Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1317: Xeon soul demon (fifth more outbreak)

"Yes, I used to be an inconspicuous weak. Maybe one day, a guy stronger than me can kill me with a wave of his hand, but I ... now and now I want to become the soul demon king!"

The multi-headed Basilisk grows another hundred and ten meters, and screams loudly: "All the guys who look down on me, I want to make you pay !!!!!! Uh ah ah--"

"Boom!" A violent explosion suddenly occurred in mid-air. For a time, the energy field was like a sky full of energy, and it exploded towards the surrounding area. Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly opened the circular shield of the power of the dragon **** and turned He and Dovre and Abu were protected.

"Hoo!" After a few seconds, the black smoke and dust gradually dispersed. At this moment, a giant object slammed to the ground and immediately smashed the ground out of the cracked crater. This guy laughed wildly: "Hahaha-I succeeded La!"

"Unexpectedly, after the surge in strength became the" Soul Demon King ", I could also materialize my body from the invisible to the entity."

At this moment, the multi-headed Basilisk is proud of its face, and its body is added with nine snake skulls that are constantly swaying. Although it is less than ten meters, it is far less than the size of the big soul demon, but it is dangerously dangerous. But far better than the four big soul demon that Guan Heng has seen.

"Hehe, congratulations, Basilisk, you have finally evolved to the soul demon king, this is the dream state of the soul demon family for thousands of years."

At this time, Guan Heng walked forward with a slight smile. He looked at the multi-headed basilisk, especially when he saw the dragon's fire ring on his neck, and his expression suddenly relaxed. Many, he said, "Don't hesitate to let you devour so many soul demon, and finally let you evolve to such a point, to be honest, I am also happy for you."

"Thank you, my 'Master', Guan Heng." For the first time, the name of Guan Heng was called, and a bit of fierce murderous flashed in the eyes of the multi-headed basilisk. It sneered sneerly: "Thanks to you, I was promoted. In the realm of the strongest soul demon king, in order to express my gratitude, I decided to kill you now. "

As soon as he said it, Guan Heng sank his face suddenly: "Basilisk, your memory seems to be too bad. I once said that no servant is allowed to show a second resistance in front of me, otherwise ... "

"Otherwise, what would you do? Burn me with this ring of fire? Don't-do-dream-now!"

The confidence of the multi-headed Basilisk at this time also exploded with the evolution of the soul demon king's strength. It shook slightly, "Papapa!" The dragon flame ring on the neck of the nine snake skulls was immediately strengthened by the soul demon king. The horizontal force dissipated and turned into countless sparks.

"Ha ha ha, Guan Heng, your killer ring of fire has disappeared, so let's come--"

It was said that time and time later, the nine giant skulls of the multi-headed Basilisk Demon King opened their blood basins and rushed straight to Guan Heng, but Guan Heng was holding his shoulders in his spare time, standing still, "Bang! Bang "Bang! Bang!" The fangs of the snake skull bumped two meters away from Guan Heng, and it was blocked by the shield of the power of the dragon god.

"Abominable, I don't believe how long your energy shield can support it." The snake tooth fangs were trembling with tremblingness, and the multi-headed snake suddenly became furious. It just became the soul demon king, and Guan Heng will never be allowed Looking at himself with the eyes of the dregs, the multi-headed snake yelled at Guan Heng: "I want to kill you !! Guan Heng, I must kill you !!!"

"Oh, Basilisk, you will never have that chance." Guan Heng smiled at this moment, he was about to look at the ugly state of the multi-headed Basilisk, the new soul demon king, but Dovre was a little impatient: "Kuan Heng, what are you talking about with this idiot? Hurry up and solve it."

"Okay, then don't play with it." Seeing the opposite long-headed snake is ready to go, Guan Heng simply removed the shield in front of him, which immediately made the other person's heart stunned.

At this time, Guan Heng had already stepped to a place not far from the soul demon king, and he laughed loudly: "Basilisk, I will give you one last chance and immediately kneel to surrender, you can also eat less bitterness, otherwise Don't blame me for being rude to you. "

"It's almost arrogant. I call myself a master in front of my soul demon king, and I kill you!" At this time, the multi-headed basilisk was covering his eyes with fire, and it was roaring wildly, trying to tear the Guan Heng close at hand, but The other side gave a weird smile and snapped his fingers.

"Boom--" For a moment, an incandescent flame burst out from inside the multi-headed basilisk's body.

"Uh ah ah-what's going on? Hot! I'm so hot!" It was swept across the body by a large block of bright dragon flames, and the multi-headed Basilisk was so pained to die that it was alive, it knelt in pain at the moment : "Why? Why is that? Those rings of fire have been shattered by me!"

"Stupid guy, the dragon flame ring around your neck is just a blindfold." Guan Heng's fingertips flickered a wave of dragon flames swaying from side to side. He sneered sneerly: "This species is in the core of your body ' Dragon Heart Poison Flames is the real killer. "

The poisonous flame of the dragon heart, this trick was originally a stunt of the Ice and Fire Dragon Army Zaviu. It was originally to send the hot flames to the heart of the person, let the flame burn from the inside, and the enemy's blood was transpiration clean. Bad tricks.

Zaviu's own strength is really insignificant in Guan Heng's eyes, but the opponent's little trick, Guan Heng is very interested. In addition, Guan Heng himself is an expert in fire, so he uses the dragon flame formed by the power of the dragon **** to slightly As soon as it changed, it became a new "Dragon Heart Poison Flame", which was used in the idiot soul demon king.

At this moment, the multi-headed monster snake, the soul demon king, was tortured to death by Guan Heng's poisonous flame, and mourning continued, Guan Heng said, "Duofuer, go and start the God-Controlled Stone Formation, we are going to begin domestication. This disobedient soul demon king. "

"No no no, let me go, I am the strongest of the soul demon family, I am the soul demon king, so I don't want to be controlled by you!" At this time, the multi-headed monster snake was desperately struggling, but his body could not resist it. , Finally was kicked off by Guan Hengfei, and entered the long-established French circle.

"In the name of Her Majesty's Highest Leader, His Majesty King's contract, the Controlling Stone Law Array was launched." Doffer said something, and for a while, all the black stones placed around the Array began to bloom in full bloom!

"Alas!" A dozen or so god-controlling stones exploded almost at the same time, and instantly turned into a black vortex in the mid-air, and then entangled in the multi-headed Basilisk lying in the midst of the French array, "Huh! "The black swirling airflow turned into a weird and long chain, firmly binding the basilisk.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.19, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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