Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1312: Blackstone Space (fifth more outbreak)

Before Abu's words had been said, it issued a panic scream, and then, suddenly disappeared.

"Yabu ?!" Guan Heng looked very distant from the distance, coupled with the dimness in the hole, he didn't even know what was happening, so he ran as far as he could.

"Strange, Abu just disappeared here, but there is no strange feeling here." Guan Heng stood still at this time, looking around with confusion, and at this moment, his hand accidentally touched When I reached the rock wall, I suddenly felt a little clumsy, looked up, and found that there was something strange in the crack of the rock wall.

"This is ... the kind of" Sha Black Stone "given to me by the Elder Sha tribe!" Guan Heng was in doubt, and he reached out his hand subconsciously, trying to pull out the black stone to look carefully, but at this time, Guan Heng only Feeling a strong suction grabbing his hand, he was suddenly surprised.

"The body ..." Guan Heng responded quickly. He wanted to get rid of that strange suction quickly, but it was too late. The next moment, his body disappeared strangely.

"Bang!" After some time, Guan Heng's body suddenly fell from the air to the ground.

"Oh! I'm crushed--" A sudden scream came from beneath him, and Guan Heng quickly turned around and stood up, only to see that the soul-sucking animal Abu's head was deeply smashed into the soil at this time, Guan Heng Pulling his body hard, he pulled it out.

"Strange, where is this place?"

Guan Heng looked around. It was dark and dark, there was no sunlight in the sky, there was no vegetation on the ground, and the ground was dry and cracked. At this time, Yabu plunged into the soil hole he just made, and raised his head. When he came, he was holding a piece in his mouth, and was chewing deliciously.

"Yabu, what are you eating?" Guan Heng said angrily: "It's all because of your pouting little thing that we will fall here. You say, how can we leave?"

"Well, I don't know. I was outside the cave, and I just flew here when I smelled the strange scent here." Yabu chewed something in his mouth and said vaguely: "Tell him, Let me be full before I say it. "

"You—" Guan Heng sat angrily in the same place, he said arrogantly: "I can't take you anymore."

"Speaking of, what are you eating?" Guan Heng saw Yabu eating and chewing, and he couldn't help wondering. He reached out and picked up a piece of Yabu's food. It's the Black Stone of the Sha ethnic group again, and I'm really miserable by this kind of **** this time! "

"Well." Just as Guan Heng was talking, the imprinted stone urn on his neck flickered suddenly, and the guardian elf Doffer burst out.

"Hey, Guan Heng." Doffer yelled when he flew out of his head. "What's the matter with you? I haven't released me for a long time. I'm bored, you know?"

"Well, now is not the time for you to play." Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "We are now trapped in this weird space."

"What a weird space?" Doffer stunned in midair, and she suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha, you big fool, would you be trapped in such a place ?!"

"Hehehe, if you let me out sooner, maybe you have already gone home." Dovre rubbed his eyes that were about to burst into tears and said, "This is just a 'Control God Stone' mine in a different space. It's easy. You can go out. "

"Gangshen Stone Mine?" Guan Heng frowned slightly, then picked up a black stone and handed it to Dovre. "You said Gemstone, is this kind of thing?"

"That's right, this is the God-Controlling Stone." Dovre flew around the stone, then said resolutely: "In ancient times, there were many such alien space ore, like ordinary magic ore, fire Concentrates and ice crystals, and so on, and then there is this kind of rare god-controlling stone mine. "

"What is the use of this kind of ore?" Guan Heng tossed the black stone in his hand and said, "I didn't feel any magic energy in it."

"Well, how do you say that?" Dovre seemed unable to find an adjective to explain the role of the god-controlling stone. Her eyes suddenly fell on Yabu, a soul-sucking beast who was eating black stones, and pointed at the other person to ask him. Heng: "Who is this ugly foodie?"

"Hum--" Yabu heard scolding himself for being ugly. He immediately spit out a half of the stone in his mouth and immediately scolded: "You're the ugly eight monster."

"Dare you scold me and spray you with a bone mist." After being interrupted by food, Yabu appeared a little irritable. He flew into the air at Doffer and spit out a yellow mist: "Hoo!"

"Well, what's so great about this inaccessible trick?" Doffer was not affected at all in the face of the bone fog. She fanned the wings behind her, whispering in her mouth: "The fire of the elves, come out Come on, burn up these bad yellow mists! "

"Oh!" For a long time, Dovvormi's large body shivered, and suddenly a dazzling golden flame rose. The golden flame was getting bigger and bigger, and it was a few feet in diameter in the blink of an eye. Then look at the bone fog of Yabu. It was like meeting a natural nemesis, and it disappeared without a trace.

"Uh ?!" Yabu felt bad when he saw this situation: "Oops, my tricks have failed again." Thinking of the other party must not be aroused, Yabu's timid good quality was reflected again, he turned his head and thought Escape.

"Piggy head, where to go !!" Dovre has always been an overwhelming character, how could he easily let Yabu go, only to see the guardian elf disperse the golden flames around him, and hurriedly caught up with Ya who was about to run away Cloth, which fell on the big ear on one side of it, "Oh!"

"Uh ah ah-my mother!" Abu's ear is now a flying tool, and under severe pain it suddenly fell to the ground from mid-air, and Abu yelled, "Forgive me, never again Dare, it hurts-- "

"Serve it? You listen to me. From now on, I, Dovre will be your elder sister."

Doffer proudly rode on Abu's back and said: "Listen obediently to me and be my number one brother. In the future, I will not only bully you, but who dares to bully you, I can avenge you."

"Woohoo ... Okay, Sister Abu, after that, Abu listens to you." The soul-sucking beast snored and grunted at this moment, completely surrendered by Doffer. Guan Heng watched the excitement at this time, He quickly slaps his hands and says, "You two will wait for a while, Dove, I haven't answered what you said just now. What is the use of this control stone?"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.18, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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