Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1361: Looking for people in the ancient county

"Stop your mouth!" Guan Heng suddenly became furious when he heard these words. He said discouragedly: "I can only stay in this world for about ten days. How can I spend so much time collecting ghost fragments for you? My wife's remnant soul is still Waiting for me to collect it. "

"Uh ?!" Humans and gods were suddenly speechless at this time, and they couldn't tell what to say.

"Yeah, the human and **** of one of the three ancient gods didn't count as much, and it was really shameless." Dovre lay on Guan Heng's shoulder and said, "I just heard it clearly. You have promised to put the five poles. The whereabouts of the beads and astrolabe told Guan Heng. "

"Ahem." Ruta cleared her throat, and then whispered, "I heard it too, Majesty, you can't speak without credit."

"Well, it's not that I don't want to tell you, all the things about collecting boxes are done by my ministers, and I don't know myself." The man and **** said a little distressed: "Unless you can find the descendants of the ministers, Only then can we find out the whereabouts of the god-controlling stone box. "

"What? It's so troublesome?" Guan Hengqi said badly. "Why didn't you say it earlier? What if the demons were looking for those things and they were preempted?"

"You can rest assured. As far as I know, there was only one of the five priests who followed me and descendants. If the whereabouts of the box are inherited, it must be the son of that person." Said: "As long as we find the descendants of the minister, we will have the opportunity to get the five pole beads and the core of the astrolabe."

"Well, I'll believe you once." Speaking of this, Guan Hengyu suddenly uttered a clear howling to the sky, and then two dragons roared not far away to respond.

When the two whispering dragons, Bath and Baru, flew towards Guan Heng, Guan Heng said to the blackbird again, "Well, Ruta and I ca n’t stay long in the land of St. Lomplon, but I am here There are also some local friends. I will ask them to help you find the lost soul. What do you think? "

"Okay, okay, as long as there is someone to help." Renjin also figured out at this time, he sighed and said: "It seems that everything is doomed in the deep, I am silent in the Temple of the First God For many years, I suddenly encountered you and your old friend Dragon God. This is the precursor of Saint Loren's imminent change. "

"After I leave, I can ask the elders of Sha and Ke Song to look for the things of people, spirits and souls." Guan Heng thought to himself at this moment: "If you want to come, the elders will not refuse, it is not difficult. It just takes time. "

At the next moment, Guan Heng and Ruta stepped on Fengyulong, and began the journey of searching for the descendants of the gods, with the **** of the human race attached to the blackbird.


On the other hand, Kou Han fled to his whereabouts full of wolverines. He was furious and thundered in the secret room: "Heck, this time there is another blackbird that can use human divine power. What is going on? There is that **** Guanheng, every major event that breaks me, is a junk thing that kills a thousand swords! "

"I thought I was carrying the actions of His Majesty Pawn and found the remnant soul of the human race god. I can find and devour those fragments of the soul. That way, the effect of increasing strength is ten times more than the refining and controlling **** stone. They shot to stop. "

Thinking of this, Kou Han was so irritated with anger that he suddenly thought again: "Strange, what are those guys doing in the Temple of the First God? Is it also for the soul fragments of the human gods?"


"I'm so mad—" Cohen, who thought he had figured it all out, suddenly smashed the stone table in front of him with his black hands, and the debris flew around in time.

Kou Han murmured to himself: "The god-controlling stone and the shard of the soul have all fallen into Guan Heng's hands. This **** thing is bad for me everywhere and steals what belongs to me. You really think I'm Kou Han Is it bullying? As long as the time comes, I will tear you alive, and your affiliates, and I will let them tortured thousands of times, hum!

"Master Cohan, bother you." At this time, the voice of his men outside the door suddenly heard: "The liaison officer over the demon domain came from His Majesty's latest instructions, please come over."

"Well, I see. Go and tell the liaison officer, this seat will be here soon." At this moment, Cohen thought to himself: "The search for the god-controlling stone and the shard of the soul are all carried out without His Majesty Pawn. It must never be leaked, otherwise I would be unlucky. "

The abyss demon Pawn has always been extremely strict. If he is made aware of the small movements of Cohan, let alone his close friends, even blood relatives will be destroyed, not to mention, Cohan is because of his own The reason is that he has long been indifferent to Pawn. This pair of masters and servants appears calm and calm, but in fact, an unexpected conflict will erupt sooner or later.


Schlescher, an ancient county in the central part of St. Lompren, is an extremely independent place. It is said that Schlescher County has existed for thousands of years, and no kingdom or large power has ever thought of attacking and occupying it.

Because Schlescher is a sacred religion since ancient times, and this sacred religious group is called "ancient god", was established by the patron saint of one of the three gods of the ancient times.

The last article of the St. Lomperland Convention clearly stipulates that no one or instance must invade Schlescher County by force, otherwise all nations can join forces, this is to show respect for the ancient three gods Meaning.

From mid-afternoon, two wind-speaking dragons suddenly flew in mid-air near Schleschershire, riding on Guan Heng and Ruta.

At this moment, the blackbird stood on the head of Fengyu Longbas and said, "Oh, I didn't expect that a small village, Schlescher, thousands of years ago, has now become a city with tens of thousands of people. It can be seen that time has changed, and many things have been changed. "

"This is the city where your patron saints with descendants are born?" Guan Heng said at this time: "Today, the dragon race rages on Saint-Lombon, and there is still a calm and peaceful atmosphere here, but it is not easy. "

Suddenly remembered one thing, Guan Heng asked: "Yes, man and god, I haven't asked clearly just now, what's your **** minister's name?"

"She ... her name is 'Qila Yimeisi' ... Keke, it was the only goddess around me."

When the **** of man came here, his tone suddenly became a little bit awkward, and Guan Heng suddenly felt something wrong, so he quietly asked Dragon God Ganesha in his mind: "Hey, this guy's speech seems to have a weird taste, you know What happened? "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.28, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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