Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1287: Ma Ze in distress (fifth more outbreak)

Thinking of this, Guan Heng just stepped towards the sea. Suddenly, the waves in the sea turned over, and a giant sea snake with five stars shining on his head came out. Guan Heng's eyes flickered and he whispered, "Why are you? "

It turned out that after merging the seven-star sea snake king beast soul, Guan Heng already has the ability to control all giant sea snakes in this area. In order to prevent the dragon legionnaires from sneaking into the island of Mrs. Jiang Ge and the castle of Coro Island, let him Many giant sea snakes lurk in the nearby seas to patrol. This five-star giant sea snake is one of the small commanders of one of the sea snake patrols.

"Hissing-hissing-" The five-star giant sea snake faced Guan Heng, hissed a few respectfully, so that the message had been transmitted to him.

"You mean, a few days ago, a tsunami and a huge shock broke out for no reason on the nearby sea floor. The aftershocks lasted up to an hour, and there were huge trenches and rapid vortices on the bottom of this reef group?"

After hearing the report of the five-star giant sea snake, Guan Heng was shocked in his heart: "Oops, Ma Ze, wouldn't he be involved in the underwater vortex?"

"Although Ma Ze's strength is not bad, but in the face of such a huge natural disaster, he is unable to escape." A drop of sweat slowly rolled down from Guan Heng's forehead to his jaw. At this moment, Guan Heng dare no longer Hesitating, he shouted at the five-star giant sea snake: "Lead the way ahead, and quickly lead me to the trench vortex."

The next moment, the five-star giant sea snake slid into the sea, and Guan Heng took a big step and followed closely. The moment he entered the water, Guan Heng's body suddenly opened a barrier formed by the power of the dragon god. Secluded, while Guan Heng can travel quickly in the sea.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The five-star giant sea snake and Guan Heng reached the bottom of the sea several kilometers away at the same time. There has already been a huge trench no less than one kilometer in length. Due to the deepness of the trench, the surrounding water flow has formed a huge rotation pattern. , Any living creature in the sea will be dragged into the trench by this torrent, and the life or death is unknown.

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly, because he had seen something very familiar, obliquely inserted into a raised coral reef on the edge of the trench.

"It's Mazar's keel spear! He really has an accident." Suddenly stretched out a hand, took a shot with the power of the dragon god, and the keel spear that had penetrated deep into the coral reef drawn a rapid water in the sea. Line, "slap!" The electric light flint flew to Guan Heng's hand.

"Ma Ze has always kept his weapon, and now the keel spear has been lost, he must have been accidental." Guan Heng turned to electricity, and his brain immediately analyzed: "The most likely thing is that he was caught inside the trench, I Must look for him. "

At this moment, the five-star giant sea snake next to Guan Heng suddenly became unstable, and was suddenly rolled into the center of the vortex by the sharp current, and said that he was holding on to the tail of the giant sea snake. He shouted and tossed it in the opposite direction.

"It's dangerous here, you go quickly." Guan Heng said this, and waved at the giant sea snake, who, in the event of an amnesty, reversed his body and ran away in the distance, fleeing in desperation.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "If you want to enter the inside of the trench, you can't fight against the whirlpool rapids, you should swim in, so that you can go straight to the bottom of the trench."

After making up his mind, Guan Heng's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he rushed straight into the core of the vortex near the trench.

"Woohoo— 唰 唰 唰 ——" For a while, Guan Heng just felt like he was being grabbed by a giant body and kept spinning and spinning. For a moment, he was dizzy, "guh ..." The body was severely plunged into the trench by the powerful power of the vortex!

"Bang!" Guan Heng's body did not know how long he had fallen on the inside of the trench, and finally fell heavily on a stone wall. If it were not for his toughness and toughness, some of the dragon's power attached to the body's body would protect him. He was seriously injured.

"Uh ... strange, here ... there is breathing air ?!" Guan Heng stood up with a dreadful head and muttered, "Where is this place?"

If you look closely at the surrounding environment, it turns out that this is a cave that has been expanded by a gap in the trench. Because the interior is winding and tortuous, and there is no seawater outside, it cannot be poured in, so that there is air for people to breathe.

"It seems I was thrown in by the inertia of the vortex ..."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng was looking for a way out, but accidentally found a series of wet footprints on the ground. Guan Heng moved: "If there is anyone other than me near here, then it must be Ma Ze, hurry up Check it out. "

With this obvious trace, Guan Heng pulled his leg and chased. Maybe when Ma Ze came here, it was a while earlier than Guan Heng, so Guan Heng walked along his footsteps and walked along the road, never met him.

"It's weird. Where did Ma Ze go?" Guan Heng chased as he thought, "He didn't hesitate in the direction of the move, probably because there was no fork here."

"Tick-tick-" The stone walls along the way became more and more humid. Guan Heng could even hear the sound of seawater nearby. He knew that the sea eye not far from the other end was at this time, but at this time, Ma Ze's footprint was It disappeared, and there were only some rough trails on the road, as if something huge had passed here.

On the surrounding stone walls, grooves scratched by hard objects also appeared, which was shocking.

"There must be some huge creature here that unexpectedly raided Ma Ze." Guan Heng squatted and checked his footprints and scratches on the surrounding walls. He whispered in his heart: "That thing must be able to shoot surprisingly fast, and Ma Ze didn't take advantage of the weapons in his hand, and the resistance was not timely, so he was captured."

Guan Heng analyzed and continued to chase forward, rushing out for more than a thousand meters, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and suddenly heard an unusual sound.

Looking up, there is an exit of a cave in front. When Guan Heng ran there, he found a raised stone platform. There was a seemingly calm sea of ​​water in front of him. The arrival made the sea water have a slight ripple.

"Whatever you are, it's best to quickly release the captured Maze." At this moment, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Otherwise, I would be angry."

It seemed to be felt that Guan Heng exudes endless murderous power, and the monster in the seawater suddenly responded, "Oh!" A tentacle that was more than tens of meters long and full of sharp barbs suddenly burst out of the water and suddenly turned Guan Heng rolled around his waist.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.13, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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