Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1333: Battle Ten Commanders (first)

"Oh yeah, I killed more than twenty in one breath." Zuo Wei laughed when she saw the scene: "The phantom dragon legion is nothing great."

"Xiao Huangmao is so mad! This leader is going to kill you—" At this moment, a black armor commander danced in the palm of the dragon and rode a lance, driving a Lulong covered in turquoise scales, this guy The two-meter-long spear in the palm of the hand burst into a sudden breeze, pounding Zuo Wei's heart in front of him.

"Hum, don't look down on this girl." Zuo Wei sneered, and a flashing shield-shaped hood suddenly appeared on the palm of the hand without the staff.

"Hoo!" Zuo Wei greeted her with one arm up, and when the thunder slammed, the black armor led the arm to a tremor, and his dragon rifle almost flew away. He cried out, "How is that possible? A little girl Can I compete with my strength ?! "

"Haha, are you strong? This girl feels so ordinary." Zuo Wei shook her wrist, and her aura shield suddenly broke and disappeared. She did not give the black armor a chance to breathe. Point at the enemy with the priest's staff: "Hammer of Divine Light!"

"Bang!" The light hammer's strength was almost indestructible, and he smashed the black armor of the Tuhuang Lulong directly to the ground, only to see that this person's breastplate was recessed, and his bones were broken.

"嗖-嗖!" Zuo Wei kept an arrow of light in his hand, penetrating through the head of Tu Huanglulong, and this guy also fell to his death.

In the final analysis, Zuo Wei's own strength and magical powers are advancing by leaps and bounds, all relying on Guan Heng's origin of the Dragon Soul to melt into her bloodline, so that Zuo Wei has the power to easily kill the dragon and the black armor.

"Yeah yeah-hurt my colleague, it's really abominable, die!" At this moment, two more black armors riding on the snake-necked dragon led menacingly to kill, but the nearby Borui sneered sneer. : "Only two ?! Huh, it's the result of death!"

"Burning Wrath Mantra!" Borui did not hesitate to use the advanced fire mantra stunt, and saw that the virtual image of the fire giant in the air instantly condensed, and directly burned the two black armors brought together to fly. It was gray, and the opponent could not even make a scream.

"Look, three leading adults were killed by each other !!!" The dozens of black armored warriors present were horrified, they were completely scared by the terrible fighting power of Borui and Zowei. The next second, I do n’t know who Shouted: "We are not our opponents, hurry up!"

This sentence was like a drop of water splashing into the boiling oil, and the black armor warrior present turned around and ran away. At this moment, a violent voice roared, "Bold, retreat. ,dead--"

"Yeah!" The black armored warrior who was going to escape backwards, only felt that his neck was cold, and Huo Huoguang behind him had already cut off their heads to the ground, the bones rolled into a piece, and the neck cavity without a head 噗 嗤嗤The red blood mist soared outward, at this time some of the black armored soldiers who just arrived waved the steel blade of blood again and rushed over, they shouted: "Kill the strong human race, kill and kill-"

"Well, it's the ten teams who are fighting the black armored soldiers!" The black armored warrior who wanted to run away saw these demons who slashed at his people, and almost didn't scare his pants.

The only difference between these black armored soldiers and ordinary black armored warriors is that they wear red steel helmets exuding a strong **** atmosphere. If there is a weak enemy on the battlefield and a retreat, the black armored soldiers have the right to represent the regiment leader. Rarely, execute these deserters on the spot.

"Listen well, don't allow you to step back, kill the strong human races with all your strength, and let them know the power of the Phantom Dragon Army." Kill --- "

The bloodthirsty and crazy military order quickly infected each of the black armored warriors present, and they finally knew that the left and right were dead, and it would be better to bite the enemy hard before dying!

These mad guys finally roared and yelled at Borui and Zowei. Borui was a long-time enemy, but he could barely hold his ground, but the little girl Zowei was under the flooding offensive of the other party. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore.

"Well, Zuo Wei." Borui paid attention to the safety of his companion, and did not pay attention to a black armour leading a bow and took an arrow off the black hand. Noodle door.

"Ah!" Borui rushed to hide in anxiety, and this Feiya was right in the shoulder.

"Borui, how are you?" Zuo Wei was shocked when she saw Borui being injured, but Borui shook her head, stretched out her hand to pull out the arrow, and took a sip of the ambergris restoration potion He cried, "Don't worry about me, be serious about the enemy, don't relax."

"Well!" Just when Borui and Zuo Wei were in a dire situation, two rush figures had come behind the ten warlords and the black armored commander in several landings.

The two men's dexterity and silence were silent, and they immediately shot without hesitation.

"Oh!" One of them shook the black cloak on his body, and did not hesitate to lead a head in the hood. The double short blades in his palm passed forward immediately, leaving two narrow bloodstains on the neck of the other across the cloak. " "Bang!" Immediately, both feet kicked into the opponent's heart, and the cheekbones crackled, and the other party died instantly!

It was Ruta who shot, from his physical form to easily killing the enemy. It took less than half a second, and Imira on the other side also quickly shot, using a claw-type fist to directly break a leader. Half-length ribs.

"Plop, plop." Imira and Ruta shot too fast. When the third and fourth commanders fell to the ground, other talents suddenly realized that something was wrong. The remaining six commanders drove the mounts apart. They shouted in unison: "Who is it? How dare you sneak attack !!!"

"It's just the right way to treat you, the dragons, and the running dogs of the Demon Realm." Ruta sneered the blood on the twin blades at this time, and he sneered sneer: "Let's die!"

"Be arrogant, let you see the power of me and joining forces!"

The six warlords of the black armor are indeed the first-class elites of the Phantom Dragon Army. Two long blades and four dragon lances collided, and in a short time they gathered a huge arrogance of the demon black, turning into a roaring roar The black dragon opened his blood bowl and rushed straight to Ruta and Imira.

"Huh, ancient martial arts, triple tiger shouts!"

"Bang, bang!" In the face of the black dragon's fighting spirit, Yi Meila was not afraid. She continuously punched out in a volley, and her powerful boxing force suddenly gathered a virtual image of a tiger in the air. This is the ancient martial art of Yi Meila. The flow of boxing is upright, condensing the fierce and uncompromising boxing energy into a figurative form, thereby completely crushing the enemy.

—— [2016.6.23 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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