Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1261: Distress message

The guardian elves will never give up on their masters at any time, unless the master dies after a major change or voluntarily abandons the guardian elves. Generally speaking, the elves will not choose a second master to follow. They will choose after the master disappears. Secluded in the dense forests and flowers and bushes in the wild countryside, until he died alone.

"It's really loyal and worthy of the title of the Guardian Elf." Guan Heng heard this and couldn't help but pull the item in his hand and watched it. It didn't matter that Guan Heng suddenly cried out: "Mr. Sanqiu There seems to be something in this pendant !! "

"Is that right?" Sanqiu was also surprised when he heard it. He said, "Isn't there a guardian elf in it? It's impossible. Generally speaking, when the master dies, he will take the initiative to cancel the contract with the elf and remove it Release them, and don't let them get trapped in the guardian spirit's branded stone. "

"Anyway, let me see it first." Sanqiu beckoned at this time, and Guan Heng quickly passed the item down.

"Dang." The fat old man shook his pendant at this time, and there was a crisp sound on it. It seemed that there was really a small figure inside the translucent spar.

"It may really be a guardian spirit, but I don't know if it is dead." At this moment, Sanqiu flipped through the booklet and said, "I remember just seeing the guardian spirit released from the branded stone. Way ... there, here! "

However, Sanqiu's brow frowned suddenly, and he suddenly gave a bitter smile and said, "But here it says that the master will only come out when the master reads the spell, and we are not its master, which is a little troublesome."

"In my opinion, even if you are not the owner of the elf, you should try to release it." Guan Heng proposed at this time: "If it is unsuccessful, let us think of other ways, can you? "

"Well, it makes sense." Sanqiu nodded his head and jaws. "Then try it, there is no loss to us anyway."

Guan Heng smiled and said, "Let's get started." The next moment, Sanqiu chanted aloud according to the mantra on the black leather pamphlet, and stretched his palms to the pendant held by Guan Heng, constantly conveying Magic power.

Three minutes ... Five minutes ... Ten minutes have passed, but the pendant has no response at all, Guan Heng and Sanqiu can't help but get frustrated. The fat old man is about to stop using the spell, and Guan Heng's eyes flicker. Alas, he said, "Mr. Sanqiu, don't listen. The pendant just flashed a moment ago, and work harder."

"Really?" Sanqiu was refreshed after he heard this sentence. He immediately continued to chant the mantra and increased his full mana output.

"Slightly!" "Yeah!" At this moment, the pendant in Guan Heng's hands suddenly trembled, and it suddenly shined brightly, flashing orange and yellow dazzling light, hesitated, a little appeared in the air. The Wumang star array was affixed to the front of Xiang Xingspar, and a small door was formed in a short time.

Suddenly, a speedy light and shadow rushed out of the item, and a clear and pleasant voice called quickly: "Please, please, no matter who released me, please save my master— — "

The voice didn't fall. The aurora twirled swiftly on the beach between electric light and flint. It was uncontrollable in the end, and it was retracted into the pendant. At the same time, the pendant lost its light and changed. It's going to be extremely dim.

"Strange, what's going on?" Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Did we just release the guardian elves just now?"

"Don't bother with that problem anymore." Sanqiu suddenly pointed at the beach, he cried, "there is something on it, it may be the clue left by the little thing just in a hurry."

Guan Heng and Sanqiu hurriedly walked over to watch, and saw a few lines of crooked characters intermittently written on the beach: at the bottom of Lake Yodali ... The Crystal Dragon Palace ... Master ... Seal ...

"Mr. Sanqiu, it says 'Lake Yodali', is this the place where you want to collect the blue-bearded flatworm?" Guan Heng asked subconsciously: "But the Crystal Dragon Palace, where is it?"

"I haven't heard of it." Sanqiu shook his head at this moment, he said, "Anyway, let's go to Lake Yodali anyway, why don't we just go to this crystal palace?"

Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, let's do that."


A moment later, Guan Heng and the fat old man Sanqiu in the virgin forest by Lake Yodali have reached here by teleporting spells.

"Guan Heng, let's take it easy after we get into the woods." Sang Qiu said with a lingering heart: "My opinion is, after finding the blue-bearded flatworm, leave immediately, it is best not to provoke the two, you What are they called? "

"It's a" dragon-like monster "." Guan Heng spread his hands and said indifferently: "It's the monsters experimentally transformed by the Dragon Army. In fact, they are nothing great, and now I am with you, I really don't understand what you are afraid of . "

"You know a fart!" The fat old man said angrily: "My husband is old and doesn't want to provoke powerful enemies like you. I still want to settle down for a few days. In short, after finding the bug ..."

"Boom--click--wow!" Sanqiu's voice didn't fall, and the two suddenly heard a chaos in the virgin forest. The dust was rolling everywhere, the fire was soaring, and the towering trees fell under the impact of powerful forces. It was obvious Fierce fighting is taking place in the woods.

"There is a fighting voice, isn't it ..." Guan Heng and Sang Qiu glanced at each other, both of whom had the same mind. At the next moment, two figures rushed into the woods, running in the direction of the end of the dense forest. .

At this moment, on the battlefield at the end of the woods, two yellowish scale armors spread over the whole body. They had pointed beaks and double-winged dragon-like monsters, and were besieged by more than a dozen magic dragons.

The two yellow scale monsters fought and retreated, desperately resisting each other, but the number of opponents was large. The magic dragons continued to cast various sharp mantras, narrowing the enclosing circle, and watching the yellow scale monsters could not support it.

"Abominable, the siege of these guys is endless." The yellow scale monster on the left roared: "Bath, it seems that our brothers can't run this time."

"Bahru! Don't be discouraged." The yellow scale monster on the right flickered his huge wings, blocking the opponent's fire attack, and screamed, "What are you afraid of? Even if we are dead, we are going to die in this area." In the dense forest, was n’t that the hometown where the bones were buried?

"Brother, you're right!" After listening to Baru's words, Bath refreshed and shouted sternly: "The escape from the control of the **** dragon clan was not to return to this place to support us. Land? Fight with these bastards, kill one more is one! "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.8, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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