Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1310: Obliteration of the lieutenant (third)

The appearance of the Sha people is different from that of ordinary people, but they grow in the arid desert area all the year round, so the skin on their faces is covered with rough cracks. It looks scary, but they do not easily start war. Peace race.

"It was the elders of the Sha clan who asked me to save you. Don't say anything else." Guan Heng glanced at the middle-aged sand clan in front of him, first unlocking the cell door three or two times, then helping them Removed handcuffs and fetters.

"If you want to get out, it's best to get a dozen patrol clothes." Guan Heng looked at the skinny and blood-stained Sha people in front of him, and then dragged the downed patrol into the cell. Stuck in the straw where the prisoner slept.

"Benefactor, I know how to get the clothes of the black armored patrolman."

A small Sha people suddenly said: "This stone demon fortress was originally where our Sha people lived. Although the demons robbed occupied and remodeled it, many of the interior rooms were left intact. I know they placed them. The storeroom for clothes is on the fifth floor. "

"That's great. It's not too late. We'll be right there."

Guan Heng saw that several people of the Sha ethnic group were too seriously injured, and some steps were difficult to perform, so he threw them a bottle of ambergris refining agent, which was a masterpiece of Mrs. Jiang Ge. Guan Heng said: Everyone takes a sip, and they recover quickly. "

At this moment, it was the lunch time of all the members of the Phantom Dragon Army, so there was no one in the corridor. Guan Heng quickly took 13 sand prisoners into the fifth-floor warehouse. Within a few minutes, everyone Each was replaced with the equipment of a Demon Black Armor, and everything was ready.

"Well ..." At this moment, Guan Heng thought for a while and said, "To escape with you safely, you may need to pass through the main entrance of the fortress ... that may be dangerous."

"No, Mr. Guan Heng, we can get away without going through the main entrance." After introducing himself just now, Guan Heng knew that the person who spoke was the older "Ke Song".

At this time, Kesong said, "This stone demon fortress is a huge project completed by our Sha people after hundreds of years. In addition to the ground floor, there are also underground passages that extend in all directions. They are intended to transfer people when foreign enemies invade. use."

Guan Heng listened alertly at this time, and noticed that there was no abnormal movement outside the warehouse. He asked, "So you know how to get to the secret road outside the Stone Demon Fortress, right?"

"Yes, not only does the secret passage allow us to escape from the fortress, but also leads to the woods outside the Grand Canyon, but the location of the secret passage is on the first floor," Ke Song said at this time, "so we still have to take a little risk, Go to the room on the first floor. "

"That's no problem," Guan Heng said. "I'm responsible for taking you to the first floor safely. Remember, if you are blocked by some people, don't panic. I'll take care of everything."

Thirteen Sha people nodded and said that Guan Heng immediately took them out of the storehouse door and walked straight towards the stairs leading to the first floor. On this way, although some patrolmen looked at Guan Heng with a doubt Some people looked at him, but they were all stunned by the prisoner's costume on Guan Heng body. They didn't dare to say anything, so everyone came to the first floor without any fear.

When a group of Sha people saw the dense room on the first floor, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, a cold voice came suddenly from the other side of the corridor: "Wait, so many of you are together Action, where are you going? "

When he heard the person's emphasis, Guan Heng frowned suddenly: "This person's voice sounds familiar ... By the way, it was the lieutenant who had spoken to the interrogator in the hallway before!"

At this moment, the dozens of Sha people also heard the voice of the lieutenant. They were very familiar with this guy. Kou Han's left and right hands killed dozens of Sha people, not even old women and young children.

At this time, Ke Song, a middle-aged sand man next to Guan Heng, clucked his fists because he had two brothers who died in the hands of the lieutenant. Shred him to avenge his loved ones, but he didn't dare to do so, because there are still a dozen brothers around who have not escaped the danger.

As soon as his eyes turned, Guan Heng suddenly thought about it, and he patted Patson's shoulder gently, so that he could calm his anger as much as possible.

Later, Guan Heng walked to the lieutenant and said charmingly, "I thought it was the lieutenant, this is what happened. The interrogator finally knew the black stone in the mouth of the old Sha thing. I heard that there are a lot of mezzanines in the front room, so let me take a few people to move things. Would you like to take a look with us? "

The lieutenant originally saw the suspicious behavior of Guan Heng and the Sha people, so he came to investigate. Who knew that Guan Heng said nothing, but it was like a heavy bomb exploded in the lieutenant's head.

At this moment, the lieutenant suddenly felt that his breathing was quick. You should know that something like "Sha Black Stone" is one of the items that Kou Han and the Phantom Dragon Army tried to get eagerly. How can he be kept calm?

Regardless of the degree of authenticity in Guan Heng's remarks, the lieutenant couldn't wait to growl: "Where is the thing? Take me immediately."

"Just here in the room, Lord Admiral, please." Guan Heng saw the opportunity unstoppable, and noticed that the Admiral was not following anyone else, so he immediately pushed the door and led the Adjutant into it. Then, 13 Sha people dressed up. The black armored warrior rushed in, and Ke Song closed the door.

"Where is the Shazu Blackstone hiding?" At this time, the lieutenant looked around in the room, but Guan Heng sneered slightly: "Sorry, Shazu Blackstone is not here, but 14 of them want your life. Death is here. "

"What did you say ?!" The lieutenant was surprised that something was wrong, but at this time, thirteen angry Sha people had rushed up, covering their mouths and heads, and then holding the lieutenant's limbs, The kid was fixed on the floor.

"Here." Guan Heng took out a short blade and handed it to Ke Song in front of him. "Let's start with some more. Today it's too late to kill this asshole."

"Thank you for your benevolence." Ke Song used to think that his tears had run out, but when he took the short blade, tears burst out again.

The next moment, the 13 Sha people, starting from the oldest Ke Song, each sent a few knives fiercely according to the deputy's heart socket and other vital points. The cold-blooded butcher finally stared at his terrified eyes and died of anger.

—— [The third change of 2016.6.18, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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