Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1340: Escape both (third more)

At the same time, Guan Heng's double-edged Dragon Blade doubled down and struck all the black fire balls, but Tivelo had already taken the lead and reached out to push Cohan, who was escorted by more than a dozen demons. , Sent him into the space transfer tunnel, just then, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the distance: "Tivelo, where else do you want to escape? Come on!"

"Eh!" A stab in the air broke the keel spear that extended dozens of meters straight towards Tivelo. When the demon dragon heard this voice, it immediately fought a cold war: "Maze? This boy chases after him so quickly Anymore ?! "

But at this moment, Tiveloto can't afford to think that the opponent's keel spear has attacked the front heart position. Tivelo took a rush to hide, the sharp point of the spear fell, but it was between the electric light flint, "Bang, Bang!" Frozen Mobo hit the shoulder and left leg of the Demon Dragon with impunity.

"Tivelo, you can't run this time!" At this time, Akin rushed forward with a smoking magic guide, and Dori behind her opened the wings of the dragon wings at the same time, two The keel and arrow of the strong wind suddenly rushed to Tivello's neck and brows!

"Uh ... wow !! This is going to be over!" Seeing that his left leg was frozen on the ground, Guan Heng, who was like a wolf, had rushed over with a dragon's tooth blade, and Tivilo bit his teeth and pulled out Out of the black short blade in the scabbard of the waist, he severed his left leg, and then plunged into the space transfer tunnel!

"Bang!" When the Dragon's Blade split fiercely, the ground was suddenly shattered by the sword's strength, but the other side's transmission tunnel in the other space had also disappeared, and Guan Heng was stomped, leaving a turtle in place. Cracked pit.

"Let Tivolo's cunning **** slip away again." Guan Heng faced his dragon blade back into the scabbard, and he turned and asked, "Maze, how could you come here to the Grand Canyon?"

Ma Ze explained at this time: "I took Akin and Dorie to track Tivelo a long time ago, and they fought each other, but the guy seemed to have something urgent to do and refused to fight."

"Yeah, in the fight, the guy Tivelo threw this thing off the cliff next to him in order to get away." Akin said, handing Guan Heng one thing: "This is the legion leader token, we You know, you're in a hurry to find this, so you can't worry about retaining the guy, so you pick it up under the cliff first. "

"Oh, thank you. Guan Heng took the token and smiled. At this moment, Dorie also found the phantom dragon legion token that Kohan had just thrown into the rock in order to challenge Guan Heng. He ran over and pulled it out, then turned around and handed it to Guan Heng.

"Brother Guan Heng, this is for you, too." Guan Heng smiled and touched Dolio's head: "Thank you brothers."

"Well, the next six legionnaire tokens have all been made up." Guan Heng said at this time: "So, although Tivelo and Cohan were released today, it is still a bit of a gain. Come on, I Take you into Stone Demon Bastion. "

At this moment, the Sha people controlled the Stone Demon Fortress and turned into a building mode. They opened the door and greeted Guan Heng and his party.

After the new and old friends and the league introduced themselves, everyone had a good conversation. With the insistence of the Elders of Sha tribe and Ke Song, Guan Heng decided to use Shimo Fortress as their base in the future.

Because the stone monster fortress can fly and stay as a station, it is very convenient, so everyone was very happy after making this decision.

"Oh, elder, then some of us have relied on the Stone Demon Bastion recently." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "I hope you and your brothers of the Sha ethnic group, don't hate us uninvited guests."

"Benefactor, what do you say?" The Elder Sha said at this moment with joy: "All of you are friends of the Sha people, are you the guests who are not invited, right?"

"The elders are right, everyone is an alliance against the Dragon Army and Demon Realm, and they will not be separated from each other." Ke Song said with a smile at this time: "Here is your home. You can live as long as you want. We will Welcome with both hands. "

"Furthermore, there is one more important thing." The elder **** of the Sha tribe said secretly to Guan Heng, "The energy black stones that let the stone magic fortress start, but all depends on you, how can we put fuel What about suppliers who are shut out? "

"Ha ha ha ha-" After listening to the elders' jokes, everyone laughed.

After a while, they were temporarily stationed in the Stone Demon Bastion in the huge basin, and everyone was busy.

Part of the Sha people began to re-check and debug various systems in the fort to ensure that this giant stone rune warrior, flying tools and buildings could function properly at critical moments. Another part of the Sha people, mainly children in their teens, went to Ready for dinner.

At this time, in the conference room on the third floor, Guan Hengzheng and everyone discussed future plans.

"Now the six dragon clan regiments have broken down, but for the abyss demon clan, the dragon clan is just a horse **** in the tools of war, so we must not relax." Guan Heng banged the table at this time, he He whispered: "The Dragon has one 'Little Master', Otero. This is a guy who has never appeared, but his strength must be very strong. There is no doubt about this."

"Guan Heng, you have now received six legionnaire tokens. According to what Utro had mentioned to us before, as long as we meet together every year, we use the tokens together to send out message notifications. Utro Will appear. "

At this moment, Ma Ze said: "I think what we should do next is to rush to the place where the six major commanders meet every year-the valley of the dark dragon."

"I also have this intention." Guan Heng picked up the water glass in front of him and took a sip, then said, "This guy Otero is quite mysterious. To be honest, do you really have no impression on him? "

"Yeah, although there are not many impressions, that guy is a dumb, stinking guy, other than that, there is nothing else." Ma Ze said with a smile. "But I do feel that Guanheng has a peace with you. He has a similar breath. "

"Hum--" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng squirted the water that he drank into his mouth.

"Cough, cough ... bastard, do you know that such scary words will cause me to be strangled to death?" Guan Heng patted the table at this time and even coughed and panted, he said angrily: "This is simply the language murder'!!"

"Sorry, hey, I didn't expect you to have such a big reaction." Ma Ze said with a smirk in both hands and said, "But I didn't say a lot, the kind of overwhelming courage that erupted on you, It's really similar to Urtero's murder. "

—— [2016.6.24 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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