Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1316: last moment

"Unless ..." The longest snake skull of the multi-headed Basilisk squinted toward the remaining three soul stones on the ground, and secretly murmured in its heart: "That is the power of the three great soul monsters, unless I devour them all and have all The supreme power that the soul demon cannot reach, at that time, hum ... "

"Hey, Basilisk." Guan Heng has actually seen the other side's mind now. He picked up a spar of the great soul demon: "Come on, continue to devour these remnants, let me see, you Could it have evolved into 'Soul Demon King'? "

"Pop!" Speaking of this, Guan Heng smashed the soul stone in his hand and released the big soul demon residual soul.

The next second battle is much simpler. The multi-headed Basilisk, who has been promoted to a complete Great Soul Demon, has absorbed all the power of the first Great Soul Demon. The experience of thousands of years and combat experience is no small matter, and it is also a victory. Tips.

Under the fierce offensive of the Basilisk, the second Great Soul Demon Residual Soul quickly collapsed and was torn apart by the teeth of nine huge snake skulls that opened their teeth and shattered, and then devoured them.

"Well ... 30% more strength, but I can't break the **** necklock ring of fire."

At this moment, the multi-headed Basilisk tried it a bit, but the power of the Dragon Flame Ring of Fire was still firmly controlled. This guy learned cleverly. At this time, the Basilisk took out a look of low eyebrows, honest. Guan Heng said: "Master, the servant has swallowed up the second soul."

"Well, there are two more ... then, let's see what it looks like if you come up with all your strength." Guan Heng suddenly smiled slightly: "Now I want to release the remnants of two big soul monsters at the same time, you just Let one enemy be two. "

"Little, little servant obey." Hearing Guan Heng said this, the multi-headed Basilisk suddenly cursed in his heart: "You are so cunning, you obviously want me to consume more power, so you will be easily controlled by you, hum, How can I make you succeed? Daydream! "

The corner of his mouth flickered a mysterious sneer, and Guan Heng winked at Dovre and Abu. They brushed back a few meters, and then, after two clicks and clicks, a pair of crisp sounds, a pair of ghosts and remnants They rushed towards the location of the multi-headed basilisk, and they roared sharply, "Either you die, or I die!"

In a short time, the fierce battle between the two monsters and the two spirit monsters started fiercely. This battle is extremely fierce. The monsters are of great strength, but the remains of the two monsters are also aware of their current situation. Kill the Basilisks and wait for them to die.

Thinking of the terrible place behind him, the two remaining souls of the big soul demon suddenly made an unexpected move. At the moment of fighting, they merged. Although they were only two remaining souls, but After all, the existence of the big soul demon, the power immediately after the fusion soared, they became two-headed, four-armed super big soul demon!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!" The violent power of the invisible soul collided, and the surrounding space produced a powerful twisted ripple. The strength of the multi-headed basilisk and the super big soul monster is really no small matter. Seoul and Yabu are both interested.

"If you just rely on strength, the multi-headed Basilisk should be a little stronger than a star." Guan Heng analyzed with his chin. "After all, from the beginning, it was a complete individual, not a piece of other scraps. of."

"But the super-soul demon that just fused together seems to be more aggressive." Dovre said on his shoulders. "It has a strong momentum and should be determined to die, even if it's all done together. It ’s the same as killing the other party. "

"The current form is actually the same for both sides of the battle."

Guan Heng found a big rock and sat on it, smiling with a smile: "The multi-headed basilisk and the super big soul demon are already the top existence of the soul demon family. If you want to evolve into a king, you must make peace with Only when their rivals devour equal strengths can they hope to become stronger, so they are desperately trying their best. "

"Guan Heng, Guan Heng," Dovre suddenly grinned, "talk, who do you think will win?"

"Haha, everyone wins the same." At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flashed a sly smile, and he said deliberately, "No matter who wins in the end, that guy can't escape my palm. "

"Eh ?!" The two soul demon tribe supreme strong men who battled on the field heard Guan Heng ’s words, and their hearts were shocked. The super soul demon just merged, and his thinking was still a little confused. But the multi-headed Basilisk has just tasted becoming a strong man. How can it be willing to be shut down and said that time and time are fast, the multi-headed Basilisk screamed and went crazy! !!

"I can't beat yet, because I want to be the strongest soul demon, I want to become the soul demon king!" In the roar, the multi-headed basilisk shakes nine giant snake skulls quickly and inexorably, biting and biting. After the body of the super big soul demon: "You, destined to submit to me, give me broken-"

"Oh!" The tusks of the nine snake skulls pulled outward at the same time, immediately crushing the super big soul demon to the sky, and the multi-headed basilisk saw the opportunity and opened the blood basin, opening all the Debris of the Great Soul Demon exhausted.

"Hahaha! I won, I won!" The multi-headed Basilisk absorbed the Super Soul Monster, and completely fought a beautiful victory, but at this moment, its body suddenly swelled and became huge, and the Multi-headed Basilisk immediately swelled. Issued a crazy and screaming: "Uh ah ah-so hot! Hot! So uncomfortable ah ah-"

Seeing that the multi-headed snake had almost realized the entity's body trembling, and then twisted and twisted in pain in the air, Dovre couldn't help asking: "Guan Heng, what do you think now?"

"Also many Basilisks are going to evolve to the next level." Guan Hengning stared at the situation in the air and said with a calm face: "But this process should be quite dangerous and difficult. If it is not successful, the multi-headed Basilisk will also explode. Soul destruction, in that case, the dream of becoming the strongest soul demon king will cease to exist. "

"Ha ha ha, but even if the little Basilisk pet died immediately, should it be content?" Dovre grinned. "After all, just a few minutes ago, it was just a little soul monster who was slaughtered by others. No The little waste worth mentioning can turn into the strongest soul demon before dying, which is also glorious. "

Dovre and Guan Heng sang a sneer and sarcasm, all leaked into the ears of the multi-headed basilisk, this guy was almost mad.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.19, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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