Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1258: Sudden change (first)

"Hahaha, boss, when I was just wandering in the bazaar just now, I remembered that you haven't collected the medicinal grass seeds you are looking for."

Boruiha laughed and continued: "I thought that Founder was idle and idle, so I went to the temple to pick it up for you, but before I got out of the market, I heard someone selling loud herbs."

"Isn't that idiot businessman just doing a business selling this medicinal herb?" Guan Heng's expression suddenly appeared on Guan Heng's face. There are no other uses for farts in other respects, and grass seeds are not used by ordinary people. In a word, this thing is comparable to the existence of weeds. "

"Yes, the businessman is still blowing in the sea there, and Lennon described this weed as an immortal herb that cures all diseases, but the result ..."

Borui said here, took a pocket from his waist, opened it in front of Guan Heng, and then said with a smile: "I only spent one gold coin and bought all the dozens of stocks in his hand. I heard because of that The **** said that he had exhausted all the medicinal herbs in the abandoned temple, and he was really a prodigal son. "

"Well, anyway, Borui, thanks to your carefulness this time, we have time to run for nothing." Guan Heng said, "so we can return to Mrs. Jiang Ge and meet with everyone."

"The boss said, let's go now." Borui reached out and pressed his hand on Guan Heng's shoulder, about to start the teleportation spell, but at this moment, a sudden scream came from the distance: " Uh ah ah-help! Help!

The words didn't fall away. From the direction of the explorer's market, a thin young man ran into the woods. He looked backwards as he ran, and looked extremely anxious.

"How did it happen? It turned out to be him." Borui suddenly frowned when he saw the thin bamboo-skinned man. He turned his head and said to Guan Heng, "That guy is the adulterer who sold me the medicinal herb ..."

"噗嗤 ——" Listening to the words "treacherous businessmen", Guan Heng laughed without hesitation: "How do I think the other party can't afford such a great title?"

Just when Guan Heng and Borui were making fun of each other, the thin bamboo pole had already run out and the two of them came close. After seeing Borui, he shouted as if he had grasped the life-saving straw: Lord Magician, save me. "

"Well, I'm too lazy to care about you." Borui said, turning his head to the side, and ignored the other side.

This boy just said here, and there were loud footsteps in the back, accompanied by a rough roar: "After catching the boy, don't listen to his nonsense and quibble, just chop it into meat."

"Uh, my mother!" Hearing the angry roar of those people, the thin bamboo pole man scared to almost urinate his pants. He couldn't help but say that he slipped behind Guanheng and pleaded with a crying face: "Master, do me a favor, If I fall into the hands of those people, the mouse will fall into the cat's mouth, and I will die. "

Without waiting for Guan Heng's position, the thin bamboo pole man hurriedly took out a large amount of stuff, and all of them were piled up at the foot of Guan Heng. He kept screaming: "Master, this is all the valuable things around me, all for you. Just ask me to save my life, yes, and this ... "

At this time, the thin bamboo pole man accidentally touched the necklace on his neck, and tore it hard and put it in the pile of things. He saw that Guan Wang had his back and the teeth of the dragon teeth, and his eyebrows were extraordinary. He should be a strong man. , Now want to ask Guan Heng to save his life.

At this moment, the five or six big men chased from the market also ran to Guan Heng and Borui, and a strong man headed shouted, "You two boys get away, I want to kill the skinny guy. bamboo."

Hearing this, Guan Heng frowned suddenly. He didn't want to worry about this kind of gossip, but when the strong man came up, he sprayed faeces, hurting people, and immediately caused Guan Heng to anger.

"Yeah!" Guan Wang moved in a stunned form, moved to the strong man in the blink of an eye, raised his palms, slammed the six big mouths forward and backward, making the strong man's mouth full of yellow paner teeth burst into chaos.

"Bang!" Borui flying next to him kicked his leg and bent on the strong man's legs. The boy fell down on his knees, and several other people were shocked. The organic guy immediately realized this. It was hit on the iron plate.

Seeing those people scared to death, Guan Heng also figured out a sigh of relief at this time, so he waved angrily: "Everything is rolling to Lao Tzu, don't bother you here."

"Yes, yes, let's get off right away." Several strong men set up their companions with their teeth blown out, and ran away like a dog in a funeral.

"You get out, too." Borui glanced angrily at the thin bamboo pole behind the cross, and said coldly, "It's really going to be troublesome."

Guan Heng turned his head and looked at the thin bamboo pole man. I saw that his facial features were thin eyebrows, thin lips, and a pair of ears. It was strange. Guan Heng looked at the things on the ground. He wanted to make the thin bamboo pole man. Taken together, he will not covet these shattered.

But the sky was shining on the ground, and a sudden flash of light suddenly caused Guan Heng's idea. It was the item that was torn from the neck when the thin bamboo pole was in a hurry just before and was thrown on a black booklet.

Guan Heng leaned down and picked up the pendant and pamphlet, and opened a page at will. The content of this pamphlet is about the conditions for a contract between the guardian elves and the humans spread in ancient times, and the breeding methods of the elves. What made people feel novel was that the graphic of the pendant also appeared in the booklet.

After looking at the thin bamboo pole man, Guan Heng suddenly asked, "Hey, where did you get this booklet?"

Seeing Guan Heng's inquiry, the thin bamboo pole man immediately nodded and said, "Master, don't hide, this booklet and necklace are treasures from my family ..."

When the nearby Borui saw the thin bamboo pole talking, his eyes murmured, and he knew that the boy hadn't told the truth. Immediately, he kicked his feet on his back: "Put your fart, when you hear, Lie, tell the truth !!! "

"Oh! I said, I said."

As soon as the thin bamboo pole man covered his **** and grinned with pain, he cried and said, "I knew an old explorer who used to go in and out of the underground maze. This old thing was bitten by monsters in the maze and poisoned and lost his left. After his legs, he borrowed money to drink everywhere. A few days ago, after he and he got drunk, he drowned in the swamp. I saw his pity, and buried him by the way. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng glanced at the thin bamboo pole with a scornful look, and sneered softly, "Well, then the legacy of the old drunkard is in your pocket, right?"

—— [2016.6.8 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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