Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1313: Ancient relics (first)

"Ah, I seem to remember."

At this time, Dovre lay on Yabu's back leisurely, twisting his counterpart's big fat ears. Yabu was painful and itchy, but he dared to anger, and said: "I listen to the guardian elves. The predecessors said that this kind of god-controlling stone is not strictly a stone, they are formed by the corrupt body of the ancient gods after death—crystals. "

"The ancient Protoss are the people who lived on the land of St. Lomplon tens of thousands of years ago. Their history can be traced back to a long time ago. I wonder if you have heard of the Titans?" Dovre blinked and said: "The Titans are the last descendants of the ancient Protoss, but unfortunately they have also perished for thousands of years."

After hearing this, Guan Heng asked casually, "How did these ancient protoss perish?"

"Who knows? After all, this is a long time ago, and the literature and word-of-mouth history do not explain it." Dovre said indifferently. "Maybe it is an internal battle, or a natural disaster, or an invasion by an external enemy." That's about it. "

"The bodies of these ancient protoss are extremely huge. It is said that they can reach a height of more than one thousand meters in their infancy, and their flesh and blood will not rot for thousands of years after death, and they will gradually turn into such scattered black stones."

Having said that, Dovre fluttered lightly and fell on the god-controlling stones in the hands of Guan Heng, and she continued: "You asked me just now what these stones are for, so I will tell you, these god-controlling stones' Can give life to the dead '. "

"Give life to the dead ?! Alas." Abu, the soul-absorbing beast, asked curiously at this moment: "Sister head, what does that mean?"

"Oh, the little pig monster is curious, please listen to my sister to explain it in detail." Dovre said: "Listen to my elders who are guarding the elves, saying that among the black stones of the ancient protoss, there are some unknown Matter gives 'non-living objects' the ability to move freely. "

Guan Heng said, "Are you a little unclear about this explanation? Speak carefully."

"Well, specifically, the god-controlling stone is placed in the core of a stone statue or metal appliance, and some simple rune inscriptions can make them jump and jump, and they can play and kick."

"Further than a thousand years ago, some human and alien warlocks made use of the characteristics of this god-controlling stone and invented something like" the battle cricket "," said Dvor.

"Is the battle rampant? Speaking of it, it is very similar to the" stone armored warrior "commonly used by the Sha people I heard before." At this moment, Guan Heng's mind flashed: "So, I understand the elders of the Sha people. Why do you pay particular attention to the 'Sha's Black Stone'? In addition, the Sha's secret that the Dragon Army wants to explore may be related to the God-Controlling Stone. "

At this time, Doffer continued, "A god-controlling stone mine is equivalent to the remains of a dead adult protoss. This is an extremely rich mine. At the very least, it can arm a whole fighting army. In the past, many races fought for the control of the God of Mines. It is said that it was a **** period. "

"Big and big sister, I was very surprised from just now, why do you know so well about the God Control Stone thing?" Abu asked hummingly at this time: "Did you say that you have lived for tens of thousands of years ... "

"Pop!" When it was time and time, Doffer flew over and knocked on Abu's head. She said angrily, "Shut up, Miss Ben is not that old, why I will Knowing these things is because our guardian elves have a great relationship with these god-controlling mines. "

"Guan Heng, this is what I said to you, as long as you summoned me, you can easily leave here." Dovre turned to Guan Heng and said, "Because these control gods will appear in different spaces, It's all caused by our guardian elves. "

"Is the stone quarry related to the guardian spirit?" Guan Heng laughed. "This is really a rare thing. Come on, let me hear it."

"That was about thousands of years ago. At that time, the various ethnic groups on the mainland of St. Lomplon, in order to compete for the control of the **** stone mine, first developed more puppet warriors, and began a year-round **** melee."

"During the war, our guardian elves were often summoned by their own contract masters to participate in the war, but they belonged to hostile camps, which caused the guardian elves to be crippled."

"This situation finally annoyed Her Majesty the Supreme Commander of the Elven World at the time."

Dovre said that she was a bit tired, so she flew over Yabu's head, and then she said, "Seeing her tribe bleeding and sacrificing because of the covenant master, the furious elven king took back all the races on the continent to call and guard The rights of the elves and the use of great magical powers have drawn a lot of gaps in different spaces, throwing all of the god-controlling ore mines into it. "

"Since then, only a small number of guardian elves who have left the country still live in St. Lomplon, and because of the special blood relationship of the guardian elves, we can all freely enter and exit the God Control Stone Mine in a different space."

"It turned out to be this way. No wonder you know everything about the Controlling Stone Mine." Hearing here, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and he asked casually: "Apart from the function of" giving life to the dead ", does the Controlling Stone have no Any other use? "

"Any other use? Um ... I think about it." Dovre listened to Guan Heng's question and thought for a while, tilted his head, and then hesitated and said, "I heard that God Control Stone also has Warlocks' Is it true that the power of 'domestication of the soul'? "

Seeing a hint of doubt in Guan Heng's eyes, Doffer quickly explained: "In general, only the" necromancer "who has trained in special skills can see the soul body of a creature after death, and then the warlocks capture the body and capture it. , Use the control stone to arrange the law array, control their thinking and become their own helpers. "

"That's it, hahaha, I came up with a good idea." Guan Heng burst into laughter, and suddenly shocked Abu and Doffer. They asked in unison: "Guan Heng, what's wrong with you?" "

Guan Heng suddenly asked at this moment: "Duo Fuer, the magic stone that controls the spirit body. Will you set it?"

"Yes, that array is very simple. It just needs a lot of black stones, but it's all over here. It's not a problem anymore." Doffer laughed. "As long as you tell me, I can immediately control the God Stone array. Put it out. "

"Great, this is the effect I want." Guan Heng grinned with a ringing finger: "This time, the remnants of the big soul demon can begin to merge."

The next Yabu heard this sentence and asked stupidly: "Guan Heng, what are you going to do with the big soul demon?"

—— [2016.6.19 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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