Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1289: Proposal Rhapsody

At this moment, Ma Zemo was thinking about Guan Hengjiao ’s King ’s fighting tactics, and he found a place to think about it. On the way, I met Imela and Dorie and greeted him. Who knew that Ma Ze was too obsessed and just said vaguely A word of entertainment, in a blink of an eye, take care of itself.

"This guy, I really don't know how to deal with it." Dorie was so angry when he saw Ma Ze's absent-mindedness: "We were still worried about him just now, and I will never help Ma Ze again."

"Hahaha, don't bother with Maze, he was already a dull guy." Guan Heng asked suddenly, "What about my new mount, Fengyu Longbaru? Why didn't you see it?"

"Bory came back a while ago. He said that over the castle of Coro Island, Prince Sisso sent us a lot of things. He couldn't hold himself, so he took Barula as a coolie."

Imila grinned at this moment: "The guy Baru was a little unhappy, but Borui said that there were countless food and wine at the banquet held by the prince, and he immediately drank Fengyulong. I like drinking very much, so I followed Borui. "

"Well, this guy Baru is really low in intelligence. He was easily bought by food." Guan Heng shook his head with a bitter smile, and then asked: "What are you going to do now?"

"Ah, the new elf Dovre seems to be entangled with Sister Akin." Dorie smiled strangely at this time, he said with a smile: "Big Guan Heng, you are right back, we are just going to watch the fun . "

At this moment, Imila also smiled and said, "Yeah, brother Heng Heng, your guardian elf is really interesting. It is a living treasure, hahaha."

"You two, why are you smiling so strangely?" Guan Heng saw the words of the two flicker, his expression was also ancient and weird, and he murmured in his mouth: "Don't it be Doffer's troublemaker? What a stupid thing? I can't stand it ... "

"Ahhhhh! Douf, you stay away from me." At this moment, Akin shouted hurriedly from the other side of the beach: "Help, help me, stop this little lunatic."

"What the **** is going on?" Guan Heng heard A Jin's shout, which involved Dovre, and his head buzzed suddenly, becoming bigger than two.

"I don't think so, and it's caused me trouble." Guan Hengqi roared angrily: "Duffel, what are you doing? What's crazy?"

"Uh, savior, you finally came back." A Jin, who rushed to see Guan Heng at a glance, ran over, and hid behind Heng Heng in an instant. A Jin called: "Guan Heng, this is your guardian spirit. Stop her. "

"Wait a minute, I haven't asked yet." Guan Heng turned to glance at Akin: "What the **** is going on?"

"It's terrible. At first I thought Dovre was a very cute little guy." At this moment, Akin took out his handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and breathed out, "No Think of her, she ... "

Guan Henggang wanted to ask "What happened to Dovre ...", at this time, I heard a pleasant voice from the distant guardian elves: "Akin-don't run, I'm here."

"Guan Heng, please, don't let that little madman come over." A Jin shrank behind Guan Heng, shaking his shoulders vigorously, "I can't stand her."

"Oh!" Said time and time again, a swift and violent hurricane rushed in the air, and flew towards A Jin behind Guan Heng.

"Duffel, don't make a fool." Although the speed of the other party is fast, in Guan Heng's eyes it is no different from slow motion. In a low snoring sound, he stretched out his left hand like a lightning, and immediately stopped the guard elves.

"Pop!" Dove rushed too fast, hitting Guan Heng's palm, hurt her so much, and immediately fell down all the way, and finally managed to stabilize her figure in the air.

"I didn't make a fool of it." Doffer's whereabouts fell on Guan Heng's shoulder, she said seriously: "People really like Akin, what's wrong with this?"

"Like Akin?" Guan Heng asked inexplicably, "Why are you chasing her everywhere?"

"I don't know." Doffer was still holding a bright wild flower at this moment, she smiled and said, "Originally, I had a good chat with her, but when I asked Akin to 'propose', She was frightened and fled. "

"Tongtong!" After listening to this sentence, Imila and Dole next to them all laughed and fell to the ground: "Hahaha, after hearing it again, I still feel too funny."

Even Guan Heng couldn't help laughing at this moment: "Hehehe ..."

"Are you still laughing ?!" At this moment, A Jin slaps Guan Hengmen in an anxious manner, she cried, "It's all bad for you, and adopt a so-so-quick little guy back, I don't care, you should take her Set it off for me, or I and you will never end! "

"Well, I'll go to Mr. Shaharu to get the magic guide." Akin finished, turned and walked away. Looking at her back, Guan Heng asked, "Hey, Dove, did you really propose to Akin ?!"

"Yes, people are very serious." Dovre said: "Our guardian elves are rare creatures, so when we grow up, we must find good people to marry and breed the next generation. I like Akin, so I want to marry her. "

"But ... if I remember correctly, you seem to be a girl ..." With a sigh, Guan Heng rubbed his aching head and said, "This is the key to the problem."

"All girls can have children?" Dovre said solemnly: "Then I can have a baby after I marry Akin, why doesn't she agree?"

"Fool, women and girls can't have children, you idiot elf." Guan Heng said angrily: "Take a step back and say that there is a chance to have children, and she agreed to your proposal, But you are so small, you still can't do much. "

"Yeah!" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, Doffer on his shoulders fluttered, and the dazzling colorful lights flashed instantly. The next moment, this rice-grain guardian elf turned into a normal person. Height size.

A red-brown wavy shawl hair, exquisite and beautiful features, pointed and delicate ears, a suspender skirt embellished with emerald pattern, orange lace, and a pair of white and tender ankles tied with two strings of gold bells, light The wind blew through, and it was very pleasant.

What is most conspicuous is that there are two pairs of wings as thin as cicadas behind the Dovell. The lines are clear. The sunlight is shining, and the streamers cannot blink. How dazzling.

—— [2016.6.14 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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