Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1262: Fengyulong (fifth more outbreak)

"Okay, kill." Barry muttered in a low voice: "Unfortunately, we haven't found our third brother's dragon egg. I really want to see it."

"The Dragon Clan who killed the thousand swords, fight with you!" The two yellow scale monsters brushed their wings together and spread their wings, followed by their heads screaming: "Wow!"

In a moment, countless manic and violent wind elements suddenly gathered around, and these wind elements instantly became a huge, huge wind blade.

"Oh!" The swift blade of wind was wrapped in unmatched wind, and the air of tearing air directly cut through the scales and skin of more than a dozen magic dragons in front of it. Countless dragon blood sprayed and filled the sky.

"Be careful!" At this moment, the magic dragon side suddenly came to help, suddenly a huge figure fell in the air, and shouted with the shock: "The shield of the top ten earth walls !!"

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Ten thick and tall earth walls quickly erected from the ground. This soil magic dragon that came suddenly showed his strongest soil defense magic, which was worthy of blocking countless powerful The wind blade protected the whole body of a dozen magic dragons behind.

"What ?!" With an unbelievable look, two yellow scale monsters murmured to themselves: "Our strongest magic, Wind Blade Hell is so blocked ?!"

"Bang-wow!" At this moment, the defensive wall in front of the soil magic dragon suddenly collapsed, and it laughed loudly: "I can't think that you two poor-quality testers have realized such a strong magic. This is a major discovery. As long as you capture your life back, Your Excellency the Chief of Tirlow will definitely reward me greatly. "

"Brothers, give me--" The magic dragon of the soil system is clearly the leader of the claws of this group of demon dragons, and it shouted with two claws: "Live these two experimental species 'Fengyulong'!"

"Tongtong." At this moment, one of the yellow-scale monsters, namely Fengyulong Baru, was half-knelt on the ground, and Bath beside him cried out, "Brother, what happened to you?"

"He was hurt too much, and his magical power and physical strength were exhausted." Feng Yu Long Baru smiled sadly: "Brother, let me take a step ..."

At the same time, Guan Heng and Sang Qiu have quietly touched the neighborhood. They have observed for several minutes. Guan Heng said to Sang Qiu: "It looks right, the two yellow scale monsters escaped from the Dragon Army. Come out of the dragon race to reform the test. "

"His ... uh ..." Sanqiu groaned at this moment: "Strange to say, I have seen these two monsters somewhere."

"You said that, even I felt familiar." Guan Heng moved in his heart, and suddenly felt the tube of the magic pet in his arms, he suddenly whispered: "It's Lude, Beak Dragon Lude! Sanqiu! Sir, do you think they look a lot like Lude? "

"Yes." Sanqiu suddenly realized at this moment: "You also said to me just now that this is the birthplace of the toucan dragon, does it have nothing to do with the two yellow scale monsters?"

At this time, the two wind-speaking dragons couldn't support it anymore, and the soil magic dragon and the rest of his followers flew towards them.

"Anyway, save these two guys first, because they are already hurting, they are going to die, and they are not a threat to us."

Guan Heng uttered this sentence, and his body had been scurrying out, but there was helplessness on Sanqiu's face, he whispered, "Really, I was just packed by these two yellow-scale guys. After a meal, now not only can't revenge, but also help them ?! "

At the same time, the minions of the Devil's Dragon Legion have launched a raid on a pair of wind-speaking dragons. Baru has fallen to his knees and can't fight anymore. Bath is fiercely showing a wind blade, "Dang!" The soil magic dragon that rushed was fearless. In the cold laughter, it made its skin firm like a rock for a while, bounced off the wind blade directly, and waved a claw on the opponent's face fiercely: "Oh! "

A few bloodstains were added to Bath's face, fleshy flesh, blood splattering, "Uh-huh ah-" Bath screamed, and then retreated.

"Hoo--slap!" The giant-tailed magpie of the magic dragon of the soil system caught Bath's neck, and a sudden squeak sounded in the air. Bath's eyes turned white and almost passed out.

When the soil-based magic dragon laughed proudly, a blade of light spread down in the oblique stab, and its giant tail was chopped down. "Tongtong! Papa!" Fengyu Longbass and the tail fell at the same time, suddenly, The terrible magic dragon screamed, "Ouch!"

"It's too late to call pain, yeah—"

"Woo!" In the low roar, Guan Heng, who was rushing at the moment, slammed the dragon's toothblade, and only heard the whistle of a whistle, the blade swept sharply, and a silver wire that tore the air opened the dragon's belly. Dao Jin's death was undiminished, and the soil dragon was divided into two from bottom to top, and the blood of the dragon was spread all over the sky.

"This is the first one." Guan Heng sneered, his body flickered suddenly, and he suddenly reached the middle of the dozen or so magical dragons. At that moment, cold light appeared, as if Li Xing kept breaking through the space, many magical dragons The bloodline suddenly appeared at the waist and neck at the next moment, then sprayed with red mist and fell to the ground.

The battle ended almost in a dozen seconds. When Sanqiu rushed past, he saw only the dead dragon body lying down.

"I said, kid, your shot is really fast and ruthless. The dragon slaughter is like slaughtering a dog." The fat old man looked at the dragon's corpse, and stomped the muddy dragon blood on the bottom of his foot. He said: " Now that you are getting better and better, you are truly a dragon-slayer hero. "

"Oh, I don't want that either."

Guan Heng gently smashed the blood on the dragon's blade, and then returned to the sheath. He smiled bitterly: "Probably the dragon soul Kufa in the dragon's blade really hates these dark dragons too much, so the dragon's blade is beheading. They were extremely sharp and smooth, and coupled with my subconscious release of the pressure of the red dragon's breath to cleanse, these magic dragons seemed to stand still for an instant, leaving me to slaughter. "

"Hey, you two silly big guys, do you still know the old man?" At this moment, Sanqiu walked in front of the two Fengyulongs, Bath and Baru looked at each other, they said in unison: "You, you are not Is the old Terran man who fled in front of us just now? "

"Well, I didn't expect to kill me like this?"

Sangqiu saw that these two Fengyulongs were seriously injured now. Of course, he didn't have any fear, but sneered and said, "Did you see the kid behind me? He is a dragon-slaying hero on the continent of St. Lomplon. It ’s as easy for the dragons as it is to cut carrots and potatoes. Are you afraid? ”

"Smelly old man, you don't talk nonsense. Now our brothers are seriously injured. You can kill if you want to kill." Baru roared loudly: "If your grandfather Baru frowns, he is not a hero."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.8, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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