Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1288: Power Cut Siren (first)

"Looking for death!" Guan Heng's eyes flashed coldly, "Oh!" The dragon's double blades came out of the sheath quickly and incoherently, and the silver light appeared in the air. mutilation!

"噗嗤 ——" A large ray of **** red mist emerged, and the seawater suddenly became red. At this moment, the violent waves of the water surface were suddenly lifted for dozens of meters. "嗷!" A giant Siren with countless tentacles appeared in front of Guan Heng.

This giant Siren has a terrifying appearance. Except for the barb tentacles, it has only a huge cone-shaped head with a weird width and a narrow top. It looks similar to the octopus and squid, but the Siren is better than those ordinary ones. The sea creatures are more than a thousand times bigger, and the beast's body is a little bit worse than the small seven-star sea snake king.

"Maze hasn't been found yet, shouldn't it have been swallowed by this **** in front of me? Then his luck is too bad." Guan Heng thought of this, secretly carrying out "Longxiang", exclaimed Quickly flew towards the giant Siren in front.

"Animal, if you dare to eat my friend, then I just have to open your siren, and have to find Maze out."

"Oh!" Between the electric light and flint, the surface of the dragon's tooth blade in Guan Heng palm produced a strange shape, and a sharp grudge immediately attached to it. This was not the grudge of the battle dragon Recamo, but-and It's a real "dragon spirit"!

The dragon **** Ganesha was the most outstanding war **** in the ancient times of the three gods and the ancient land of Saint LP. In addition to being proficient in various dragon magic spells, even the vindictive cultivation is also the crown of Saint LP. Although Guan Heng can't display all the dragon spirits now, it is completely handy to use 10 to 20% of his power.

Dragon spirit is far from being comparable to a small Yalong such as Recamo. In a short time, the invisible knife gas of the dragon's tooth blade soared by ten meters, and it suddenly broke down.

"Dead!" Guan Heng's mouth just spit out the word coldly, wrapped in a sword that was enough to cut the heavens and the earth to separate the sea water in a short time, and passed directly through the huge tentacles that were thrown wildly. Siren's half head.

"Hey! Hey!" The sea monster's half-wrapped cone-shaped giant skull fell directly into the water, causing a hundred-meter-long giant wave to surge, and the sea water was instantly stained with a stinky red, but it was not over yet. .

"Ice Devil's Fight!"

"Oh!" The three cold chilling knives suddenly fell, slicing heavily on the remains of the giant Siren and the surrounding sea.

"Click ... wow ..." The ice magic knife, which was boosted by Dragon God's vigor, was unmatched, and in a short time, all the nearby areas were frozen. "I've curbed it a bit. I just froze the surface of the Kraken, hoping it won't affect Maze."

It was said that sooner or later, Guan Hengheng landed on the frozen water, and then began to look for Maze's trace.

"Hey, it really is here." Guan Heng ran along the cross section of the Kraken's corpse with a dragon tooth blade, and finally found Maze swallowed by this big guy.

At this moment, Ma Ze closed his eyes tightly in the Kraken's belly, and he did not know whether it was life or death, but his clothes had been melted by the Kraken stomach fluid. Guan Heng took the boss's strength to bring Ma Ze Pulled from a pile of stench flesh.

"It seems that the **** Siren's appetite is really good, even the undead can eat it." Guan Heng couldn't help but grin, he reached out and patted Ma Ze's face, and whispered: "Hey, man , Ma Ze, wake up quickly. "

After a while, Ma Ze gave a weak moan: "Uh ... where is this?"

"You ask me, then who should I ask?" Guan Hengzhen laughed. "I think it is probably a vacuum zone in a trench gap, but there should be a sea eye that communicates with the outside world."

Ma Ze opened his eyes and glanced at the person next to him. He asked, "Huan Heng? Why are you here?"

"It's not because of you." Guan Heng said: "You dived into the sea to study new gun skills, but you haven't landed for a long time. Imila and Dorie are a little worried, so I came to you, what happened? You咋 Will this siren swallow it? "

"I only remembered that when I was training a gun on the sea floor, I found a vortex nearby, so I thought of using the power of the vortex to compete with myself to improve my strength, but it seemed to be drawn into the inner side of the trench because it was too close. "

Ma Ze took the keel spear handed off by Guan Heng, used it as a crutch, and then said, "When my weapon fell into the trench, I slammed it on the coral reef just to inform the people who came to me. I fell into the trench myself. "

"I don't see how smart you are. I only inferred that you fell into the trench after I found the keel spear." Guan Heng continued to ask, "What happened after that?"

"I was stunned by the power of the vortex. When I woke up, I was already in a breathing cave."

Ma Ze went on to say, "In order to get away, I had to continue to move forward, but I didn't know how long to fumble forward. Suddenly, a barb tentacle stretched out grabbed me, and finally dragged and pulled me After entering the sea, after that, it seemed like a huge thing swallowed me up ... and then I knew nothing. "

"Anyway, we should leave here first ..."

Just after half of this sentence, Guan Heng suddenly remembered something. He said to Ma Ze: "When Borui and I went to look for the Soul Monster Stele, I encountered a skeleton leader in the underground maze of the abandoned temple, but it was deep After being stimulated, he evolved into the Skeleton King and realized that 'the undead king is fighting.' "

"Then when I got the memory of the Skeleton King guy, I wrote down the King ’s combative learning method by the way." Guan Heng said: "Although they are undead creatures, I think this kingly combativeness may improve your strength. Now Just to tell you. "

"Thank you, then." Ma Ze was very happy when he knew about this situation, so Guan Heng told Ma Ze the trick of the undead king ’s fighting practice. The way to learn the fighting of the undead is actually very simple. "Death", you can continue to grow yourself.

What is the most deadly thing?

The answer is, of course—ghost souls, the most important thing in Guan Heng ’s hand is the soul stone, so after the two got out of the sea, Guan Heng gave Ma Ze a lot of soul stones, including beast souls and dragon souls. Other monster souls, these are enough for Ma Ze to absorb the king's vindication.

In this way, Guan Heng and Ma Ze emerged from the sea, not even the sampan plates of the reef group, and returned to the unknown island directly on the five-star giant sea snake summoned by Guan Heng.

—— [2016.6.14 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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