Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1264: Explore the bottom of the lake

When Baru just saw Guan Heng's easy soldiers beating the powerful fighting power of more than a dozen magic dragons, he already had this idea in mind. The two brothers have limited strength. If they want revenge, they need a big backer.

At this moment, Guan Heng glanced at the Beak Dragon and asked, "Lu De, what do you mean?"

"Alas." The beak dragon could not speak, but it nodded again and again, it seemed to agree that the second brother who was much stronger than himself became Guan Heng's new mount.

Moreover, the boss of Fengyulong next to him also said, "Master Guanheng, our 'Fengyulong' transformed by the dragon family is the fastest flying species on this land of St. Lomplon, because we are good at using various The wind-assisted magic speeds up in flight, so it has the title of "Dragon of the Whispering Wind". My second brother, Baru, has higher flying talent than me, and its speed is more than twice that of me. You agree to follow it. Right. "

"Okay, this matter is settled like this for the time being." Guan Heng asked again, "Bath, what would you and Lude do if Baru and I left? Will we go with us?"

"No, Lord Guan Heng, I want the third brother to stay in his hometown for a longer period of time." Bath shook his head and said, "In addition, we also knew a few dragon-like creatures that escaped from the Dragon Army, so I plan to Contact them, gather this power, and meet with you again. "

"That's not bad. The transformation monsters that hate the Dragon Legion are also a force that can be used." Guan Heng thought of this and said to Bath: "It's so settled, Lude will go to find allies with you, Baru and I go. "

After the decision was made, the two Fengyulongs and Lude were very happy, but the fat old man Sanqiu said, "Hey, Guan Hengzi, you seem to have forgotten our purpose of coming to Lake Yodali. ? "

"That's right, I'm sorry, Mr. Sanqiu," Guan Heng said quickly. "Hurry up and find the blue-bearded flatworm. Let's go to the lake to see what Crystal Dragon Palace will be."

"Eh ?!" After hearing the words "Crystal Dragon Palace", the two wind-speaking dragons Bath and Baru immediately changed their look slightly. Bath asked at this time: "Master Guan Heng, the crystal dragon you said Is the palace on the bottom of Lake Yodali? "

"Well ..." Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "I'm here for the first time, so it's not clear."

Next, Guan Heng found himself guarding the elves to raise notes and pendants, and originally told the two Fengyu dragons, Bath and Baru listened, their faces gradually eased.

"Master Guanheng, you want to rescue the one sealed in the crystal palace according to the request of the guardian elves." Bath slowly nodded and said, "I see."

"Master Guan Heng, in fact, our original Ornithosaurs did not belong to the Dragon and ordinary sub-dragons." Baru said at this time: "It should be said that we have nothing to do with the Dragons, but just inhabited Lake Yodali. The 'guardian beasts' around. "

"Guardian beast ?!" Guan Heng asked: "What does this mean?"

"We don't know the specific things, just listening to my parents when we were young, we knew a little bit."

Bath said: "But our parents died just one month after we were born. I only remember that they said that the touosaurus, which has been growing on the shores of Lake Yodali, has been watching a certain palace guarded by evil forces. Do not let idlers wait. "

"Baro and I escaped from the Dragon Legion's clutches. After returning to our hometown, I once dived into the bottom of the lake to check it out." Bath continued: "But after getting close to the inexplicable palace, I felt uncomfortable, An inexplicable force in that palace was repelling and warning us not to approach, so Baru and I had to give up the exploration. "

"But my brother and I know that there is something we want to guard in that palace." Baru said, "Master Guanheng, you are our benefactor, so we will not stop you from going to the lake palace, but please be careful. "

"Well, thank you for your reminder." Guan Heng nodded and said, "But I still decided to go to the bottom of the lake to see, after all, the guardian elf said that its owner needs to be rescued, and I have to confirm this."

"Guan Heng, I can't think of the blue-bearded flatworm lair here. It's easy to find. I've caught a lot of it." The old man Sanqiu walked back with a fat body at the moment. He said: "Mrs. Jiang Ge's task It's done. When should we go to the bottom of the lake to investigate? "

Guan Heng smiled and said, "You can go right away."

"Wait, my father can't swim." Sang Qiu suddenly remembered that he was a dry duck, so he said, "How about you go down the lake alone?"

"It doesn't matter. I can use a trick that opens a circular barrier under the water and can breathe freely." Guan Hengman said indifferently. "You can just walk with me."

"Is your kid saying true or false?" Sanqiu doubted and believed. Who knew Guan Heng couldn't help it? He pulled Sanqiu and walked to the lake, followed by the beak dragon and Bud and Bath. .

When the party reached the edge of Lake Yodali, Guan Heng glanced at the clear blue water. When he saw fishes everywhere, he smiled and said, "Mr. Sanqiu, come on, let's get ready."

The two wind-speaking dragons said in unison: "Master Guan Heng, Mr. Sanqiu, please be careful."

Suddenly, Guan Heng erected a round air hood at the water's edge. It was the water avoidance he realized after he combined the seven-star sea snake king beast soul. Although it is usually not very useful, it is convenient for breathing and breathing when diving.

In this way, Guan Heng and Sanqiu dived into the bottom of Lake Yodali under the protection of the water avoidance hood.

According to the clues and location provided by Fengyulong Brothers, they went straight to the southeast of the lake after entering the water, because the Crystal Dragon Palace was at that location.

Sure enough, after sneaking for thousands of meters in the lake, Guan Heng and Sanqiu faintly saw the shadow of a palace building at the bottom of Qiandi Lake. Sanqiu said: "It should be there. You must first find a way to get in and out."

"Well, you're right." Guan Heng nodded, driving the water-avoidance air hood, and swimming with Sanqiu. When he looked close, the palace was small and tended to small and medium-sized buildings. The perimeter of the palace is surrounded by moss and algae, and surrounded by countless aquatic plants.

However, Guan Heng and Sanqiu walked around for several laps, and they could not find the gate and entrance of the palace. Sanqiu said inexplicably at this time: "It's strange, there is no gate in this broken place? How did the previous people get in?" "

"Mr. Sanqiu, look." Guan Heng suddenly pointed at the front. "There is a huge crystal ball on the top of the building. It seemed to be flashing just now."

—— [Second more in 2016.6.9, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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