Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1335: Battle in the Basin (Third)

"Don't underestimate me, get away!" Ruoli yelled, and immediately drove the stone rune warrior with a spell, and saw the stone rune with a long stick slap the weapon in his palm and slammed a stone demon, but Just then, the other two stone demons grabbed their claws to Chisa, who fell to the ground.

Qisha was very young, and for a while, she forgot to drive the Shifu Warrior to protect herself. Just at the beginning of the battle, a dozen Shifu Warriors ran out not far away, headed by a fierce stone savage demon who rushed to capture Qisha: "Due to hurt people, get out!"

"Bang!" This tall Shifu warrior's strength was strong and swift and violent. He slammed two stone demons and smashed them. It was the middle-aged sand ethnic Ke Song who shot.

With the unusually united personality of the Sha people, it is absolutely impossible to give up any of their companions. This is their strength and a fatal weakness.

At the moment when Kesong led the rest of his companions to rescue Chisa and Joly, the place was surrounded by the phantom dragon legion's black armor and stone carving demons. Kesong's face changed at this time: "Oh, our stone rune warrior is No matter how powerful, the opponent's sea tactics can't be held up, what can I do? I'm afraid I can't wait for Mr. Ruta to come to the rescue. "

"Brother Kesong, let's fight with these dragon clan gangs!" One of the young Sha people shouted in dismay: "My parents, brothers, wives and children, all died in their hands, this hatred You must report! "

His words ignited the anger of all the Sha people present. Could the Sha's vengeance not be reported? Together with Ke Song, all the Sha ethnic men rushed to the black armored soldiers with the determination to die.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" The elite of these phantom dragon legions, under the sweep of the Shafu Shifu warriors, continued to fly backwards, and for a while both sides fell into a fierce battle.

At this time, Kou Han had heard the news from the air at the entrance of the basin and saw that his men were killed by the sand stone run soldiers, and Kou Han was not angry and happy.

At this moment, Kou Han said secretly in his heart: "I can't think of these stone rune warriors of the Titans as having such powerful power. It is great. As long as you get the control stone, then let the crystals of these ancient protoss contaminate our magic domain Black gas, I can imitate a large number of "Devil's Stone Rune Warriors" who are only loyal to the Demon Realm. By then, with these powerful fighters, the use value of these dragon clan members, hey, it's almost over. "

"His Excellency of the Legion." At this time, a small head of the black armored soldier is currently reporting: "The offensive of that group of sand stone rune warriors is really fast. Our black armored soldiers are already showing signs of defeat."

"Huh, a bunch of useless waste, let the commander of this army take the shot himself." Speaking of this, Kou Han swooped towards the Shifu soldiers as he wrapped in the thick black gas.

"Look at the black gas in the sky, everyone, is the commander of the Phantom Dragon Corps !!" A sharp-eyed Sha man immediately greeted his companions, seeing Kou Han attacking, Ke Song hurriedly said: "You all back, this Guys don't deal well, let me do it! "

Having said this, Ke Song rode on the back of his stone rune warrior, making this sturdy stone rune like holding a long blade and holding a shield in his hand, and greeted the demon Kouhan fiercely.

"Huh, you Shifu warrior can deal with ordinary soldiers and dragons. It's not enough to shoot at the commander of the regiment!" Kou Han drove the black gas around his body in the air, and divided into four pairs of black gas hands. , Clawing into a fist to the stone run warrior: "give me!"

"Bang, bang!" The Shifu warrior waved his long blade desperately to parry the three black hands, but in a hurry, he made a fist and attacked.

"Eh? So fast!" Ke Song, who drove the Shifu warrior, saw the machine very quickly, and hurriedly resisted with a shield. "Oh, yeah!" Although the shield shielded the opponent's black punches, the Shifu warrior could not bear it The powerful impact immediately flew backwards, and then tumbling to the ground.

"Dangerous, Brother Kesong!" When his companion was knocked down, several stone rune fighters rushed out and rushed to rescue Kesong, but at this moment Kou Han turned into a dark wind in the air, and he laughed strangely. "It's over, this kid is dead!"

The wind of black gas suddenly flew to Ke Song who fell to the ground between the electric light and flint. For the first time, Cohan extended his dark hand like black ink from the thick black gas, and his right hand was as dry as chicken feet. Lean stuck to Ke Song's neck and raised him above his head.

"Hey, hey, you seem to be the most powerful Shifu Warrior controller of the Sha family." Kou Han smiled with a yin yin: "Relax, Lao Tzu will not kill you now, but the secret of Shifu Warrior You have to spit it out, otherwise, I have a way to make you worse off. "

"Well, you devil, don't want me to say anything useful." Although Ke Song was caught and missed, he was still very angry. He yelled: "Mr. Guan Heng and his friends, soon ... soon Come back to clean up your bastard. "

Upon hearing this, Cohan suddenly became furious: "The stubborn Sha people are left with dead seeds. Since you refuse to say it, Lao Tzu first cut off your hands and feet and limbs, so that you can taste the hard end of the mouth."

"Huh, you won't succeed!" A cold voice sounded suddenly, and sooner or later, Kou Han only felt the sound of the wind behind him. He hurriedly drove the black gas around him, but it was shot in the air. The figure was almost a hundred times faster than ghosts, and when the cold light appeared in the air, Cohan grasped Kesson's skinny black claw and was chopped to the ground.

"Wow, yeah--" After breaking his wrist, Cohan didn't feel any pain, but he retreated ten meters inexplicably in fright. He screamed exhaustedly: "Who? How dare you attack me? Broke my wrist You must pay it back a hundred times! "

"Hey, that's a lot of talk." The person who just shot was Ruta, who arrived in time. He sneaked into Cohan's not far behind with a quick ghost likeness, and caught Ke Song in the other side. At that time, he finally succeeded in attacking, and cut off Cohan's wrist with a pair of short blades. At this time, he was lifting Ke Song to let him aside.

"You ... you are the leader of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment-Miluo ?!" Kou Han stared at the other person, his eyes twinkling in the dark mist, revealing hatefully eyes: "Damn, you traitor."

"Hey, make it clear. I'm not a mistress. It's just a fake name that was messed up when the abyss demon Pawn caught me as a puppet."

At this time, Ruta played around with the short blades in his palm, and whispered softly: "Put your cheap mouse ears to hear clearly, but I am a well-known demi-god thief on Ashton mainland, Uncle Ruta. "

—— [The third change of 2016.6.23, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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