Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1311: Secret road accident

"Let's go." Guan Heng finished this sentence and handed a black stone to Ke Song: "This is what the elder asked me to transfer to you, please put it away first, don't lose it."

"Benefactor, what the Sha people have done for us has not been clear for generations ..." Ke Song said with tears, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and suddenly someone in the corridor outside shouted: "Mr. Lieutenant was still here just now, why did you suddenly disappear? Look for them in these rooms, Your Excellency Commander is about to summon him."

"No, Cohan, the legion leader of the Phantom Dragon Army, is back." Guan Heng sank, and then said to Ke Song, "You thirteen people can't stay long, so hurry up and escape along the path."

I heard Guan Heng say so, a dozen Sha people whispered in unison: "Benefactor, you have to walk together. Sha people will never leave friends."

"Haha, after hearing what you said, I knew that I hadn't saved the wrong person." Guan Heng said with a slight smile. "You go first. After I break behind, rest assured that I will catch up soon."

"Everyone is listening. We are now injured and disabled. We ca n’t help Eugong, and it will drag him down." Ke Song said at this time: "Only retreat first, Eugong, please remember that there are many forks in the dense road. , It ’s easy to get lost, whether it ’s three or two holes, please go to the left, because that is the right way out. ”

"Okay, I see, you guys go away." Guan Heng was approaching here when he heard the sound of the outside, and hurriedly waved them to let Ke Song enter the secret passage under the bed of the room. At this moment, the door handle of the room suddenly A move: "click."

"I'll go to you!" Guan Hengzhang yelled, and the dragon's tooth blade on his back came out of the sheath suddenly: "Ice magic sword triple cut!"

"唰 唰 唰-Kaka-Boom !!" Three arcs of cold-shaped knives with a length of several meters suddenly formed, suddenly rushing into the black armored soldiers who opened the door!

"Oh!" The narrow knife split the soldier's body into two, and immediately frozen the door and the corridor floor!

"Hey, I haven't used the magic spar made by Mrs. Jiang Ge for a long time. Please try this today."

Before Guan Heng turned and ran into the entrance of the secret passage, he threw out four spar stones, embedded in the collapsed door frame, and his body fell rapidly along the entrance. At this moment, there was a loud noise and a magic explosion. Stone has completely collapsed the house.


A few minutes later, Kou Han arrived and led a large number of men to the door.

At this moment, the mysterious legion's face shrouded in the black mist could not help but twitch, and Kou Han secretly said: "If anyone is so bold, dare to break into the stone monster fortress and rescue him. Sha prisoner, this person must be offensive, abominable. Does this guy have such a great deal of knowledge that he even knew my plan to deal with them? "

"No, no, Guan Heng must have come here to inquire about the truth. As for the rescue of Sha prisoners, it was just a matter of hand." Thinking of this, Kou Han was still angrily angry: "Abominable."

At this time, the captains of the two black patrols stepped forward in a panic and said in unison: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, it is our fault that we let the spy into the Stone Demon Bastion ..."

"Mixed things, now that you know you're wrong, let me die." Kou Han said here, with a wave of his hands, the whole body suddenly turned into two invisible big hands, and stunned the two Captains of the Black Armor. Neck throat!

"Click." The necks of the two men were suddenly crooked aside, and they couldn't die any more.

"Listen to me, send all the patrols at once, and be sure to catch the deserted Sha prisoners." After the two subordinates of Kou Han's spicy hand, he commanded calmly: "Regardless of life or death, even corpses. Must bring it back to the head of the delegation! "

...... After jumping into the secret road, Guan Heng made a slide-like trip along the ramp, and finally landed safely from a hole several meters high.

"It seems that this is the secret passage that the Sha people dug to avoid the flames of war and enemies." Guan Heng touched the exquisite carvings around the tunnel, and secretly said in his heart: "When the escape passage was dug, Forget about artistic creation, the Sha people are really interesting. "

As Guan Heng walked forward, he did not forget to find the traces of the dozen Sha people. Fortunately, there were the footprints of those people on the ground, and Guan Heng was in luck again and again.

After walking for ten minutes like this, Guan Heng suddenly noticed that there were three openings in front of him. Obviously, there was a fork in life and death. At this time, he remembered the words of Ke Song, a middle-aged sand man. The other party mentioned that he encountered a fork. Don't panic, just keep walking to the left.

So Guan Heng looked at the footprints on the ground and found that they were all going to the left. He was just about to follow, but unexpectedly found something wrong.

It was a magic pet's tube in Guan Heng's arms trembling slightly, it seemed that the guy inside thought it out.

"Yabu ?! Why are you awake at this time?" Although Guan Heng complained in his heart that the soul-sucking beast would not pick up, he still opened the tube of the magic pet and let the little one jump out.

"Oh, haha, I figured it out, but I was sullen in it." At this moment, Yabu, the soul-absorbing beast, fluttered his ears and made a roundabout in the air. At this time, Guan Heng said, "Yabu, wake up. How do you feel after you come here? After all, you have eaten so many ghosts. "

"No, I just feel like I'm a bit lighter than before." Yabu fell on Guan Heng's shoulder and smiled. "I'm hungry. Is there a soulstone to eat?"

"Yes, yes, it will definitely make you full." Guan Heng said, and was about to take out the Dragon Soul Stone to feed Yabu, but the soul-sucking animal suddenly raised its nose and sniffed twice: "咦What's this smell? It's so fragrant, and it's weird, like it's calling me ... "

At this point, Abu was like a demon, and flew straight to the hole on the right, and Guan Heng was anxious at first sight: "Abu, come back quickly, there is a dead end."

However, at this time, the speed of the soul-sucking beast was too fast, and its big ears were three and two, and they had pierced into the right hole.

"Jumbo, your pouting little thing really troubles me." Although Guan Heng scolded in his mouth, he couldn't let the other side ignore it, so he had to grab the first few steps and got into the right hole.

Guan Hengfa rushed to catch up all the way, faintly seeing Abu's figure flying not far ahead, he shouted, "Yabu, come back soon."

But at the same time, Yabu also turned back and shouted, "Guan Heng, there is a weird place in this place. Come on and see what I found ... Hmm? Oh yeah yeah--"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.18, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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