Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1286: Accident

"That, it's just a little trick just figured out." Guan Heng replied with a smile. This trick of the Dragon Star Pyroblast was modified by Guan Heng based on the tricks he had used to transform Long Zaviu into the ice fire that he had previously played against. , Quite effective against some enemies attacking in groups.

At this moment, Guan Hengji tilted a glance at Doufuer, saying angrily: "Okay, now there is no chase, should you go back to the branded stone pendant and rest?"

"Well, I don't want it, it's fun outside, don't go back." Dovre said, relying on Guan Heng's shoulder to watch the scenery, Guan Heng said indifferently: "Well, then you have to hurry up . "

"Balu, flying at full speed, the target is an unknown island at sea." Guan Heng suddenly yelled, "Chong ---"

Fengyu screamed with his head screaming, spreading his wings to accelerate suddenly, and it also used the wind-assisted magic to double the speed of the wind, like a thunder and lightning, suddenly drawing a rapid afterglow in the air, and time Flashed away.

"Uh ah-too fast!" Dove now realized why she had to "grasp" herself just now, her two little hands slammed Guan Heng's plaque, barely being thrown away by the wild wind Go out.

"Bad guy, you two come together to play with me, uh ..." Dove murmured in his mouth, staring at the little star in front of him, and when he turned off, the joke was almost the same, so he gently touched his hand. Pull, put Doffer into the jacket pocket of the front pocket: "Well, give this special class to you."

The flying speed of Fengyu Long Baru is called the electric light flint. It can't be overwhelming for thousands of miles, but it only took a few minutes for Guan Heng to return to the sky over the unknown island. "Hoo!" With wings, Baru's feet have slammed on the shore of the island.

"Hey, Guan Hengzi, you are too loud and quiet, beware of Mrs. Jiang Ge."

At this time, the fat old man Sanqiu stood up beside the rock on the north side of the beach. He rubbed his eyes and said, "After I handed the bluebeard flatworm to her, I was kicked out. I wanted to take a nap, and you Come and wake me up. "

Seeing the slightly old face of the fat old man, Guan Heng laughed and said, "Why, after you were used by Mrs. Jiang Ge, you got over the river and demolished the bridge ?! Pitiful."

"Haha, that's pathetic." Doffer in Guan Heng's pocket laughed at the same time: "The fat old man is pathetic."

"Little **** elf, hateful." Sanqiu was really jealous at this time: "The boy is only going to stay in St. Lomplund for half a month, and the little girl Doffer is going to follow him, Ugh."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Sanqiu, have you seen anyone else?" Guan Heng asked suddenly: "Why is there nothing on the island?"

"Should be all busy with each other," Sanqiu said, "Zowei and Borui went to the castle of Koror Island to get equipment. They haven't returned yet, and they are probably trapped by something."

"Where is Akin?"

"Oh, still at Shahara's Forge, studying his Magister."

"It goes without saying that Imila and Dorie went out to the sea to find Maze with a sampan." Guan Heng muttered, "Did they not return?"

"By the way, the praying beast over the cliff cliff cave just informed all the people on the island with telepathy that they would come out of the closed cave after one hour." Sanqiu said, "By that time, Your friend Ruta's treatment should be done. "

"Uh, I see." Guan Heng said immediately, "then I ..."

"Guan Heng, Guan Heng, I can turn around on this island now, can I?" Dovre couldn't help it for a moment, she interrupted Guan Heng's words and said sloppily: "You don't need me now anyway , I'm going to play by myself. "

"Okay, remember not to get into trouble, go, it's free time." Guan Heng was thinking about something at this moment, so he waved his hands and let Dovre play.

After the elf flew away, Sanqiu also yawned. He rubbed his dark circles and said, "No, I'm very sleepy now. I need to find a place to snooze. By the way, if your kid is fine tonight, just I talk about the dragon magic formations. "

Speaking, Sang Qiu turned around and walked away, Guan Heng watched him leave, at this time secretly whispered in his heart: "Strange, it stands to reason that the first people who should return to the island are Imira, Dorie and Ma Ze, why haven't these three people been moving? "

"There is something wrong, I have to go around the sea." Guan Heng gestured to Feng Yulong beside him: "Baro, let's go."

After a while, Guan Heng rode Fengyulong to a reef group west of the unknown island. This is where Ma Ze dived into the sea to practice.

Looking down from the air, Guan Heng soon found the traces of Imela and Dorie's little cymbals. The two were still sitting on the reef stupidly waiting.

"Hey, Imira, Dorie." Guan Heng shouted, while letting Fengyulong land on the reef, he asked, "Where's Maze? Why didn't you see him?"

"We don't know too well," said Imila, shaking her head and saying, "After coming here, Mazar will go ashore every hour, take a rest, and then reapply the snake avoidance cream to continue the water."

"Looking at Ma Zelian's hard work, we persuaded him to take a break, but he did not agree." Dorie said at this time: "But an hour ago, Ma Ze did not come up after entering the sea, we are discussing to find him ..."

"Sure enough, something went wrong." Guan Heng groaned a moment, then said, "You go back to the island first, and I will explore Maze here."

Imila and Dorie looked at each other. The latter hesitated, but nodded and said, "Then ... Sister Imela and I will go first."

"Baro, you take the two of them back to the island first," Guan Heng said. "There are still boats here. I can go back after I find Maze."

Duolui turned to look at Fengyu Longbalu, and he asked, "Brother Guanheng, who is this? Why haven't I seen it?"

"Well, I'll introduce it to you," Guan Heng said. "This is Balu Longluod's elder brother, Baru, who has just become my new mount. Please ask me about it on the way."

Imira and Dorie immediately went to Fengyulong, and they also felt very novel. Then, Baru flew straight to the sky in a hurry, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What happened to this guy, Ma Ze?" Watching Feng Yulong took Yi Meila away, Guan Heng stared at the swelling waves at this moment, his heart secretly said: "He has been in the sea for too long. , I have to find the trace of this guy. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.13, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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