Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1294: benefactor

"Bang!" Without waiting for him to cross hands, Sahei, a bearded mercenary next to him, lifted a chair and smashed into the other's head. Sahei shouted, "It's so coincident, I see you displeased. go to hell!"

"Brother, I admire your arrogance, I will simply solve these miscellaneous pieces, and then go to Ruta." Sahe turned and smiled at Guan Hengyan: "Do it."

"Bang, bang, bang! Wow--"

Guan Heng and Sahei punched and kicked, and got a few robbers with swollen noses, but when Guan Heng grabbed the burglar leader and raised his fist to punch him, the guy said hard: "Don't be proud, think Ruta can really Can you escape? Our leader has long led hundreds of people and surrounded the town's exit. The boy of Rutta ... waits to be chopped into eighteen pieces. "

"Well, maybe Rutta really has an accident, let's hurry to help him." Guan Heng fisted the little boss out of the window, and then led Sahe out of the pub door.

At the same time, near the exit of Baihe Town, Ruta, who was disguised as an ugly girl, was intercepted by the commander of Sand Pirates. Although the young Ruta was superb in stealing skills, it was a pity that the fighting was not good, and within a few minutes, Let Zhongsha Pirates cut off the short blade in his hand and tied it firmly.

"Small-slap!" The commander's riding whip turned Ruta's neck unflinchingly, and this guy's eyes flashed a cold bloodthirsty cold light: "Ruta, you are so bold and dare to touch my gold, today I'll give you a lifeless lesson, let the people in this town see, what the **** is going to be against our burglar group! "

"Driving--" The steel spurs of the big-legged leather boots led the horse's abdomen. The mount immediately screamed and screamed. He saw its four-hoof flying over and ran towards the town.

The horses were running wild, and a straight long whip dragged Ruta to the ground, listening only to the harsh sound of Dora, the sixteen or seven-year-old Ruta was suddenly rubbed by the sharp stones and gravel on the ground, and it hurt. He screamed loudly, but those inhuman robbers looked with interest and laughed from time to time.

At this moment, Guan Heng and Sahei arrived. At this moment Sahei pulled out the short blade in his boots and flew away. "Hoo!" This cold light flew towards the commander of the horse.

"Huh? Dare to attack me ?!" The burglar leader has some real skills. He turned his wrist and pulled out the steel sword in his hand, and hit the short blade, but at this moment, Guan Heng tiptoed and was anxious. Going out, he already caught the long whip that bound Ruta's neck.

"Uh ah ah!" Guan Heng, who was holding his arms, yelled suddenly, "Give me a break!"

"Slap!" The long whip snapped, and the immediate leader's figure was unstable, and almost one of the onions fell down. Seeing that someone had rescued Ruta, the stunned burglar leader yelled, "Dare you do me good, come, chop them all for me!"

Hundreds of sand robbers sang in unison at once, just listening to the sound of the horseshoes. The guys surrounded Guan Heng, Sa Hei, and Ruta in a circle, and began to walk around in circles. From time to time roaring bellows, Sabre steel sword held his head high, shimmering in the hot sun, really scary, this is the tactic that sand robbers used to siege the enemy.

"Brother Ruta, be careful." The bearded Sahei saw Ruta being injured lightly and took the initiative to protect him. "Two brothers, I thank you for your life-saving grace."

At this moment, Ruta was covering her wounds and panting, "But these sand robbers are all demons who kill and don't blink. Leave me alone, let's run away first."

"Hahaha, little brother Ruta, I heard that the gold you stole from the sand has been fully given to the poor people in the town." The bearded Sahei slowly pulled out the three-foot steel blade at his waist, He smiled arrogantly: "Just give your kindness to your little brother, I will help you."

"Sahei is right. Your kid is very good now." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "Besides, we can't just stand here and die."

The words didn't fall. Two vicious sand robbers in the horse riding circle couldn't hold it. They shouted and swooped at the three people in the circle, waving their blades.

"Yeah!" The blade slashed across the door fiercely, and ducked away in a stern manner. He reached out and quickly grabbed the opponent's wrist, twisting and dragging. The hard crossbow box next to the saddle was also snatched by Guanheng in the flashlight.

"Luta, take your defense." Guan Heng threw the hard crossbow box to the boy, and he ducked around, swept around the other horse's belly, and slashed his leg with a knife.

"咴 咴 —— 唏 呖 呖 ——" The horse broke its leg, screaming for a while that the horse lost its forefoot. The robbers fell off their horses, their noses and faces were swollen, and Guan Heng snatched a curved edge in the gap.

The next moment, I saw Daoguang Huohuo, and the roar continued, Guan Heng, Ruta, and Sahei and the group of vertical horses robbers killed an inextricably.

Although three people are desperately fighting, hundreds of sand robbers will stand still and let you cut, and the blade will also be rolled, not to mention those fierce enemies. In this way, the three men fight and retreat, gradually being blocked. In a poor alley.

"Abominable, I want to kill hundreds of sand robbers like crushing ants ..."

Guan Heng relied on his martial arts skills at this time, but he was not hurt, but Sahei and Ruta saw a lot of color, especially Ruta had been seriously injured by the running horse. At this moment, he was just struggling to support it. Withered.

"Well!" Han Guang flashed sharply, the curved blade came across, Ruta closed her eyes: "It's over, it seems I'm going to die in Baihe Town today ..."

"噗嗤 ——" The other side's blade was cut, but Ruta didn't feel the slightest pain, but there were a few warm drops of water splashing on his face, and when he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him made Luta never forget his life .

It turned out that on the occasion of a stern attack, Sahei extended his arms without hesitation and blocked the cutting edge of Ruta. His arm broke off and crashed to the ground.

A tough guy, although the blood flow was broken at the broken arm, Sa Hei didn't even say a word, and still just smiled at Ruta hehe.

Guan Heng rushed forward at this moment, flying up and kicking on the wood pile at the alley, the firewood roared around, riding on a horse for a while, could not approach, taking this opportunity, Guan Hengshun tore off one of Luta's placket To help Sahei bandage the wound to stop the bleeding, at this time they have retreated to the end of the back alley, there are chasers in front, there is no retreat.

"Ah-ah, Brother Sahei, why are you doing this?" At this moment, Ruta was crying and tears kept flowing across his face: "We are just just meeting today, how can you be strange to me? Do people use their arms to block the knife? It's not worth it. "

—— [2016.6.15 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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