Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1348: Engage in tomorrow (first)

"Huh, Urtero, you don't need to know so much, you just need to know the gap between yourself and me." Guan Heng slightly converged and said coldly to Urtero: "Now you go , I only give you one day to allow you to transform your body and strengthen yourself. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and he spread out his palms, and suddenly turned out the crystal of the red dragon's breath, and then said, "If you can win me when you become stronger, I will leave this dark dragon family. The dragon's breath crystallized and gave up, and then you will have the capital to dominate the world. If you lose, you must honestly tell the address of the demon palace. "

"Uh, this is and is the original power of the Dark Dragon's Majesty !!" Utero saw the crystal of Dragon's Breath, and was almost out of blood.

The power of the Dark Dragon Lord even surpasses the Light God, and it is a super killer that deserves to destroy the world. The bet for Guan Heng is too big, and Urtero has to agree. At this moment, the Dragon Master He couldn't hold back the ups and downs of his heart, and in a flash, he had made the final decision!

"Okay, I promise you." Urtero said firmly: "In one day, I will transform myself to the peak state, and then challenge you again. If I lose, I will take you to the demon palace, even if I die. , As long as there is a breath left, I will tell you the address! "

"Remember your promise." Guan Heng waved to Utro and said, "You can leave, you and I will be in this decisive battle, this time tomorrow, this place!"

"Farewell!" Utero greeted several transforming dragon fighters behind him: "Let's go."

"Ugh." In the blink of an eye, Utero disappeared in front of Guan Heng with a few men, at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly heard a sound in his mind, it is the pure white dragon, the ancient dragon **** Ganesha. .

"Hey, Guan Hengzi, is this the Dragon Master?" Ganniso said lazily, "The strength is too weak. Why didn't you kill him just now?"

"It's no use killing this guy right now, because even if I do, I can't find Paine's demon palace." Guan Heng said slowly, "I can see that this guy named Urter is a man who wants to become more A strong fighting mad, as long as he is fundamentally convinced, Utro can take me to find Pawn's jerk. "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Ganezo said: "I have lived in this land for thousands of years, and I haven't heard of any demon palace. In the past, the residence of the ancient devil was also long gone. . "

"So ah, Utro's life will remain for a day or two." Guan Heng said with his shoulders, "At the very least, this guy has to be a" guide "again."

"Well, I won't talk to you, uh ah-" Ganniso yawned and said, "I'm going to go back to sleep, goodbye."

After Ganesha's voice completely disappeared, Ruta, Maze, and Borui all came over, Guan Heng said about tomorrow's engagement with Otero, and the others had no objection.

It's just that Borui's boy was secretly sulking, because under the attack of the other transforming dragon magician, Borui's indifference of the advanced magic ice **** was completely defeated, which made him feel a little angry.

At this moment, Borui said to Guan Heng, "Boss, I want to go back to Mrs. Jiang Ge's nameless island."

Guan Heng asked casually, "For what?"

"I ... must be stronger." Borui clenched his fists at the moment and said, "So I'm going to ask Mrs. Jiang Ge and the old man in Sanqiu to see if there are stronger magic mantras for me to learn. Then, when I meet the other dragon transforming magician again, I won't suffer. "

"Wait, Borui." Zuo Wei said at this time: "I'll go with you. Mr. Shaharu said earlier that he would give me a priest's staff he forged, and it's time to go back and get it. In addition, I also want to ask him if he can inlay the god-controlling stone on top of my staff. "

"Brother Guan Heng." Zuo Wei turned his head at this moment and said, "I only discovered this morning that the god-controlling stone that is useless in other people's hands, when I held it, I could increase my own magic power, so I thought of this idea."

"Well, go with Borui." Guan Heng said: "Anyway, you two can use the teleportation spell to return to the stone magic fortress at any time."

The next moment, Borui and Zuo Wei left, Guan Heng left the Dark Dragon Canyon with the rest of his companions and returned to the fortress.


At the same time, Otrow and his subordinates returned to their place of residence. Otto waved to his subordinates and said, "You all quit, I want to stay alone."

Several transforming dragon fighters bowed and retreated, and Urtero sat in a chair at this moment, recalling the fierce coercion and momentum of Guan Heng, and he could hardly resist the idea of ​​resistance at that time, Urter Luo then scolded himself for being useless.

"Why ... Guan Heng will get the original power left by His Majesty the Dark Dragon?" At this time, Urtero hated and was jealous: "I am the only orthodox descendant of the Dark Dragon tribe. Power, but it was in the hands of a little humble human being, this is a great irony! Damn it-- "

It turns out that this Utro is really a direct descendant of the Dark Dragon tribe in Ashton's mainland, and the blood of the cricket of the Dark Dragon master.

At that time, the Dark Dragon Lord was dissatisfied with the companionship of the other Dragon races to the light **** Darakund, so he led his cronies to gather the rebellion, and gradually formed the powerful forces of the Dark Dragon race.

However, Bright God's strength is overbearing, and there are other dragons to help out. The Dark Dragon Lord is not an opponent. Finally, in order to improve his strength, the Dark Dragon Lord thought of an extremely **** and cruel method to enhance his own strength.

That method is to rely on devouring the flesh of the dragon of the same family to let the strength soar. The more you swallow the blood of your own relatives, the more you can raise your strength to a terrible realm. The cruel Dark Dragon Lord devours almost all his children. , And finally raised the strength to the point where the God of Light can compete.

At that time, on the Ashton continent, a terrible fierce battle took place. With the help of his vassal dragons, the God of Light finally defeated the Dark Dragon Lord and sealed the red dragon breath he vomited before his death. That is the strongest original power of the Dark Dragon Lord.

The remaining Dark Dragon races fled after their master defeated, and was quietly extradited by the abyss Lord Pawn to the land of Saint-Loupron to become their own minions, allowing these guys to continue to thrive and to poison their souls.

—— [2016.6.26 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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