Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1323: Refined Stone Spirit (first)

"Are you ?! Kesong, and everyone ..."

Seeing the surviving relatives, the elders of the Sha clan whimpered with infinite sorrow, but everyone could only hear some mosquito-like sounds, Guan Heng sighed and said, "Elder, your soul The body is too weak, they can't see you, so let's absorb this soul force first. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng crushed a weak monster's soul stone and turned it into a simple unconscious soul power. The elders of the Sha clan immediately produced a suction force, which absorbed the soul power completely.

"Ah, I see the elders!"

"I saw it too, elder, we can finally talk to you again, ohh ..."

Several Sha people had tears in their eyes, sobbed forward and greeted the elders, but the elders of the Sha people didn't want to greet their own people and flew to Guan Heng. He said, "Benefactor, thank you for saving our Sha These old bloodlines of the clan are really ashamed to be retired, and they are really ashamed. "

"The elders don't need to say so. You people are warriors. They have now decided to stand up against the Dragon Army." Guan Heng said, "Now Ke Song has also led me to the tomb group of the ancestors of the Sha people. He said yes Use the rune warrior in this unknown tomb. "

"You are doing very well, Kesong. I still keep my soul immortal. I am also ordering you to fight the dragon villains who destroy our home to the end."

At this moment, the elders of the Sha ethnic group said to Ke Song sternly: "I decided to make myself a 'stone spirit' and fight with you."

"Shi Ling? Elder, it's too risky to do this!" But after hearing the elder's words, his face suddenly changed, and he cried out, "The secret method of refining Shi Ling has long been lost in our own family. The incantation cannot make your soul successfully evolve into a stone spirit. If it fails ... your soul will collapse, don't do it. "

"Well, if I really can't make myself into a stone spirit before meeting the benefactor," the elder glanced at Guan Guan at this time and said to him, "bene, you seem to be very good at controlling ghost spirits. Something like that, right? "

"Of course, Guan Heng is an expert in this field." Before waiting for Guan Heng to speak, Doffer sitting on his shoulder said, "Even if I searched the entire land of St. Lomplon, there was no Two people like him. "

"Oh, Doffer is basically correct." Guan Heng smiled with his chin and said, "Elder, if there is anything I can help you, just ask me."

"Well, benefactor, please let me introduce you to the origin of" Spirit ". Let's take a look at the mural here."

The spirit body of the elder Sha said, he fluttered in the air, slowly came to a stone wall, he pointed to the mural above: "Our ancestors of the sand people, thousands of years ago, Gradually migrated to this place in the Grand Canyon of the Stone Devil City. Here, we found a small amount of ore-controlling minerals and some broken and worn-out Shifu people ... "

In the following explanation, Guan Heng gradually understood the necessary connection between the god-controlling stone and the stone armor man and the stone run warrior.

It turned out that the Grand Canyon was a testing ground for the "Titans" in the late antiquity of St. Lomplon. These Protoss descendants who are good at manipulating lightning and who like to study magic science have developed a convenient anthropomorphic tool such as "Stone Rune Warrior" , And the source of power of the Shifu Warrior is the God Control Stone, which is the black stone turned into the remains of the ancient Protoss.

As the core, the stone-controlling warriors gave the stone rune fighters the ability to move freely, and after they had good combat and resilience, Titan researchers are still dissatisfied. They think that the stone rune fighters lack the consciousness of self-thinking and self-thinking. Awkward, so the researchers started a new source of power, that is, the "Spirit" research project composed of the control stone and other materials.

The so-called stone spirit is to capture some thinking and intelligent intangible souls, let them absorb the power of the **** control stone, and then become the core of the power source of the stone run warrior.

The researchers of the Titans are indeed extremely rich in imagination, and they have also turned their hypotheses into facts, although they have also spent hundreds of years and constantly changed the types of souls, eventually locking the human race and the The sub-human soul is the product of the fusion with the control stone, which is the final stone spirit.

However, although the Shiling was developed, the Titans were also on the verge of extinction. Eventually, the power source for the formation of this Shiling was not actually used on the Shifu warriors. After that, the Sha people migrated to the area of ​​the Grand Canyon. Takeover of the depleted Stone Control Mine and those broken stone rune fighters.

Although there is no ambition of aggression and expansion, the eager learners of the Sha people are eager to study ancient civilizations and tirelessly study the magic science of the Titans. The Sha people began to study the materials of Shifu warriors and stone spirits.

However, the Titan civilization has been lost for thousands of years, and the Sha people have reorganized and studied for countless years before they can barely create a product of the far lesser Shifu warrior as the "Shijiaren". Even so, Shijia People also have a good fighting force, so that the Sha people are able to live in this land safely and peacefully.

As for the data of Shiling, there is even less information left by the Titans in the Grand Canyon. Coupled with the peace-loving nature of the Sha people, they will never try to capture the souls of the Terrans or Asian races for experiments. The Sha people have been collecting and sorting out data and conducting deliberation calculations, but they have not been used in practice.

At this moment, the elders of the Sha ethnic group told Guan Heng: "After the aging ancestors and my own research, we found that there are two conditions that must be fulfilled in the formation of the stone spirit. First, the soul must voluntarily become the carrier of the stone spirit. , Promised to merge with the god-controlling stone, and secondly, this soul must have a powerful force that can withstand the pain and pressure caused by the fusion, and not collapse on the spot. "

"That's it." Hearing here, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and he groaned, "Elder, you volunteered to be a stone spirit, so the first condition is already mature, but in your weak state now, It's hardly the word 'strong'. "

"Elder, listen to it, benefactors have said so, you don't have to risk it."

At this moment, Ke Song persuaded: "Although your physical body has been destroyed, but now we are still alive in our hearts. In case the method of becoming a stone spirit fails, you can, but completely disappear. . "

—— [2016.6.21 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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