Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1325: Four-armed Stone Rune (3rd)

At this moment, Guan Heng began to pay attention to the control of the Sand Rune soldiers over those stone runes.

There are more than a dozen complete stone rune warriors in this unknown tomb, where the sand ancestors slept. According to the introduction of the sand man Ke Song, after thousands of years of changes, Titan researchers have left all the stone rune warriors in the Grand Canyon. These are left, but these stone runes have different forms. In addition to the structure of the human form, there are also tall and fierce monster images.

However, more than a dozen people of the Sha ethnic group chose almost all humanoid stone rune warriors that could be easily driven to control. Among them, Ke Song chose a stone rune warrior with a burly shape, a long blade in one hand, and a round shield in one hand.

Elite Sha people like Ke Song were very good at driving the "Shijiaren" before, so now they apply the same control method to Shifu warriors as well.

I saw a word in Ke Song's mouth, using strange mantras to drive his stone rune person, the opponent's skill is extremely agile, in the sound of rapid wind, the long-bladed sword is bright, the shield is orderly, and the front body can also be charged. Very powerful stone run warrior.

"Well, although the Sha people are not good at participating in the battle themselves, their ability to drive the Shifu fighters can completely make up for their combat effectiveness."

Guan Heng looked at all of this, and nodded his head slightly. At this time, the guardian elf Dove flew around and played. She suddenly saw something strange and immediately flew back to Guan Heng's shoulder.

"Guan Heng, Guan Heng, look at a Shifu man standing in the corner over there. It looks so interesting." Dovre whispered, and turned back to fly there, she said, "Come and have a look . "

"Huh ?! What kind of monster is this?" Guan Heng looked at the stone rune monster with four heads and four arms, whispered frowningly, "looking ugly." No wonder no one chose it as a driving force. "

"Guan Heng, you can see the four heads of this monster, like the snake skull of our second brother." Dovre said with a smile. "The multi-headed basilisk looks ugly and looks very similar to this monster. Right. "

"Hmm ..." After hearing Dove's strange talk, Guan Heng almost didn't laugh, but he thought for a while: "After the soul body integrated with the control stone evolved into a stone spirit, he can freely drive the stone rune. Warrior, I do n’t know if my soul demon king multi-headed basilisk has this kind of ability, just try it. ”

Thinking of this, Guan Heng spread his palms, the time for the multi-headed basilisk's imprint appeared, and Guan Heng immediately called it out. "My master, what do you command now?"

The soul demon king is still that obedient attitude, and in addition, he did not forget to say hello to Dovre: "Sister head, hello."

"Oh, good boy, brother number two." Dovre smiled easily, swinging little feet on Guan Heng's shoulder: "Speaking of it, you are really docile now."

"Well, gossip later." Guan Heng patted his palm, and then said to the soul demon king: "Basilisk, now I have a small test, and I need you to cooperate."

Speaking, Guan Heng told the multi-headed Basilisk the driving method of the Shifu Warrior he had just heard, and then he said: "Now you try to get into the body of the Shifu monster in front of you and see if you can. Let it move. "

"Yes, master." For Guan Heng, the Hydralisk was absolutely obedient, and it said, "I went in."

The voice did not fall, the soul demon king had turned into an invisible airflow, and stunned into the body of the tall stone rune monster, and the surroundings fell into a silent state. After a while, the stone rune monster's mysterious face Wen Wen flashed a bit.

Immediately afterwards, "Kahe ..." The four heads of the monster trembled slightly, and never moved again.

"Oh!" At this moment, the multi-headed Basilisk sprang out again. It stopped in the air in front of Guan Heng and said softly, "Master, I try to disperse all the soul monster powers and extend them to the stone rune monster. Try to drive the monster ’s body on the joints, but this is really too difficult, and there is another thing that is strange. The runes on the monster ’s body seem to intentionally or unintentionally limit my power, which makes me constantly feel weak. . "

"Guan Heng, the reason why Brother No. 2 was unsuccessful may have something to do with God Control Stone." Dovre pointed at Guan Heng at this time and said, "You see how those Sha people control Shifu warriors."

Guan Heng turned his head and observed at the moment, and found that Kesong first inserted the black stones in the grooves on the stone rune warriors. The positions of these grooves were not fixed, some were on the head and some were on the front. There are also parts like shoulders, knees, and back.

After placing the control stone on the Shifu warrior, the Sha people began to use the spell to drive the Shifu warrior to move freely. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng was thoughtful. At this moment, Dovre was in front of Guan Heng. Shi Fu monsters flew around, looking for non-stop.

"It's really weird," Doffer murmured. "Why didn't this guy have a groove to hold the **** stone? Doesn't it use the **** stone as a power source?"

In fact, Guan Heng had already noticed this problem that Duo Fuer said, so Guan Heng took a few steps forward, knocked left on the stone rune monster, and looked at the right to try to find out what clues and clues.

"Dangjiu!" Unexpectedly, Guan Heng's fist accidentally hit the front part of the Shifu Monster, only to hear a whisper, and the Shifu Monster's chest suddenly fell off the whole piece, suddenly frightened People around jumped.

"Wow, you see, there are a lot of grooves behind this slate, one ... two ... three, four, five ... a total of nine grooves, then it means that at least nine black stones are needed to activate it. "

After Doffer counted, he said to Guan Heng, "This stone rune monster doesn't look very big. Why do you need so much energy to control the **** stone?"

"Not quite sure." Guan Heng thought for a while and said, "Let's put nine control stones in the groove and try it."

Then, Guan Heng himself chose nine black stones with the right groove size on the chest of the Shifu monster, and put them all in.

As soon as the ninth control stone touched the groove, the esoteric rune of the stone rune monster flashed with a strange light suddenly, but this light was fleeting, and then the body surface of the stone rune monster returned to calm.

"Strange, what does this mean?" Doffer was not clear at this time, she said to Guan Heng: "Just let the second brother go in again, try to make it move."

Guan Heng nodded, and then said to the soul demon king: "Basilisk, just as before, got into this stone rune and tried to drive it."

—— [2016.6.21 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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