Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1353: Sudden Encounter (First)

After hearing this, Guan Heng asked casually, "The kingdom of gods? What does that mean?"

"The so-called 'kingdom of gods' refers to the ancient kingdom where miracles once came or were directly related to the deities."

Doffer explained: "In ancient times, the Drag Tower was the place where the waiter of the **** of the humanity stayed, so the temple of the first **** was built there, but 700 years ago, I went to worship When the temple was sacrificed, it was already ruined, it was like a ruined ruin, and there were no people nearby. "

Speaking of this, Dovre suddenly felt that the teeth and cheeks were flowing, and even saliva was flowing out: "Uh, there is only a small town just a few kilometers away from the temple. The nectar wine there is sweet and fragrant. , Super delicious ... well, don't forget what you said, be sure to ask Miss Ben to drink enough. "

"I can't see you as a drunkard," Guan Heng murmured, and then said to Luta, who was flying side by side, "It seems that the ancient country of Draga Tower is not too far away, we will soon be there. . "

"It seems that what you are looking for is really important." Ruta said, "What the **** is it?"

After hearing Ruta ’s inquiry, Guan Heng did n’t hide it, so he said something about the inverse of the astrolabe. Ruta nodded slightly after listening to it: “I see. It ’s too dangerous to lose such important things. It should be found quickly. "

While the two were whispering and talking, the two Fengyu dragons flew at full speed and hurried away, and had already reached the sky above the ancient region of the Silk Tower.

At this moment, Doffer said, "Well, after hundreds of years, this place has not changed much, but it is a boundless endless virgin forest."

"Guan Heng, let Fengyulong fly to the left of the forest," Doffer continued. "The temple of the first human race is in that direction ..."

Before waiting for Dovre's voice to fall, Guan Heng and Ruta's ears moved at the same time, and the two looked at each other and said, "Sound of something flying ?!"

"Let's hide it first, and check the situation." Guan Hengyang cried, "Baro and Bath fell immediately into the forest." The two Fengyulongs promised, landed on the ground, and quickly hid and concealed. Got in shape.

A few seconds later, a black shadow appeared suddenly in the air. It was a group of people in black robes riding a dragon. Seeing each other's appearance, Guan Heng whispered to Ruta: "Look at these guys who are all over the body. The momentum is the abyss demons. I didn't expect this group of guys to find here. "

Ruta replied: "I just don't know if they came for what you were looking for."

"Eighty or nine of this group of guys have the same purpose as us." Guan Heng stared at the black robe demons riding a dragon in the air. The other party didn't stop here, but suddenly dispersed, two Only one group of dragons began to search around the virgin forest.

At this time, Guan Heng moved his heart, and he whispered: "It seems that the people of the Demons don't know the exact location of the temple, this is a good opportunity for us."

Having said that, Guan Heng asked Doffer: "How far is it from the Temple of the Terrans?"

"It's about a dozen kilometers." Doffer knew that Guan Heng and Ruta were going through the woods, and she hurriedly said, "According to my previous memory, if you go straight down here, you will see one. The rushing river runs backwards along the water source, and at the end is where the temple is located. "

"Okay, Ruta, let's go." Guan Heng greeted him, and the two of them rushed with swiftness and swiftness, and disappeared into the dense forest in a blink of an eye.


At the same time, on the beach of the unknown island.

"This is the auxiliary magic spell you said?" Borui looked at the light blue light curtain attached to his body, and asked Weiyu Beast strangely: "What is the purpose of this thing?"

"You **** really don't know baby." Qi Yubei said with a chuckle at this time: "This mystery called the" water gathering mantra "can help you have affinity with the water elements in the air, so that the ice is cast It can double its power when it comes to system and water magic. This is a mysterious skill that can only be mastered by ancient beasts. No human being can learn it before. "

"Then say, is it really cheap for Master Rain Beast this time?" At this moment, Borui also felt that the trend of the gathering of water elements around him was getting faster and faster. He said cheerfully: "Is it possible to teach now? Give me a magic spell? "

"Well, Borui, I don't understand one thing." After sighing, Qi Yubei sighed and asked suddenly: "For a human magician, frequently casting a curse is tantamount to suicide, why are you? So want to learn the curse? "

"Hehehe, tell you." Borui suddenly smiled suddenly, he looked up at Yun Baiyun in the sky and said, "Half a month ago, I was just a magician who was the most indifferent and waited for death to invade the Dragon Race. In my own hometown, when I destroyed everything around me, I dared not do anything. I just knew that I was fleeing, fleeing, fleeing ...

"Until I settled in the city, I almost fell into a thief who was going to hold a sheep in my house. At this time, I met the man, my elder brother, Guan Heng." Borui said slowly at the moment: "The beginning For my own safety, I think that as long as I follow a strong man like Guan Heng, my life is guaranteed, so I cheekily follow the boss and go on the road. "

Praying for the rain beast, he asked, "What about later?"

"But I never expected that I would get more and more things from the boss and other companions. Friendship, courage to overcome timidity, and various opportunities for progress."

Borui stared at his hands at this time and said, "These things, these are so precious, I used to be the precious wealth that I could not even imagine, and after I met the boss of Guan Heng, I got it all."

At this point, Borui paused and said loudly, "Guan Heng is the biggest beneficiary of my life. When I wanted to follow him with a lifetime of loyalty and friendship, he told me that he could only be here I stayed in the world for more than ten days, so I thought, just spend the days with my boss these days and do my best to help him !! "

At the moment, Borui's eyes were staring at Qiyu Beast, saying, "For this reason, even if I burn my life, I have no hesitation!"

At this moment, Borui's words were decisive and powerful, his eyes were full of hesitation without hesitation, praying for the beast to see all this in his eyes, and sighing secretly in his heart, Is there any magic that will make this young magician willingly give you life? Is this the courage of friendship? "

—— [2016.6.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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