Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1293: Town adventure (first)

"So from now on, I want to be a thief who never kills, stealing all the unkind guys in the world, hahaha."

Juvenile Ruta raised her head with a chuckle, he suddenly turned around and just touched Guan Guan's gaze behind him. Ruta's body suddenly flashed white light and disappeared. At this time, only a gray fragment of slap left, Guan Heng Quickly walked over and leaned over to pick it up.

"It seems this is the incomplete fragment of memory when Luta was a boy." Guan Heng murmured holding the gray fragment: "Smelly boy, when others make a wish when they are young, they are all good people, only you have made great ambitions since childhood. It was a thief, haha. "

At this time, the haystack in front of Guan Heng also suddenly changed dramatically, and a fist-sized, green-green bead suddenly appeared on it.

"Huh? Looking at the shape reminiscent of grass seeds, I did not expect that in Ruta's mind, it would become so big." Guan Heng stepped forward to look carefully, and then touched the green beads with the gray fragments in his palm. "Oh!" This bead created a suction power, and immediately sucked the gray debris into it.

"Successful, now Ruta already has part of the crippled teenage memory, and I successfully prevented him from having the idea of ​​killing. That should be the dark side of Pawn left in his mind."

Guan Heng smiled slightly before he could do the next move. The surrounding scene suddenly changed. It suddenly became noon in the hot sun. Around him was the scene of a hotel. Guan Heng stood at the door at this moment. Vice looked at a loss.

"The pub ... I don't know if this is Ruta, when is the memory." Thinking of this, Guan Heng walked to the bar counter and found a seat to sit down. At this moment, a beautifully dressed pub waitress asked: "Handsome guy, I want to drink What? "

Guan Heng pointed to the drink in front of a strong man around him: "Give me a cup the same as this gentleman."

The thick and brawny man had a beard like a steel needle, and his body was covered with scars, scars, and scars. The man had thick eyebrows and fierce eyes, but was surprisingly kind. He smiled and said to Guan Heng: "Little Is the brother's first visit to the pub in Baihe Town? "

Guan Heng replied, "Yes, I am a foreigner. What is your brother's name?"

"My name is Sahe, and I'm a mercenary."

The bearded man said, "I recently took a job and felt that independence was difficult to complete, so I'm soliciting helpers everywhere. I heard that a young thief in this town who is good at cracking the labyrinth institutions is called Ruta. I am Come looking for him, by the way, do you know him, little brother? "

When Guan Heng was about to answer, he heard a loud noise. The wooden door of the tavern was knocked open by flying feet, and three or four rude men with swords and swords came in from the outside. One of them was discouraged. : "Damn Ruta, she interjected and took the gold that our robbers had snatched, so I caught him and slashed the kid with one stroke."

"Boss, the boy Rutana is good at disguising himself as someone else, let's be careful." Another robber warned cautiously: "A sneak attack, or stealing the things around others silently, is what the boy is best at Trick, we have to guard against it. "

"Well, you're right. The kid from Rutta is so cunning. After catching him, I must let him torture and die."

The robber leader said here, and Leng Sensen's eyes turned to the people in the tavern. He slowly said, "Look carefully if there are any strangers here. Maybe it's Rutana's kid posing."

"Examine everyone to see if there are any flaws." The burglar leader was almost vicious and he shouted no matter how much he shouted. He immediately ordered his robbers to start harassing the alcoholics around him. The beard saw this scene, their faces were slightly dull, and the two of them were about to attack at the same time, and at this moment, a sharp female voice called out: "Bastard, why do you touch me ?!"

"I ... I didn't!" A sand thief raised his hands in a hurry, and he supported me, "I didn't come to you at all, how could I touch you?"

"Nonsense, look at your mean mouse eyes, and keep aiming at Miss Ben."

The screaming woman was tall and ugly, with freckles on her face. Normal people would not look at her more, but the girl thought she was a fairy. She continued to say sharply: "I see you It ’s not a good thing. You are just using your eyes to tease this girl. It ’s a shameless indecent guy! "

After hearing what the freckles said, the people in the hotel just felt the stomach tumbling in their stomachs, and the guys who couldn't bear it all began to stoop and vomit: "Woohoo ... so disgusting !!"

At this moment, the freckled woman was getting more and more excited. Huo stood up and kicked in the middle of the burglar's legs with a crotch: "Bastard, let you know that this girl is not a bully."

"嗷 ——" His "golden place" was hit badly, and the burglar suddenly screamed and fell. He covered his crotch with his hands, and it felt like a prawn crouching.

"Hahaha, deserve it!" Instead of being angry, the bandit leader and the two men were happy, and they laughed in unison: "Your boy is so lascivious, this kind of goods can also be touched, hahaha."

The freckled woman scolded and stunned the burglars on the ground, picked up the bag on the table and turned out of the tavern door. She yelled before leaving: "Your boy, don't run, I'll go home and find someone to pack you."

After the ugly freckled woman left, Guan Heng patted Sahei around and said with a smile: "Dude, aren't you looking for Luta? That was just out."

"What ?!" Guan Heng's voice was not small, and it had spread throughout the tavern. All the people on the scene, including Sahei and the robbers, were shocked. Sahei said at this time: "But But that is obviously an ugly woman. "

"Yes, because Ruta's Yi Rongshu is really good, there are not many flaws exposed."

Guan Heng picked up the glass at this time and took a sip, then said, "But when he talked, his chin was too high, and the throat knots were all seen by me, and when the ugly woman left, the baggage she took seemed It ’s heavy, I guess, it ’s either a gold brick or a gold nugget, but it ’s a very valuable thing. ”

"Abominable smelly boy, why didn't you say it earlier?" The burglar leader yelled angrily at this time: "It actually hurt me to miss the chance to catch Rutan."

"Hehehe, there are three reasons." Guan Heng gently lowered the wine glass, and leaned at the pirates, leaning at the same time, and said, "First, I don't look at you pleasing to the eye, second, you stirred my interest in drinking, third ... because I'm happy !!! "

"That's why, I killed you!" At this moment, a sand robber couldn't hold the anger that burst into his heart, pulled out the machete around his waist, and slammed it across Guanheng's neck fiercely.

—— [2016.6.15 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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