf beast fiercely. The wolf beast slumped, and Borui immediately burned it into a dreg with a flame spell.

"It's weird. When I sneaked into this power supply perimeter, I haven't seen any animal bones and skeletons before." Dwarf Weng Li said to himself while waving a wheel axe, "Did they form recently?"

At a moment when Weng Li was slightly disoriented, a tall beast bone and a skeleton rushed through the oblique stab, hitting Weng Li's iron shield fiercely with his own skull.

"When you are screaming—why!" Unexpectedly, Weng Li's shield flew off, the tall animal bones opened his fangs, and he bit his opponent's wheel axe with a sip, "Why do you want to let me go!" Weng Li for a while He couldn't take back his weapon.

"Oh!" Several fierce beast bones and skeletons saw the bargain, rushing in the blink of an eye, and opened their mouths to bite Weng Li's ankles and thighs.

"Be careful." Guan Heng sighed and stopped in front of Weng Li. "Bang, bang!" He kicked out several feet in a row, and immediately kicked a few guys who came over to attack.

"Thank you guys," the bearded dwarf called. "You are such a good partner."

The words did not fall, Weng Li's wheel axe suddenly flung out, and immediately smashed a beast bone that rushed to Borui, he said, "Beware, be careful."

Who knew that Borui's hand was raised, and he suddenly threw the fire ball of the flame mantra to the side of Dwarf Weng Li, and instantly burned a skeletal bone that came over into black ash. He also replied: "You also pay attention Click, Big Brother. "

The three men shot swiftly and innocently, and Abu flying in the air swept down from time to time to absorb the beast soul. Within half a minute, the enemy in front of him was quickly cleaned up.

"DaDa Da ..." At this moment, a crisp horseshoe sound suddenly came from the other end of the palace, and the ears suddenly moved, and the bearded dwarf who heard the voice shouted, "Finally, it is the skeleton leader. The guards are fighting the hoof, everyone is careful. "

Upon hearing Weng Li's words, Borui asked strangely, "Skulls lead the Guards? Who are they?"

"According to my many years of investigation, Skeleton Leader has twelve of the strongest Skeleton Warriors. The explorers of the underground maze have nicknamed them, and they are called 'Skull Leadership Guards.'"

Weng Li said solemnly: "They are extremely powerful, and the weapons and equipment in their hands are magically resistant. Borui, you must be careful as a magician."

"Hell, it's an undead skeleton warrior, and a weapon with magic resistance. This underground maze is full of evil things." Borui couldn't help complaining: "In the beginning, the person who built this palace A magician must be a monster with a distorted personality. "

When Borui secretly slandered, Guan Hengsheng said, "Be careful, the other party has arrived."

The horse's hoof rattled and ran to a distance of about 100 meters in front of Guan Heng and others, suddenly changed from abrupt to slow, and then stopped.

Immediately afterwards, there was a serious and sharp voice shouting, "What kind of people are you? How dare you break into the underground palace guarded by Skeleton Commander Aso, you are so impatient that you waited ten minutes to consider, Come here automatically and be **** to death! "

"Ah, I'm awful!" Borui suddenly used the wand of the dragon and magic wand to slap on the ground, he said disdainfully, "It's just a group of talking skeletons, so arrogant, you just learn to crawl by yourself Come here and let Master Ben burn you to ashes with a fire. "

The thirteen skeletons riding on the skeleton horse across the command of the guards immediately heard the words, and immediately became furious. One of the skulls wearing a cape and a short stick jumped off the mount, and the The two groups of souls couldn't help swaying, and now they were flashing an angry green halo.

"Boy, you will pay a bitter price for insulting our Lord Aso Guard."

The cloaked bone skeleton said sensibly, "I am Duncan, the master of His Majesty's Guards, and if you think my own magical power can beat me, then I will have a one-on-one magician duel. No one else is allowed to interfere! "

"I do n’t know why. I was provoked by Bai skeleton for the first time. Well, this challenge was accepted by your master." Borui also ignored it at this time and took a big step forward. He said loudly: "I am famous St. LP Borui, the magic master of the continent, will teach you this skull today. "

At this moment, the bearded dwarf Weng Li whispered to Guan Heng: "Is this appropriate? We might as well rush through."

"No, since the boy Borui wants to fight with each other, don't disturb his interest." Guan Heng replied: "And the skeleton leader named" Aso "has not yet appeared, we might as well wait here, See what the Leadership Guard wants to do before you make any plans. "

"Well. What you said makes sense," the bearded dwarf thought for a moment, and then said slightly, "Just do it, but beware of the other person's tricks."

"Hahaha, even if there are any tricks, we may not be afraid." Guan Heng confidently said: "In the face of real strength, all tricks are paper tigers."

Just when Guan Heng was talking to Weng Li, Borui was already fighting with the bone mage Duncan.

Duncan had a bone-bone staff with a length of about three feet in his hand. When he saw it suddenly flickered his wrists, he showed the hands of Sensen's bones, waved his staff at Borui and yelled, "Flame Flame Curse!"

"Hoo!" A ball of green phosphorous fire suddenly rushed towards Borui. The surface temperature of this phosphor fire ball was not high, but there was a hidden mystery, ordinary people touched the skin and bones completely.

"Huh, the fire of anxiety is weird, but the ice system should be able to overcome the fire system!" Borui saw the opponent's menacing fireball coming, and his left hand slammed forward: "Look at the trick, freeze the spell ! "

All of a sudden, the wave of cold air suddenly hit the ball of phosphorous fire, and the two suddenly stuck together. The sound of crackling in the air suddenly sounded extremely harsh.

"My frozen spell will definitely win ..." Borui just thought of it, and an unexpected thing happened suddenly. The ball of phosphorous fire suddenly exploded into the evil spirits. In the blink of an eye, it just rushed forward to ease the cold wave. The quake dissipated, and then he flew forward.

"My mother, come here!" Borui didn't expect that the phoenix-fired ball of the evil gate suddenly turned over, and he waved the dragon and magic wand in his hand and hit him.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.6, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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