Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1341: Dark Dragon Valley

Having said that, Maze paused, and his tone and expression gradually became serious. He said, "The only difference is that your coercion is deeper and deeper than Urtero."

"Eh, even if you say this to me, I'm not happy." Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "Probably because there is a relationship of red dragon crystals in my body. After all, this dragon crystals It ’s from the Dark Lord Lord a long time ago, and I think that the guy from Utro has something to do with the Dark Lord Lord. "

Guan Heng said here, shook his head, and then said to everyone, "Then we will go to the valley of the dark dragon tomorrow, and we will meet this Utero, do you have any comments?"

The crowd agreed suddenly: "We all listen to your deployment, Guan Heng."

"So, I have to ask our elder" Chief Driving Officer. "Guan Heng said at this time half-jokingly:" Is there enough fuel for the cute Stone Demon Fortress? "

"Yes, Mr. Guan Heng." The elders of the Sha ethnic group seemed to like the title of "chief driving officer", and he said at this time: "I just counted it, and we have only one-fourth of the control stone. It seems not enough. "

"It's okay, if you want black stones, just inform Doffer, she will use my space stone carving fragments to take you to the mine to carry the stones ..." Guan Heng said suddenly stopped here, he asked: "Dove Where did she run? Why didn't you see her? "

"The little guy just asked me the way to the kitchen, and said he was going there to drink the sweet soup made of honey." Akin said at this time: "She should stay in the kitchen."

"That's it, Elder." Guan Heng turned his head and said, "If you want to control the **** stone, go to Dovre, and now I will give you the space stone carved fragments."

In this way, everyone talked about it with a smile, and it was time for dinner, but at the table, A Jin, who had always been cheerful, quarreled with Dovre. The reason was that A Jin liked to eat slightly acidic dishes, but Duo Fuer was sweet and happy. The two guys were like children who were not busy enough, and they were noisy and laughing, making the dinner time good.


Time, in the blink of an eye, in the early morning of the next day, the Stone Demon Bastion changed to flight mode again, heading straight towards the dark dragon valley to the west of St. Lomplon, at this moment, on the rooftop, Guan Hengzheng and Ma Zezai to chat with.

"From here to the Dark Dragon Valley, it's about an hour away."

Ma Ze said at this time: "At the northeast corner of the valley, there is a huge cave where the commanders of the Corps are discussing. If you want to summon Utro to give him a message, you have to go there. Do you think about the next step? I It is stated in advance that everyone is a companion, and you cannot act alone again. Several of us will participate in the battle. This is what I have discussed with Borui and Ruta. "

"Ha, I know you must have itchy hands," Guan Heng said with a smile. "Rest assured, I guess when Ottro appeared, probably not alone, let's go together, if other enemies appear, I'm going to trouble your brothers and sisters. "

"No problem, we think so."

At this time, Borui's figure appeared near the rooftop, and everyone walked out laughing, Borui said with a smile on his face: "Boss, to be honest, recently we feel that our strength is surging forward and we will never drag on Your hind legs, as long as you bring us, are definitely the best helpers. "

"Huh, **** magician, don't be too proud of yourself." Zuo Wei knocked on Bory's head with annoyance at this moment, she said with a bit of teasing: "In the event of encountering a strong Enemy, don't be frightened. "

"Little girl despise people." Borui shouted unconvinced: "No matter how I say, I'm a frequent enemy, when have you seen me run away recently?"

The two were having fun with each other, and when everyone pouted and laughed, Dovl flew a corner from the corridor to the rooftop, and she said, "You, the elders and Mr. Kesong, let me inform everyone, and In five minutes, the stone monster fortress will fly over the valley of the dark dragon, and we are going to our destination. "

"Well, it's finally this time." Guan Heng suddenly banged his fists, and he laughed loudly: "My friends, ready to go!"

"Oh-" The others raised their fists high and shouted with confidence: "The dragon-slaying anti-devil fighting squad is coming."


A few minutes later, the stone monster fortress landed at the entrance of the valley of the Dark Dragon Valley. Guanheng said to the elders of the sand clan at the door: "You and the sand clan brothers stay in the fortress to guard against the enemy's invasion. In addition, I took the soul-sucking beast. Yabu, the Hydralisk, and Windspeaking Dragon are all left to help you. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused, and he laughed: "After all, the fortress is now our base camp, but we cannot afford to lose it."

"Relax, Mr. Guan Heng," said the Elder Sha with confidence. "We all take control of the Stone Demon Fortress, and we have more than oneself to protect you. We will never worry you."

"Okay, let's go into the valley." Guan Heng waved a few hands, several unusually strong figures, hurried into the canyon, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Elder, please go back, remember to close all the portals and wait for the return of Lord Guan Heng." Feng Yu Long Baru finished the sentence, vacantly took off and took off to the nearby mountains, his voice still echoed in the air "I'll be constantly patrolling nearby, just call me and we'll show up."

The elders of the Sha ethnic group slightly jawed their heads, and then said to Kesong and others, "Let's go back to the general control room of the fortress."


At this moment, in the valley of the dark dragon, Guan Heng ran, and said to Ma Ze around him: "This valley is really gloomy. Even the sun can't be seen during the day, it's awkward."

"Hehehe, for my undead monster, it feels a bit cold and cold." Ma Ze smiled at this time: "The meeting place of the six chiefs of the army was originally selected by Utero himself. Yes, it is said that the dark dragons are extremely resistant to sunlight. "

"Really? Dark Dragon, hey, it's a real name." Guan Heng murmured, seeing that everyone around him had come to the center of the canyon, he raised his arms sternly, even himself, all his companions were all Slowly slowed down, surrounded by silently.

"When you get here, let ’s start dispersing." Guan Heng said at this time. "From here, the goal is too obvious. From here, two people, each searching for the surrounding environment to see if there is an ambush, remember, No matter what direction you are going to, finally, you must gather at the door of the cave of the six commanders and start the operation! "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.24, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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