Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1347: Battle of Dragon Valley (fifth more outbreak)

"Hehehe, the magician of the human race, the momentum is pretty good." Urterol was so spared at this moment, he smiled calmly: "Unfortunately, you are not the strongest in this group of people, encountered this seat, like you Strength will only be a dead place! "

"Don't look down on humans!" Borui was covering his eyes with anger at this moment, and his fists gathered fiery elements of fire, and then blasted at the other party: "Go to you, fierce fire spell!"

"Well, this kind of eagle worm trick is not worthy of letting this seat be shot." In the face of the incoming fire waves, Utro's eyelids didn't move. "Karku, this little ghost will give it to you, tell him what it is Real magic! "

"Young Master rest assured that I am here, and no one can tolerate humanity." Urter flashed a guy behind his back, a huge dragon skull full of scars. The dragon clan wore a magician's coat of arms and suddenly shouted out his front paws. : "Dragon changes magic, ice crystal breaks-"

In a hurry, the air was full of beautiful and clean ice element particles. Suddenly, not only blocked the incoming fire waves, but also rushed to Borui with a violent sweeping force.

"Ice magic? Not necessarily only you can!" Borui slammed his fists into clashes, and the two hands gathered countless elements of ice. He yelled, "Taste me, Ice God's indifference !! "

Suddenly, an imaginary image of a giant ice and snow giant appeared in the sky. This ice and snow giant suddenly waved his fist and blasted the ice crystals of the opponent!

"Bang!" The two collided fiercely in the air. Just half a second, the Ice Giant had torn the sky net made of ice crystals and shattered it.

"Excellent, I win ..." Borui hadn't finished the sentence, and the other Dragon magician, Cancun, smirked and said, "Well, open your eyes wide to see clearly, but the ice crystals are not broken yet. It collapsed. "

"Oh!" At this moment, those shattered ice crystal fragments turned into innumerable surging ice grains, and in time they got into the body of the ice giant, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" , The Ice Giant fell apart in the air!

"Did you see that, boy?" Gaku smiled vaguely at this moment: "In front of my transforming dragon magician, your advanced magic spell is garbage!"

"Abominable, I ..." Borui was unconvinced, and just about to step forward to continue the challenge. At this time, the master of the dragon tribe, Otero, said, "The farce of the men is over, now it is me-when I shot. It's up! "

"Oh!" The cloak on his shoulder suddenly fluttered, and Urtero's big sword hanging from his waist suddenly came out of the sheath. He said nothing, and holding his sword at Guan Heng was a violent slash: "Look!"

There was nothing fancy about this sword slashing, but it was wrapped in a destructive momentum. Guan Heng saw that the other party's offensive had arrived. The dragon's double blades also met from the sheath in an instant, "Dang!"

The big sword collided with the double-edged slash, and then Guan Heng and Urtero disappeared in stern shape, and all around they heard the sound of 唰 唰 唰 衣 唰 唰 唰 袂 空空, and then there was The sound of repeated battles: "Oh! O!"

Suddenly, the two silhouettes in mid-air staggered and fell in time. The cross action moved slightly faster. Both feet rushed to the ground first. Between the flashes of light and fire, they did not look back and turned back: "Pan blast Hurricane!" The slain, wrapped in the light dragon flame and the hurricane blade, suddenly attacked Utro's heart.

"Fast! Your Highness is in danger!" All of the transforming dragon fighters under Urterol were all terrified, for fear of missing the main body.

A good Utro did not fear when he was in danger, and the big sword in his horizontal hand rushed up, but unfortunately he rushed to parry and had no time to gather. Then he was slammed by the power of the hurricane smashed, and he stood back for several meters. stable.

"Well, Master Dragon, do you have that ability?" The dragon's tooth blade in Guan Heng's palm turned back sharply, and he sneered at this time: "See? I haven't tried my best yet, Have you become soft-footed shrimp? "

"Abominable, if it weren't for the young master who is currently debugging the body modification, I would have killed you asshole!" Several transformational dragon fighters behind Urtero heard the words of Guan Heng and suddenly scolded in their hearts. One was gritting their teeth. They were about to have an attack, but they were stopped by the dragon master.

