"Calm down, Kesong." The Elder Sha said at this time: "Everyone is right, my soul is not strong enough, but do you see the soul power that the benefactors just let me absorb? As long as I continue By absorbing the energy of a few souls, you can reach the standard of Fusion Controlling Stone. "

"Well, the elder is right." Guan Heng said at this time: "I have a lot of this kind of spar that holds the soul. You can absorb it as much as possible, but I want to tell you something first."

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused, and he continued to say to the elder: "It is quite dangerous for a single soul to continually merge with other individuals to strengthen itself, because it will disturb the original memory of the soul, and The effects of violent and bloodthirsty can easily become out of control 'evil souls', but I can teach you how to adjust the soul power after absorption, and it should be able to resolve the negative effects. "

At this moment, Guan Heng thought of the way that the soul demon devoured and merged with each other, which could be taught to the elders of the Sha ethnic group. There was no loss to the elders anyway.

Therefore, Guan Heng told the elders how and how the soul demon merged his power, and immediately took out a few soul stones, crushed them one by one, and after erasing the will of these ghosts, he let the elders absorb them one by one. Quickly, the elder's soul gradually grew stronger.

"Strength, I feel my power is full!" At this time, the voice of the Elder Sha tribe was full of joy. His soul was weaker than it was at first, at least seven or eight times stronger. The hair was solid, and all the Sha people present could clearly see him floating in mid-air.

"Okay, elder." Guan Heng said at this time: "With your strong body now, you should be able to try to merge the control stone and evolve into a stone spirit."

"Yes, the benefactor is right." The Elder Sha said to Ke Song at this time: "Quickly, let everyone arrange the magic circle that incorporates the stone spirit. The materials are on the stone platform in front of me. They are stored there on weekdays. Yes, I am ready to start now. "

More than a dozen Sha people agreed, and after a few minutes, the arrangement of the array was finally completed. At this time, the elder's soul fell in the middle of the round array. He said: "Our God-controlling stone in the hands of the Sha people There were very few of them. The one I asked the benefactor to take to find you is the only black stone left. Who are you holding? "

"Here is me." Ke Song hurriedly took out the black sacred god-controlling stone, and placed it gently in front of the elders of the Sha clan. Ke Song said, "Elder, this is the only thing left. Can you succeed in one integration? "

"Well, I hope so, I hope that the ancestors of the past will have pity on us, the remaining people of the Sha people, and let me evolve into a stone spirit. I will report this blood and vengeance." Emitting a blue mist.

These blue mists spread to a diameter of seven or eight meters around the circle. At this moment, everyone backed up and began to watch the changes, staring nervously at the elder spirit body in the stone spirit fusion circle.

At this time, Doffer asked quietly, "Guan Heng, do you say that the elder's soul can successfully evolve into the stone spirit?"

"Well, I can't say for sure." Guan Heng replied in a low voice: "With his soul power at this time, there should be no major problems, but the key lies in whether the god-control stone is fighting for strength. What a mistake, that black stone is likely to be scrapped. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng told Dovre in a tone as fine as a mosquito: "Well, when I first found this god-controlling stone, I found cracks on it, so if the elders failed to evolve, the reason It must be on this ... "

"Bang-pop!" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and everyone heard a crackle in the French array. Ke Song suddenly changed his face. He shouted, "Elder, how are you?"

"Oh, that's bad—" At this time, the blue smoke in the French array was cleared, and the elder of the Sha clan's soul floated out of his face. It was in the hands of the old man, and I, I failed. "

"Elder, don't be sad." Ke Song and several other people quickly stepped forward and comforted: "The most important thing is, elder, you are safe."

"That shit!" With the expression on his face, the Elder Sha said distressedly: "Our Sha people ’s last God-controlling stone was thus scrapped, and now even the power source driving the Shifu Warrior is gone, isn't it? This genocide ... can't it be reported? "

"Ahem, I said the elder, can you listen to me first?" Guan Heng suddenly cleared his throat, and then he said, "Look at all, what am I holding?"

The crowd gathered their eyes and turned to look at them, and they were startled and shocked. It turned out that Guan Heng held six or seven large and small black stones in his hands, which is the most precious treasure passed down from generation to generation in the eyes of the Sha people—the control stone!

"Well, benefactor, where did you get these black stones ..." The most shocking people present were Sha elders and Kesong. They stammered and said involuntarily: "These are really God-controlling stone? "

"Of course, this is really impossible to control the **** stone." Guan Heng blinked and said solemnly: "I dare to pat my chest and say something like a fake replacement."

"That's what happened. When I rescued Kesong and left Stone Demon Fortress, I accidentally found a different-space-controlling **** stone mine." Guan Hengru said, "So I took a lot of it out in one breath."

"Wow!" Guan Heng threw a pile of black stones in the middle of the stone spirit fusion array. At this time, he said to the elders: "In a word, whether it is the black stones you need to merge and evolve into a stone spirit It is still the core power source for everyone to control the Shifu Warriors. I have enough control here. How much is required. "

"Hahaha, benefactor, you are indeed the biggest blessing of our Sha people!" The elder was so excited at this moment that he didn't know what to say. He froze for a few seconds before obeying his thoughts, and then said: "Then I Began to fuse the god-controlling stone, and began to evolve the stone spirit, everyone— "

The elders of the Sha clan suddenly raised his voice and said, "At this time, you quickly get a black stone from the beneficiary, and then start to master the steps of the stone run warrior. This is very different from driving the Shijia people. Must run in as soon as possible. "

"Yes, elder, you can rest assured."

A dozen Sha people regardless of age, flashing revenge in their eyes, each got a control stone from Guan Heng, and then chose the stone rune warrior he wanted to drive, began to practice seriously, and the opposite The Shiling fusion array began to glow with a blue mist again, and the elders began to strike again to evolve the Shiling.

—— [2016.6.21 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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