Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1259: Sancho is in trouble

"It's really wrong." The thin bamboo pole man accompanied the smiley and said, "I searched for that old thing for a long time. That is, this pendant and the black leather pamphlet looked like antiques, the others were tattered, small me, I even paid the funeral expenses. "

"Well." Guan Heng shook his head at this moment, he said, "Necklaces and pamphlets, now it belongs to me."

"Of course, of course." Slim bamboo pole said in a hurry: "The small life was picked up by your blessing. I said, all those things ..."

"Other things, I'm not interested." At this moment, Guan Heng took out a money bag and fell on the thin bamboo pole's face: "This is five hundred gold coins, pendants, brochures, even if I bought it with you, Pick up your things now and hurry up or I will change my mind. "

"Ah, thank you very much for your generosity and small resignation." The thin bamboo pole man shoved everything on the ground back into his arms, then quickly picked up the money bag, ran into a wind under his feet, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Boss, the booklet and the pendant don't look valuable. Why can't you use five hundred gold coins?" Borui said dissatisfied, "If you really have money and nowhere to spend, you might as well be a cheaper brother."

"Go to you, the knowledge in this booklet really seems to be of some use to me." Guan Heng took the booklet and turned it over two pages carefully before he said to Borui: "First go back to Mrs. Jiang Ge's nameless island Well, I need to make time for a closer look. "

"Okay, let's go outside for a day and a night, and finally we can go back to chanting." Borui shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Anyway, every humble thing in your hands will suddenly become valuable, I Right? "

At the next moment, Borui had taken Guan Heng back to the beach of the unknown island. Guan Heng took a deep breath of fresh air against the sea breeze and said comfortably, "Ah, it feels good to be here."

"Brother Guan Heng, you are back!" At this moment, Zuo Wei ran over from behind, and she was followed by Akin, Dorie and Imira. Guan Heng looked at everyone and laughed: "You are all here Ah, right, what about Maze? "

"We are here to practice our own combo formation. As for Ma Ze, he is still practicing gun shooting near the underwater whirlpool." Akin came at this time and asked, "What is the harvest this time out?"

"It's okay," Guan Heng said mysteriously, "After a while, I'm going to give you a big surprise."

"Keep it secret again." Akin exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Hey, tell me a little bit and not die, just tell me."

At this moment, Guan Heng smiled and shook his head. He then asked: "Are there any movements in the cave of praying for the rain beast?"

"When I was practicing bows and arrows there just now, there was no movement at all." At this time, Dorie scratched his head and said, "The day and night when Brother Guan Heng and Brother Borui were away were always so calm."

"Well, I won't chat with you anymore." A Jing said abruptly: "The magic guide will have some changes. I will go to Mrs. Jiang Ge and Mr. Shaharu for help and take a step."

After finishing this sentence, Akin waved his hands to everyone with a smile, turned and ran towards the cave. Zou Wei said to Borui at this time: "You came back just now. The castle of Koror just came over and said I have prepared some new equipment for everyone. Let ’s get it in the past. ”

"Understand." Borui laughed. "Then I will take you there with the teleportation spell."

The two talked about it, and disappeared in a stun, Yimila dragged Tuoli's sleeves, and then smiled and said to Guan Heng: "We are going to see the progress of Ma Ze's exercise on the submarine vortex. Because when the time comes, he will have to be taken from the sea. "

"Then you go," Guan Heng said, "I'll go to the Cliff Cliff Grotto to see the Rain Beast and Ruta."

In this way, Imila was carrying a row of boats and rowing a sampan boat from the shallows to the sea. Guan Heng watched everyone doing their own things and smiled slightly: "It seems that everyone is very busy, so let me not be idle. It's on. "

Therefore, Guan Heng was about to walk towards the cliff cliff grotto, and suddenly heard a gurgling sound behind him. He looked back, and the smoke was splashing around. It turned out that the fat old man Sanqiu stood with a embarrassed face. Obviously he was just Returned here with a teleportation spell.

"Hi, Mr. Sanqiu." Guan Heng greeted with a smile: "What's wrong with you, is it because you owed someone else's money for money and was chased by the creditor?"

"Eh ?! Guan Heng ... stinky boy, you are back." The fat old man Sanqiu saw the other side and said angrily: "The teeth are so poisonous, it's really a good spirit."

"Isn't it so coincident ?!" Guan Heng exaggerated: "Are you really hunted down by the creditor?"

"Well, even if it's not a real creditor, it's almost the same." Sang Qiu said bitterly. "A few hours ago, Mrs. Jiang Ge suddenly thought about it, and she had run out of an alchemy material called 'Bluebeard Flatworm' around her. , That kind of bug only inhabits the virgin forest by Lake Yodali west of St. Lomplon. "

Speaking of a pause here, Sanqiu found a rock and sat down to pant, then he said: "It's all my blame at this time, tell Mrs. Jiang Ge to go to Lake Yodali herself, but she kicked me out of the cave Let me catch the blue-bearded flatworm and come back. "

"Then you go, then." Guan Heng murmured when he heard here: "Anyway, you always like to make Mrs. Jiang Ge's horse fart, this kind of diligent work, do not do nothing for nothing."

"Ha, ha, I thought so at the beginning, catching a few blue-bearded flatworms, but it was a very simple thing." Fat old man Sanqiu laughed awkwardly and continued, "I did not expect to go to Yodali After the virgin forest of the lake, I accidentally gnawed a large ant honeycomb. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng frowned slightly, he asked, "What have you done?"

"When I caught the blue-bearded flatworms in the woods by the lake, I accidentally saw two identical monsters fighting and fighting."

Sang Qiu said here, seeming to recall the scene at that time, he said with a lingering fear: "The two weird monsters look similar to the dragons, but I am sure they are not pure blood dragons, and they are not Yalong, because Yalong does not have their powerful power, and can even use advanced magic. "

"You mean ... the two monsters resemble the dragon clan." Guan Heng moved in his mind, and suddenly thought of the dragon-like monster in the underground maze and the transformation plan of the dragon clan. The guinea pig escaped from the Dragon Army. "

—— [Second more in 2016.6.8, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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