Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1354: Outside the shrine

Qi Yuyu was silent for a long time, and finally came to Borui, and he whispered, "Okay, I will teach you a forbidden spell, but Borui, you have to promise me that you must do it before you must. Do n’t use this Tricks, let alone continuous use. "


At this time, in the woods near the Stone Demon Bastion, Ma Ze was practicing with Ke Song and three other Shifu fighters controlled by the Sha people.

"The undead king is fighting !!!!" Ma Ze, with his hand-held keel spear, soared the momentum of the whole body to an extreme in an instant, and launched a fierce assault on the four stone rune fighters with the spear gun in his palm.

Kesong's stone run warrior took the lead to use the shield to resist the stabbing of the gun. "Dangdang!" Ma Ze's offensive was suppressed at the same time. At the same time, while he was in a stagnant shape, three long-edged stones Fu soldiers hurriedly came over.

"Hoo——" The three-handed long-bladed cymbals wrapped up the wind, one took the neck, two attacked the heart nest, three swept both feet, and the three-in-one offensive match was seamless. The speed was even more up and down. .

"Fast!" Ma Ze praised secretly, but he didn't dare to neglect under his hands. He said that time and time were fast, the keel spear was rotating in the palm, and suddenly opened two of its long blades, facing the sharp blade that flew to the heart socket, Ma Ze drank suddenly and stunned the gun.


"Slightly ——" The Shifu Warrior's sword-bearing hand was suddenly distorted to the opposite direction. Ma Ze took the opportunity to sweep with a keel spear, and "嘭 嘭 嘭!"趔 趄 Back.

"Chong!" It was Kesong's Sword Shield Rune Warrior who rushed to the end. This ferocious Rune of Stone held a shield like a cross arm, and the fit slammed into Ma Ze.

"Good time!" Ma Ze, unafraid, greeted him with his arms.


"Squeak--" The shield and the gun were pushed forward vigorously by both sides, and suddenly made a fierce friction sound.

However, Kesong's Shifu Warrior is not just a shield, his other hand is still holding a long blade, at this time aiming at Ma Ze's face door is struggling.

"Whoa!" The razor-blade came across, and Mather yelled suddenly: "Undead vigor bursts the gun !!"

All of a sudden, Ma Ze's pale gold-colored undead's fighting spirit broke out suddenly, and the keel spear Jin Mang flourished. Next, the stone shield and long blade of the flying stone rune warrior suddenly made it fall out.

"噗通 ——"

"Bone is sturdy!" Shi Fu warrior was thrown to the ground and rolled away. Ke Song suddenly grinned with pain: "Oh, my baby is a stone run!"

"I said Ma Ze, wouldn't you be lighter?" Ke Song cried and said at the moment: "Look at our stone rune warriors, all of them are pitted, which is very troublesome to repair."

"Sorry, the newly mastered King of the Undead has just become proficient." Ma Ze smirked a little, "I will pay attention next time."

"And the next time ?!" Together with Ke Song, the four Sha people were so frightened that they fell down, and they said in unison: "Give us a break, brother!"

"It seems that this undead study method that Guan Heng gave me can really make me stronger." Ma Ze looked at the vigour and luster around his body and on the keel spear, he mumbled to himself. "It's at least three times as powerful as before. It's really good."

"Brother Ma Ze, come and practice bow and arrow with me?" At this moment, Doro lined out in the open space outside the woods, "Just a moment, hurry up."

"Come here, come," Ma Ze said in a helpless voice, "I'll be here."

At this moment, Ma Zei thought to himself: "I don't know if it's my illusion. This child seems to be sticking to me more and more. Is this a good thing?"


Guan Hengzheng and Ruta rushed up along a rushing river in the dense forest of the ancient country of Seist Tower. At this time, Guan Heng whispered, "I'm going to the place, I have seen the ruins of the palace in front."

"Guanheng!" Ruta cried suddenly. "Kilometers to the left ..."

"I know, the demons came here." Guan Heng said without turning back. "Three flying dragons and three black robe demons, if I mean, I will quickly solve them, and then start to Start searching for the Temple of the First God. "

"Agree." Ruta's voice didn't fall, and the two had flashed into the low bushes by the side of the road twice, but there was no trace of time.

Ten or more seconds later, three flying dragons swept across the sky from a low altitude and stopped by the road not far from the Temple of the Beginning God. Three men in black robes rolled over and fell into the saddle of the flying dragon. One of them shouted, "Good. , Find the location of the shrine, let me know soon— "

"Sorry, no one of you can tell." Without waiting for this person to finish his speech, a swift shadow emerged from the oblique stab, and a pair of short-edged swords swept across the side of the three, and the black-robed man's neck suddenly appeared narrow blood. Line, "Oh!" The **** mist of the big puff turned to the sky in an instant, and the three died instantly.

"Squeak--" The three flying dragons screamed at the sight of the owner's death. Who knew that Guan Heng's figure was shaking in the grass, he just released the coercion of the power of the dragon **** a little. Eyes turned white, white foam was spitting out, and urine was passed out and passed out to the ground.

"Okay, it will take a while for their associates to find out that something is wrong." Guan Heng said, "Let's advance to the Temple of the First God."

At this moment, Doffer first flew to the stump and watched it in a circle, then fell back on Guan Heng's shoulder. She said, "That's right, it's here. I can't think of it for hundreds of years. It's still the same here, really. Birds don't shit, they don't see the sour poor places. "

"Ruta, let's go."

After Guan Heng finished speaking, he quickly walked into the Temple of the First God. It really was as rotten as Doffer said. There were overgrowths of artemisia, and the stump of the ruins was left by drowning birds and beasts. The smell was pungent. Guan Heng and Ruta were nothing, but Doffer kept complaining: "Oh my God, this is the place I don't want to come, so dirty ..."

"If you don't want to stay here, help me find what I want." Guan Heng said angrily at this time: "How many rooms are there, and where is the main hall?"

"Just in front, come with me soon." Doffer took a breath, suddenly flew out all the way, Guan Heng and Ruta looked at each other with a grin, and then said in unison: "It's a very awkward kid."

"Uh yeah yeah-what is this?" Doffer in front screamed, "Guan Heng, come and save me !!"

"What happened soon?" Guan Heng murmured. "Why is Dovre so easy to get into trouble, but it doesn't surprise me at all?"

—— [2016.6.27 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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