Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1305: Head to Stone Demon City (third more)

"As for the trail of Tivelo, leave it to me to investigate." Ma Ze said at this time: "After all, I have been tracking the whereabouts of the Demon Dragon, after all, we can act in two ways."

"Tivelo is also my genocide." Dorie said at this time, clasping the bow of the dragon wing, "I want to act with Ma Ze ... brother."

"I don't want to be alone, just go with you." Wiping the magic guide in his hand, Akin immediately inserted it into the holster: "That's it."

"Okay, Maze, Dorie, and Akin go to find Tirillo's whereabouts." Guan Heng began to dispatch troops at this time: "Others follow me to the Grand Canyon of the Stone Devil City. ? "

"Well ... I'm going with Akin ..." Doffer, who was eating nectar at this time, suddenly raised his head and said, "For love, I want ..."

"Small thing, you shut up." Guan Heng touched the pendant on his neck at this time, and stole the guardian elves back, he shook his head and said, "This is not the time to make you mess."

"Let ’s go, let ’s set off first." Ma Ze got up at this time and took Douli to prepare the ship. Akin took out a map of the whole land of St. Lompland and marked it on it. "And gave it to Guan Heng, she said:" Guan Heng, pay attention to safety, and remember to protect everyone. "

"Got it, you, Maze and Dorie must also be more careful." After Guan Heng instructed this, Akin turned away.

At this moment, Guan Heng asked Feng Yulong: "Balu, how many people can you fly at a time?"

"At the fastest speed, two people are already at their limits." Feng Yulong thought for a while and said, "If I overload, I can't fly, but it will delay a lot of time."

"So let's go, Zovi, Imira and Ruta take the Black Rose magic balloon to the city of Gageira and wait there." Guan Heng said, "Borui and I first went to the Stone Canyon Grand Canyon, and then Borui uses the teleportation spell to pick you up at Gageira City, which saves time. "

Recently, Akin improved the magic balloon a little. The time it took to sit back from the island to Gageira City was about an hour. At that time, Guan Heng and Borui must have taken the Baru to fly to the stone magic city. Therefore, Guan Heng's decision was the most secure and swift. Everyone had no objection, so they started to act.


Fengyu Long Baru's speed is indeed very fast, coupled with the wind-based Dragon Mantra taught to him by Guan Heng, it is even more swift to fly.

It's just that the boy Borui is a bit uncomfortable. When Baru flew for about twenty minutes, Borui suddenly yelled, "Fast landing! I can't--"

Hearing Borui's shouting was very miserable, Guan Heng quickly let Feng Yulong land on an avenue.

"Gee-goo-goo-hoo-hhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh been even since Borui turned over and fell off the dragon back, he hurried to the side of the road and spit out loudly.

Seeing him like this, Guan Heng said with tears of laughter: "Well, this kid really has no life to enjoy. Barrow, you are only a little faster, and he is 'fainted.'"

"Halo ***** Lu blinked and asked curiously:" Master Guan Heng, what kind of chicken is halo? " "

"Uh ... what a bad word, where is the concept of airsickness in this world?" Guan Heng quickly cleared his throat: "Cough, airsickness is a slang term, meaning to be afraid of heights."

"Oh, is that so? Human slang is really weird." Fengyu Long Baru shook his head and said he was very puzzled. At this moment, Borui also vomited almost, he wiped his mouth. The filth was about to talk to Guan Heng. At this moment, he heard the sky not far away, and suddenly a loud roar came out.

"This is ... Dragon Roar ?!" Guan Heng and Borui and Feng Yulong glanced at each other, and Baru said, "I feel like the sound of two snake-necked dragons, Lord Guan Heng, what should we do? do?"

Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly, he whispered: "It's not far from the Stone Demon City here. Those who ride the snake-necked dragon are most likely the phantom dragon legion. Let's hide it first. If there are not many people, immediately The trap sets for intelligence. "

Two people and one dragon, three figures rushed into the nearby woods. Within half a minute, I saw three snake-necked dragons flying in the air, and someone shouted: "What we carry is really There are too many mounts to hold up. Take a rest here first. "

The other two knights agreed, so the three snake-necked dragons slammed down and slammed down the road. On the backs of the three dragons, apart from riding a black armor with a long blade on their backs Besides the people, he also brought a few mouthfuls of heavy boxes, and the snake-necked dragons were snoring and panting, it was clear that they were overwhelmed.

"Huh, this errand is really exhausting." One of the black armored warriors unscrewed the kettle around his waist, snorted and sipped several times, watching this guy's face fleshy, his teeth glazed and his eyes glazed. The eyebrows, coupled with the dark complexion, are clearly the appearance of the Demon.

The Demon Black Armored Warrior threw the kettle to another companion and complained with a mouthful: "You and I were patrolling at the stone magic city station. I didn't expect to suddenly encounter the leader of the army to assign tasks. Coolie porter, what a bad luck! "

The remaining two Mozu black armored warriors immediately hissed and said, "Don't complain about the decision of the chief of Kouhan's army. He is now the Red Man of the Demon Domain. If these words reach his ears, we don't know how to die. "

"Your guts are so far away. There is still a hundred miles away from the stone monster city." The first warrior with a black armor said, "I thought that the commander of the Kouhan army could hear anything ..."

"Papa!" With that said, the boy was still very dishonestly kicking the box on the snake-necked dragon, and he smiled: "Look, isn't this all right?"

"You bastard, you're crazy!" Seeing this, another black armor warrior yelled, "That is the treasure of the Legion Commander who has been told not to be lost. What if you are kicked?"

"Hahaha, what's so great, the head of the army can't see it ... uh ?!"

The laughter of this black armored warrior came to an abrupt end. It turned out to be silent behind Guan Heng, swiftly and fistlessly knocked him out. The other two black armored warriors were frightened, yet The next reaction took place, and the back of the head was also hit badly. It was Borui's Dragon Wand and Baru's claw.

When the three snake-necked dragons saw their master knight falling to the ground, they were startled and screamed, but at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly released a courage of the dragon **** and suddenly scared the snake-necked dragon full of weakness. , Tong Tong lying on the ground shivering.

—— [2016.6.17 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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