Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1272: Broken rescue (fifth more outbreak)

Those infectious dragon souls frantically in the seal formation, remained rigid for a long time, and then, the dark matter contained in them was all removed in the sound of snoring, and a brain rushed to Guan Heng palm Dragon Breath Crystal.

It only took tens of seconds for all the infected dragon souls in the seal array to return to normal, one by one ignorant, scratching their heads and making noises: "Strange, why am I here? Obviously, I was suddenly caught in a dark substance Infected and went crazy ... "

"Now that these dragon souls have returned to normal, this seal array is useless." Guan Heng murmured to himself, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dragon's tooth blade, and a thin layer of crimson breath suddenly enveloped in On the edge.

"Hello!" The cold light flashed, and the golden grating bar above the seal array was instantly shredded, and all the dragon souls suddenly emerged from the trap: "Haha, we are free."

Just as these dragon souls screamed, if you wanted to fly around, Guan Heng suddenly yelled: "Give me a little quieter, what does it look like?"

Guan Heng's roar contained a bit of coercion from the crystals of Dragon's Breath, and immediately scared all the dragon spirits around him to stay alive. Guan Heng shouted, "Luo Lou, Kai Xiu, you two hurry up to me."

"Come, come." The two dragon spirits, who flew over in a hurry, asked in unison: "Master Guan Heng, do you have any instructions?"

"I'm here for a long time to help you rescue the Dragon Soul companions. Don't bother you, just go and help me collect ambergris and dracaena."

Guan Heng asked politely, and he also asked, "Yes, how many seal arrays are there to imprison the Dragon Soul?"

"Report and report, Lord Guan Heng." Luo Lou saw his companions run out of dark material, and had returned to normal. He was somewhat incoherent. He said, "There are four seal formations, all in the northwestern area of ​​the Dragon Tomb."

"But Lord Guanheng, you already destroyed one yourself, so there are three seal arrays left." Kaixiu hurriedly said, "Sir, do you want to pass now?"

"Well, now that I've shot it, it's not my style to quit halfway." Guan Heng said, "So, you quickly find me a guide, take me to the location of the rest of the seal array, and breathe all the infected Dragon Souls in one breath. All saved. "

All of a sudden, all Dragon Souls were grateful and said, "Thank you Lord Guan Heng, you are really the benefactor of our dragon tomb."

"Ha ha ha, in fact, while helping you get rid of the dark matter, I am also good for myself."

This sentence made two rounds in Guan Heng's heart, but did not say it. He waved at the moment and said, "One more thing to remind you, remember to gather all the normal dragon souls that have not been infected, because I am working for dragon souls. There was a lot of movement during the removal of dark matter, and I would not be responsible if it scared them. "

After telling these words, Guan Heng asked Kaixiu to take him to the remaining Seal Array, while Luo Lou led several Dragon Souls to inform his companions to gather and take refuge, and in turn helped Guan Heng to collect ambergris and Dracaena.

Time flies quickly, and with little time, Guan Heng has exhausted the dark matter infecting the Dragon Soul in the three seal arrays, and he obviously feels that although the crystal of the red dragon breath in his body has not grown, it has greatly converged. The mania and fierceness of itself.

"It's really strange to say that, according to common sense, the crystallization of the dragon's breath of the Dark Dragon Lord, after absorbing the dark matter, it should be more evil, unless ... true darkness does not completely represent evil."

At this moment, Guan Heng walked forward, his heart darkened: "But after absorbing those dark substances with the crystals of the red dragon's breath, I feel that the evil spirit of the dragon's breath has decreased sharply, and it becomes easier and easier to control. what's going on?"

"Forget it, since I haven't found any discomfort for the time being, it shows that the situation is in my favor."

Guan Heng shook his head, trying not to think about these headaches. At this time, Kaixiu, who led the way, shouted in the air: "Master Guan Heng, here we are, the fourth seal array in front is the last one. Now. "

"Excellent, when this seal array is solved, you can go to the Dragon God's Stele." Guan Heng smiled slightly, at this time Dragon Soul Kufa said in his mind: "I really don't understand why you are Why would you want to see the Dragon God Stele, don't you say, there is a person waiting to be rescued at the gate of the Dragon Tomb? "

"What are you anxious for ?!" Guan Heng said: "Mr. Hailedushi will not die at one and a half minutes later, anyway, he was frozen in the ice wall for hundreds of years."

"Well, I always find it awkward to stay in this dragon grave." Kufa muttered quietly: "If only I could leave quickly."

Regarding Kufa's broken thoughts, Guan Heng kept ignoring along the way. At this time, he had reached the front of the last seal formation, but found that it was a little different from the previous three seal formations.

"Strange, this seal array ..." Guan Heng only glanced, his eyes narrowed, and he whispered, "It seems to have stronger repression than other seal arrays. The imposing seal under this cloth is powerful, It's almost the same as the gate of the dragon tomb. What's going on? "

"Master Guan Heng, do you feel it, right?" Long Lun Kaixiu, the next guide, whispered, "In the last seal array, the captives are ... the nine of our dragons who are second only to His Majesty the Dragon God." His Royal Highness, they are all blood relatives of His Majesty Dragon God. Regardless of his life or death, his strength is overbearing, and ... "

Kaixiu said that he paused for a moment, and said, "It was the nine emperor princes who were first infected with dark matter at the beginning. His Majesty the Dragon God spent a lot of energy and time before batching them one by one. Capture, locked in this seal array. "

"That's the case, I said why the seal array here is so densely arranged, and the strongest second to the dragon **** are the ones who dare to imprison." Guan Heng groaned with his chin and said, "Even the dragon **** must treat this so carefully. Nine guys, it seems I have to be more careful. "

"Kathy, you step back." Guan Heng said at this time: "I'm going to start."

"Yes, yes, good luck, Master Guan Heng." The voice did not fall, Kathy had flew out of the arrow, and the speed was like a gallop.

Glancing at the seal array in front of me, here is not the cage shape of the gold grating fence like the previous ones, but it is completely surrounded by the fog like a black iron bucket, and the scene inside is not visible at all.

The nine infected princes were quiet and abnormal in the seal array. If no one knew it, they thought it was empty.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.10, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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