Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1271: Dark matter

"Yeah!" Guan Heng suddenly stretched out a hand and patted the seal raster's gold grating bar, only to hear the sound of Dora, the crackling sound, Guan Heng's arms emerged from the seal array, trying to stop him forward Reach in.

"Such weak power, also want to stop me?" Guan Heng snorted, suddenly exuding the power of the crystal of the red dragon's breath, wrapping his arms, and the golden grating bar of the seal array shuddered, and suddenly a Large gap in the fist.

"Hoo--" An infected dragon soul wrapped in a dark breath came out of the gap between the electric light and flint. Before waiting for it to escape, Guan Heng's five fingers caught the dragon soul immediately.

"Squeak-squeak-" The spirit of that dragon soul was extremely unstable, and he couldn't make any sound, but he was desperately trying to escape the control of Guan Heng.

"Want to run ?! How could it be so easy." According to Guan Heng's original intention, and also to save trouble, the best way is to turn all the infected dragon souls into the soul stones of the soul, or call the soul-absorbing beast Yabu. Come out and devour them for a hundred.

But Guan Heng just wanted to do this, only to find that the dark spirit infecting Dragon Soul in his hand suddenly faded a little, and he murmured, "Is it my illusion? Try again."

With two eyes staring at the dragon soul in the palm of his hand, he saw that trace of pure black gas was inhaled into Guan Heng's palm, but in just a second or two, the black gas became lighter again.

"I see!" Guan Heng moved, and he almost screamed: "It turns out that the crimson dragon's breath crystals in my body are constantly absorbing this black gas!"

Gradually, the infected dragon soul in Guan Heng's hand gradually changed from black to white. Then, I heard the dragon soul make a faint cry: "I, what is wrong with me?"

"Hey, you are infected with dark matter, do you still remember?" Guan Heng saw the dragon soul in his hand recovered and immediately let go of it and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"Who are you? Why are you at the tomb of the dragon?" This dragon soul has just recovered his mind, and some are not sober. Guan Heng beckoned immediately and cried, "The normal dragon souls nearby are coming quickly, you see if this guy is Who."

Hearing Guan Heng's shout, the dragon spirits around him gradually surrounded, and one of them suddenly called out, "Brother, aren't you the brother? How did you become sober?"

The dragon spirit that had just been sucked away by Guan Heng and returned to normal also called out, "Brother ?! How are you here?" The two groups of dragon souls met and spoke for a while, and Guan Heng finally decided. Let the infected Dragon Soul return to normal.

"Hey, Kufa." Guan Heng asked the dragon soul Kufa next to himself at this time: "The crimson dragon's breath crystals in my body can **** up the dark matter contained in these dragon souls. What is going on?"

"I think about it ..." Kufa groaned for a long while, and then suddenly analyzed: "Will you say that this is the case, the crystal of the red dragon's breath is originally owned by the Dark Dragon master, and it will actively absorb the dark matter to strengthen itself. This speculation stands. Stop it? "

"His ..." Hearing this, Guan Heng took a sip of air-conditioning. Kufa's speculation did make some sense. After thinking about this, Guan Heng hurriedly investigated the movement of the red dragon's breath crystals in his body, but he didn't find it. What happened to Dragon's Breath?

Kufa said at this time: "Maybe a dragon soul contains too little dark matter, you should try to absorb more so that you can detect it."

"I'm afraid this isn't right?" Guan Heng said with some worry: "This crystal of the red dragon's breath is a very explosive thing. If it gets out of control, the dragon tomb space here, and you and me, will be blown up. No **** left. "

"Uh ... you're right, too." Thinking of the terrible power contained in the crystal of the red dragon's breath, the Dragon Soul Kufa couldn't help fighting a chill, and whispered, "So, what should we do? "

"According to what I mean, a little bit of trying is the best strategy." Guan Heng said, "I just absorbed a dark substance that infected the dragon soul. The crystal of the red dragon's breath did not respond. I simply absorbed two more. What is the result, only good for that. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng gently stroked his heart, he secretly said, "I have the protection of Qinghuang Residual Soul, I may not have to worry too much."

Kufa said: "Well, although this is a bit risky, but it is better than giving up directly, then try it."

"Pop, pop!" At the next moment, Guan Heng's palms both reached into the inside of the gold grating bar. He caught two infected dragon souls in an instant, and then retracted back. Then, Guan Heng only slightly driven the attachment. After the dragon's breath crystallized in his hand, the dark matter on the two groups of dragon souls flashed away, and he was absorbed into the crimson dragon's breath crystal without any suspense.

"Sure enough, even I can see clearly." Kufa cried. "The dark matter really got into your palm and disappeared."

At this moment, Guan Heng ran away the two groups of dark matter, and the sober Dragon Soul was released. Luo Lou and Kai Xiu led the rest of the Dragon Souls and whispered, and the newly saved Dragon Soul was surprised and happy. , But Guan Heng began to groan at this moment.

"Koufa, after absorbing the dark matter of the two dragon souls again, I feel that the crystals of crimson dragon's breath in my body seem to have less manic pressure."

After a moment's thinking, Guan Heng immediately said, "Before absorbing dark matter, the crystal of Crimson Dragon Breath is extremely unstable. As long as I am angry and angry, it will show signs of abruption, but now I feel that the Crystal of Dragon Breath is much smoother and quieter."

"That being said, absorbing dark matter has certain benefits for you to control the Crimson Dragon Crystal." Dragon Soul Kufa immediately came to this conclusion, and then said: "Don't hesitate any more, simply absorb more dark matter. "

Although in Guan Heng's view, Kufa's proposal this time was really risky, but he already had a heavy explosive bomb with crystals of red dragon breath, and he didn't care about absorbing more dark matter of unknown origin. Can calm the restlessness of the dragon's breath crystal, why not?

At the next moment, Guan Heng slaps his palms and directly tunes out the dragon's breath crystals in his body. This spherical atmosphere is scattered in the hands of Guan Heng for a period of fierce coercion, and the dragon spirits within a hundred meters are trembling and suddenly scared. Have to hide away.

Kufa also cried at this time: "No, the coercion of this dragon's breath crystal is too great, I will hide in the dragon's teeth first."

After all, Kufa shrank sharply, and then returned to the dragon's blade scabbard. Guan Heng was fully absorbed. He held the Dragon's Breath crystal with one hand and reached the gold grating bar. I saw that Dragon's Breath suddenly turned in the palm of Guan Heng, and immediately Created great suction.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.10, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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