Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1263: Lude's brother (first)

"Hmm ... hahaha." Guan Heng couldn't help laughing out at this moment, he said: "I also heard the first time that a monster claimed to be a hero and a hero, and your brother is also a wonderful one."

"Mr. Sanqiu, don't play with them," Guan Heng said to him, and said to Bath and Baru, "show you this."

As soon as the words fell, Guan Heng had released the beak Long Lude from the tube of the magic pet.

"Oh!" The newly-launched toucan was extraordinarily excited. Although it was just a dragon egg when it left the virgin forest by Lake Yodali, after all, it has a hometown atmosphere, which makes it feel very kind.

Lude just stretched his wings and moved his bones. Suddenly, the Fengyu Dragon Bath next to him shouted, "Three brother, are you the third brother?" Bath said, turning his head and calling to Baru: "Brother, look, it's also a toucan dragon. It should be our third brother, right?"

"Eh ?!" The bird-billed dragon Lude glanced at Fengyulong, who looked very similar to himself, and suddenly called twice with a doubt, and then walked over, observing in circles around the two Fengyulongs. , The expression is getting weird.

"Yes, brother, I feel the blood is connected, the feeling of boiling and rushing, it must be our brother."

At this time, Baru said sadly, "But now, we are not ordinary Ornithosaurus. The third brother must not recognize us. Besides, when we broke up, we have already hatched a young dragon for one month, and it It's just a dragon egg ... "

"Oh, suga!" At this moment, the non-speech-toothed dragons suddenly screamed one after another. The two wind-speaking dragons suddenly changed their faces and screamed at the beaked dragon Lude. The three guys screamed and roared for a long time, then gradually calmed down, and saw Guan Heng and Sang Qiu straightening their hair.

"What do they mean?" Sanqiu's face was strangely puzzled: "Is it blood identification?"

"Maybe you're right, let's wait for the results." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "It looks like they're ready to communicate."

The next moment, the bird's beak Long Lude had leaned close to the two Fengyu dragons intimately. The Capricorn couldn't help but seemed to have confirmed the identity of the blood relative.

"Two ... Keke, first of all say sorry to the old gentleman." At this moment, Fengyu Longbass spoke first: "I didn't know that you were my third brother's acquaintance. Misunderstanding, I am sorry to you in Xiabas and brother Baru. "

"Oh, it's very kind of you to say that, since it is a misunderstanding, just to clarify." The fat old man is not a caring person, he saw that both Fengyulong expressed friendliness, and his tone was also kind. Up.

Guan Heng asked at this time: "So you are really Lude's relatives? But ..."

"But we are no longer very similar to it, are we?"

Another wind-speaking dragon Baru smiled bitterly at this moment: "A few decades ago, our parents were the only couple of beak dragons living in the dense forest of this lake. At that time, our parents just gave birth to three Dragon egg, Brother Bath and I broke the shell a month in advance, but the third brother's dragon egg has been slow to move. "

"But suddenly one day, a group of dragon legionnaires broke into the dense forest, and they wreak havoc and captured countless young demons and beasts."

The muscles on Bath's face twitched suddenly, and then said in a deep voice: "Our parents struggled to resist, but died in the hands of each other. We were young and could not do anything, so we were captured. The third brother's dragon The egg is missing. "

"For the next ten years, we suffered as infernal pain," Bath said. "The demons of the Dark Dragon tribe constantly pieced together all kinds of weird blood, bones and skin scales on us, trying to Let us evolve more ferociously and powerfully. "

"That pain, now recalling, the body and soul still faintly ache."

Baru gritted his teeth and said, "Many of our experimental subjects at the same time couldn't stand the endless torture. They died like this, but the two brothers carried it down, because at that time, all we thought about was Revenge for his parents. "

"In this way, we gained a stronger body and the power of using wind magic, and our strength increased. We began to show irritability and dissatisfaction. We often clashed with the dark dragon researchers and injured many dragons. "

Bath sighed at this time and said, "But this also speeds up the killing of the other party. One day later, I heard the dragon tribe chat, saying that the dragon tribe master Otero had given an order to kill all the first. A batch of dragon-like monsters who did not accept discipline were forced by the crisis of life and death. Baru and I also had a few experimental monsters that usually had a good relationship and started their escape plan. "

"In the end, you must have succeeded." Guan Heng asked at this time: "I don't know how many experimental phantoms escaped in total?"

"Alas, there are nearly a hundred companions who rarely say that they fled together." Baru said resentfully: "But the Dragon Army stalked along the road and died biting, and in the end there were only seven or eight dragon-like monsters. Escaped, and the rest died in the hands of the Dragon Army. "

"It seems that you have been hiding in Tibet all these years, and you have had a hard time." Guan Heng looked at the two Fengyu Dragons and Beak Dragon Lude, and then said, "Now the Demon Dragon Army has come to your door. What do you have? Are you planning? "

"In recent years, we have lived peacefully here in our hometown, so we have gradually forgotten about revenge."

Bath sighed and said, "I never thought that the Dragon Army would not let us go. I think it's time to make up your mind to find the Dragon Army. This is a battle between you and me. It's not that we just retreat and escape. Yes."

"Huh, huh." At this time, the beak Long Lude called out a few times, and Baru quickly patted his shoulder: "I know you don't want us to take risks, but as a brother, it is necessary to protect your third brother. Safety, in order not to let the evil parties of the Dragon Legion disturb the peace here, we must fight! "

"Well said." Guan Henglang laughed. "The enemies of the Dragon Army are our allies. From now on, if you have any difficulties or requirements, just tell me that I must help Guan Guan."

"Master Guanheng, I have a request."

Feng Yu Long Baru suddenly said: "I know that the third brother Lude has always been your mount, but it is only a weak toucan dragon, and has little ability to follow you to fight with the dragons, so I want to replace the third brother to play under your lord. I wonder if Lord Guan Heng can agree? "

—— [The first change in 2016.6.9, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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