Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1306: Questioning messages

"Pap." Guan Heng reached out and slapped the first Black Warrior who had spoken first, and immediately awakened him. As soon as the Demon Black Warrior shook his head and opened his eyes, he saw that the cold tooth of the dragon's teeth had already Crossed his neck.

"Eh! You are ..." Guan Heng didn't bother asking the other person's question, he just said coldly: "Now it's my question, you answer, if you dare to say a word wrong, you must see some blood, understand? "

"I ... I know you!" The demonic black armor warrior saw Guan Heng's face, and his legs were frightened suddenly. He stunned and said, "Is that you, the strong tribe Guan Heng? ! "

Hearing his eyebrows tightly when he heard him recognize him, his hand was slightly tightened, and the dragon's tooth blade passed gently across his neck.

"Hey." The other side just felt that his neck was cold, and the three-inch-long knife edge suddenly overflowed with blood, and his pain suddenly grinned: "Uh!"

"I said that it was me, not you!" Guan Heng continued to ask, "Why do you know me?"

"The chief of the Kouhan army has sent a group of portraits of your strong human race, everyone has it." The coward's legs shook so much at this time, he said truthfully: "The chief of the army said, you must remember you Everyone's face must be killed if they encounter it in the future. "

"Go to you." Borui was so angry beside him that he flew up and kicked him on the back of the opponent: "Master Ben should kill you, the demons."

"Bo Rui. Don't rush to get angry first." Guan Heng first stopped his companion's radical action, and then asked aloud, "Is your station in the Grand Canyon of the Stone Devil City? Also, what is in this box? "

"I said, I said." The black armor warrior feared that he would endure further hardships. He said, "The location of our phantom dragon legion is indeed in the fortress of the Grand Canyon of the Stone Demon City. As for the boxes ... ... "

The Samurai warrior said here, his eyes flickered a little, Guan Heng growled and said, "What is it !?"

The captive whispered, "I don't really know what's in the box, but I've heard some rumors about the commander's pro-belief."

"Rumor ?!" Guan Heng and Borui glanced at each other, the latter asked the captive obliquely: "What rumor is that?"

"The cronies of the legionnaire have told us that in order to meet you and other strong human races, the captain of the legion Khan must set up a powerful formation in the Grand Canyon of the Stone Devil City that can defeat all opponents."

The black armored warrior glanced at the dragon's blade on his neck, he said bitterly: "In the past two days, the patrol samurai who have been temporarily deployed like ours have traveled to various places to transport and arrange the formation materials Yes, uncle, other things, I really don't know. "

"Looking at this boy, I'll check the truth of his confession again."

Guan Heng instructed Borui and Feng Yulong to stare at the captive, but he was pulling another comatose black armor warrior to a distance of tens of meters away, waking up the person, Guan Heng severely tortured a confession, and found out that the guy gave an account. It was true with the first person, so the sword fell from his hands, and the kid was killed.

Walking back to his companion, Guan Heng drew the Demon Black Armor Samurai into the roadside ditch, and then said to Borui and Feng Yulong: "Now I don't know what weird array of Cohan's assaults has been prepared to deal with us, It would be a bit of a hassle if it was like the reversal of the last coral island. "

"Boss, it's not the way to think about it here," Borui suggested. "It's better that we go to the stone magic city to investigate now. What do you say?"

"Well, that's the same reason," Guan Heng said. "Let's talk to the Grand Canyon first."

Borui immediately burned the boxes with the fire spell, and immediately took one of the snake-necked dragons and said, "Baro is flying too fast. I'd rather ride it, so it's safer."

Guan Heng indifferently spread his hands: "You can do it."

In this way, the two rode on the Fengyu Dragon and the Snake-necked Dragon without any delay. It took them no more than ten minutes to fly to the vicinity of Shimocheng Grand Canyon.

"I questioned the two captives just now, and I made it clear."

Guan Heng and Borui quietly landed in a low mountain at this time, he said to Borui: "The patrol of the Phantom Dragon Army patrols the air and the ground at the same time within two hours, and then moves down A group exchanges for the class, and their activity pattern is like this, with no special changes. "

"Then let's touch the fortress of the Phantom Dragon Legion."

At this moment, Borui was shaking his hands with excitement, but Guan Heng shook his head: "You don't have to touch both of them, have you forgotten your mission? You need to use the teleportation spell to connect Zowei and Imira. Come here, go now. As for the reconnaissance, just leave it to me. "

"It is said that this kind of thing that directly breaks into the core of the enemy camp is still the boss. You are the best at it." Borui sneered, and then he said: "Then I will go back to Gagera City first and pick up all our companions come."

"Well, after an hour, everyone meets in this mountain stream, and then we will discuss the offensive."

Guan Heng specifically told Borui: "Remember, at the appointed time, if you don't see me out, no one should act lightly, and all of them will be temporarily withdrawn from the city of Gageira, understand?"

"Boss you ..." Borui just wanted to ask, "What do you do?" Guan Guan said: "In case you can't wait for me, just leave Baru to stay when you retreat, I'll be a little later Get out and ride it back to Gagera City. "

Hearing that Guan Heng had planned everything, Borui nodded, and immediately returned to the castle of Gajra with a teleportation spell, while Guan Heng said to Baru: "Stun the snake neck Strange dragon, don't let it make any noise. "

"Master Guan Heng, I don't understand something." Feng Yulong asked strangely at this time: "I heard the third brother said that you have a" magic pet tube ", you can put in monsters like us It ’s very convenient, why do n’t you let me follow you in the tube of magic pets, but wait here? ”

"It's very simple. If I can't get out of trouble for a while because of the enemy's calculations, you can't fall with me, too," said Guan Heng. "This is done for the sake of your safety, and for the second time, you are also unexpected. You have the strength of life, you can go to help me quickly, understand? "

Fengyu Longbaru nodded: "I see." "Then I'm gone." After Guan Heng instructed these words, he rushed out of the low mountain stream and went straight towards the direction of the Stone Demon Grand Canyon. .

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.17, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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