Previously limited to women's limited physical strength, Imela never completed this trick, but now with the help of the Dragon Soul's original power to transform her bloodline, Imela can finally blast out the "triple tiger shout bomb" trick.

Instantly, the virtual tiger image of the triple tiger howling bomb collided with the fighting black dragon stiffly. Although the tiger was helpless, it was against the six leaders of the enemy with the power of Imira. The tiger virtual image only persisted for a few seconds, then It was smashing.

The arrogant black dragon suddenly roared and wanted to continue the attack, but at this time, Ruta shouted and disappeared in place. The next moment, his body was already close to the fighting black dragon.

"Huh, horrible evil forces, dare to be so mad ?!" In sneer, the weapon in Ruta's palm suddenly turned into the wind, he yelled: "Obsidian double-edged blades, unlock the blessings that darkness has given me."

"Oh!" In time, Ruta's double short blades changed from the original silver and white to the black luster, and he whispered involuntarily: "I love you, lend your strength to me . "

"Infinity Moon Wheel Black Blade Slash!" Ruta finally burst into a roar, and the dark blade of light in the palm suddenly cut off the Cross Slash. This force was so fierce that the Dragon Black Dragon was stunned instantly. Crush thoroughly.

"Uhhhhhh!" "Uh!" The black dragon caused by the combined fighting of his demons was completely defeated by Ruta. The six commanders sprayed blood at the mouth, but they barely dropped their mounts, which can be seen in the Phantom Dragon Army. Elite also has two brushes.

"Oh!" After slashing, Ruta's double short blades suddenly returned to a silver blade. He looked at his weapon, and a few drops of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"Why? Just before I slashed, I would say the phrase 'My Love Weier' ?! Uh uh uh-it hurts!"

Ruta just wanted to recall a little bit, who is "Weir", and at this moment his head was sore like a burst, and he thought: "No, Guan Heng said, trying to get my eyes back to restore memory Before, don't rush back in time, or you will suffer great mental damage. "

Thinking of this, Ruta took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and finally stopped thinking about other things. Since his headache was a fleeting episode, neither the enemy on the side nor the Imira around him noticed it. Notice the changes in Ruta.

"These six guys are already injured, and they will be able to destroy them with more effort." Imila murmured and was about to kill him, but never expected that someone was more anxious than him. At this time, Liu A man and a woman shouted and killed behind the leader.

"Ice fire compound magic spell, fierce fire frozen bullets!"

"Burning arrows of divine light!" "Bang, bang!"

Fire burning, freezing cold, and arrows of light scattered throughout the sky made the black armor soldiers scream and fall constantly. When the six commanders wanted to control the snake-necked dragon and turned to meet the enemy, Borui, who ran first, had already Hurriedly fired: "Flame Wrath mantra !! Kill--"

"Boom !!" The impact of the giant of fire was instantly formed in mid-air, and the Six Commanders suddenly flew. They were not badly injured in the double short-edged moon wheel stabbing of Ruta, and this time they vomited blood again. Suddenly fell off his mount: "Uh ah!"

"Yimira, go up!" Seeing the opportunity, Ruta swooped up with a pair of short-edged blades: "I'll make up for each of these guys!"

"Bang, bang!" Imira's heavy fist directly smashed the enemy's breastbone in front of him. "Well!" Ruta's double short blades also passed over the necks of the others, and suddenly they could no longer die. died.

At this time, Borui and Zuo Wei continued to hunt down the scattered black armored soldiers, only to kill them in a few minutes without leaving a piece of armor.

"It seems that we have exhausted almost half of the phantom dragon army's strength, and now it is time to rush to the ambush site in the large basin in front and meet with Kesong." Ruta said at this time: "Hurry up, I am worried Going late to Kou Han's **** would be bad for the Sha brothers. "


At the same time, Ke Song and his twelve companions, who attracted Kou Han to chase him personally, finally came to the huge basin.

"Okay, as Mr. Guan Heng ordered, everyone hurriedly find a place to hide." Ke Song shouted, "Keep your own Shifu fighters, don't act lightly until Mr. Ruta arrives."

After the Sha people had been hiding for several minutes near the huge basin, Kouhan led hundreds of elite phantoms of the Phantom Dragon Riding Regiment and a large group of stone carving demons flying in the sky.

"Scatter immediately and look for the whereabouts of the Sha people immediately." Kou Han shouted at all his men: "Remember, I want the captives alive, and the intact stone amulets, move quickly !!"

The minions of the Phantom Dragon Army agreed abruptly. At this moment, Kou Han was suspended in midair, still covered by the weird black mist. He looked down at the huge basin from the bird's eye view, gritted his teeth and said, "Guanheng, and those Thousands of knives, you do n’t want to stop my plan. At that time, I must let you all die at my feet! ”

Although the basin is huge enough, the Sha people are also very familiar with the terrain here, but they can't stand the hundreds of black armors of the Phantom Dragon Army and those stone-carved demons. Their Shifu Warrior was discovered.


"Bang!" The older Sha ethnic teenager drove the Shi Fu soldiers to fly around the four or five black armor soldiers, and quickly climbed to the back of the Shi Fu soldiers. He shouted to his companion: "Now outnumbered, run away!"

"Um ... uh ..." Another Sha young man was only thirteen or four years old, and his expression was dull, and his reaction was a little slow. When he climbed on the back of his Shifu warrior, a black armored soldier quickly turned himself on. The spear was thrown out of his hands, "Oh!" The sharp lancet leaned against the juvenile's flank, leaving a long and narrow blood groove.

"Uh ah ah--"

"Tongtong!" The injured teenager screamed and fell to the ground. He shouted, "Brother, save me." Another companion rushed back to rescue him.

"Qisa, run away!" The young Sharui Ruo driven his Shifu warrior, his arms were stopped in front of his brother, and he shouted, "Hurry up!"

"Oh!" At this moment, several stone-carved demons suddenly dived down in the air, and opened their claws and snapped them to Ruo Li's forehead. The Sha youngster was killed instantly!

—— [2016.6.23 The second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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