At this moment, Utero heard Guan Heng's provocative words, and his heart was extremely angry, but this guy was indifferent and expressionless and said in a deep voice: "Guan Heng, you are strong and a good opponent , So I decided to open myself and fight against you! "

"His Royal Highness, you must not." Cage Ku, the dragon magician who just started working with Borui, cried, "Your transformation and debugging has reached the last step, and you can't stop halfway at this time ..."

"Kaku, you stop me!" Urtero stared at Guan Heng with red eyes at the moment, he cried: "This human warrior is challenging me. As the leader of the Dark Dragon tribe, how can I shrink back ?! Do you want to make me ugly? "

"Hey, in the end is the young master of the dragon clan, Urtero, you still have a bit of warrior bones." Guan Heng looked at Urteror in a condescending state at this time, he said: "Your men just said, respect Driving is undergoing the transformation of body modification? I would like to ask, will you be stronger than you are now after the transformation? "

"Of course!" Urter roared proudly: "You see clearly, now is the heyday of me !!!"

"Hoo--" The roar of Urtero just fell, and the dark and black fighting spirit of his whole body suddenly rose, and all the trees and trees that were 100 meters long were withered and turned into powder. The monstrous dark momentum even formed black in mid-air. Dragon head virtual image!

"This dragon clan master ... is so good !!" The people in Guan Heng have different strengths. Borui, Zovi, Dorie, and Imira clearly realized that Ottro can kill himself by waving his hands. , Ma Ze thought that he could hold a dozen rounds with the other side, but in the end, he would inevitably end in a disastrous defeat.

Ruta ’s strength is already at the level of demigod. He claims that he and Utro are in the middle of the middle class, but Ruta is not very good at fighting. If the two sides do it, it is likely that they will lose more and win less.

It's just that the momentum of Hengdang's opponent is a breeze. I don't care, because Guan Heng has integrated the power of the dragon god, and he has the crystal of the red dragon breath, and Utero's strength is so strong that he is not in front of him. What kind of.

Otero's murderous spirit came to Guan Heng's position about four or five meters ago, and it was difficult to enter. This scene suddenly surprised the dragon master: "My peak strength actually has a kind of power in front of him. Feeling powerless ?! "

"Utero, if you have the potential to become stronger after the transformation, then I can delay our war a little bit later."

Guan Heng said arrogantly at this time: "Because even if you are defeated now, there is no sense of accomplishment for me, but in exchange, after I defeat you, you must tell me how to go to Paine's" Devil's Palace " 'Because Pawn is my ultimate goal, you are not!'

After hearing Guan Heng's words, Utero felt that he was extremely despised. His fists squeaked, and he couldn't hold back the urge to fight Guan Heng now.

Guan Heng saw the other person's anger and desperation, and he suddenly said: "Borui, Ruta, you take everyone back out of the 100 meters." Although I don't know what Guan Heng meant, all the companions did it and brushed up. Exit to go all the way.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Utero in a bold manner: "Young Master of the Dragon Race, I will show you now, the gap between us!"

"Drink ah—" Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly swelled his whole body momentum, fully erupting the power of integration with the soul of the dragon god, coupled with the fierce pressure of the crystal of the red dragon's breath, a brain raged in the valley Come on!

"Wow-this is ?!" The first victims were a few transforming dragon fighters behind Utero, and Guan Heng's fierce domineering swept across them, "噗噗 噗 ——" dragon fighters They burst their heads and spurted blood, and then fell to the ground.

Guan Heng's fierce domineering momentum broke out in an instant, and even the people 100 meters away couldn't help his knees getting weak and almost fell. Everyone secretly cried: "Oh my god, who would think that Guan Heng gave his full strength? After that, it turned out to be so scary? "

At the same time, Otrow, the young master of the dragon clan, felt the breath of Guan Heng, only feeling that he had fallen into the 100,000 Mickey Frost, and his whole body trembled, and he couldn't control his snoring. : "This is the domineering of the Dark Dragon Lord of Ashton Mainland. Why did it appear on you?"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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