Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1362: Griffin Squad (fifth more outbreak)

"Silly boy, you think about it with your head in mind."

Ganesha said in a gossip: "Qiraimes is a very famous beauty in ancient times. Her fame is so famous that even our dragons know that such a beautiful little girl follows the gods. It's not easy to guess who has a child.

Hearing this, Guan Heng almost cried out, "Ah ?! You mean ... the **** of this guy, he, he ..."

At this time, Ganesha said with a little sigh: "Yes, everyone knew at that time, Qi Lai Mei Si's belly was just the old one ... Hehe, you understand?"

Guan Heng's interest was stirred up at once, and he quickly asked: "Then what happened? Has the child been born?"

"When the romantic deeds of humans and gods happened, the relationship between our three gods has not broken down, so I know a little bit about this."

Ganezo quietly said to Guan Heng at this time: "Since then, the big-bellied Kiraimes disappeared from the gods for a while, and I guess she gave birth to the child in Schlescher County. Although humans and gods cannot personally acknowledge that this child is their own bloodline, they will definitely take care of it more conveniently. "

"So it is." At this time, Guan Heng, with a bit of disdain and sorrow, slapped the black cricket in front of him, and said secretly in his heart: "What an ancient man and god, hey, it's just a salty and wet uncle who is an old cow's tender sprout. . "

"Guan Heng, don't let your hair go." Ruta cried suddenly. "Looking ahead, something seems to be flying over."

"Huh ?! That's ..." Guan Heng's eyes flickered, and when he looked up to take a closer look, a team of Warcraft knights had been flying fast across from them. The mounts of these people were very spirited. They had the lion's body and claws. , But gave birth to the beak of the hawk, and the wings with full plumage and wide wingspan.

"Haha, this is a griffin!" The blackbird who lived in the human **** suddenly laughed: "Thinking back then, I gave Kiraimes a pair of griffon chicks, this should be their descendants."

The dark claws, keen keen eyes, arc-like eagle beak, and sun-gloss neck fur and golden tail feathers make these griffins particularly distinctive, and even a little holy.

"It turns out that these are griffins, they look really beautiful." Guan Heng said to Ruta beside him, "It seems that such magical creatures have not been seen in Ashton mainland. They should be special products of St. Lombon. "

"Maybe, watch out for these knights, they don't seem to be friendly." Ruta reminded: "You see, those guys have all their weapons up."

Sure enough, Ruta expected, a gryphon knight leading the other called out in a loud voice: "This is the territory of the holy clergy's ancient gods"-Schlescher County. We are a patrolling gryphon team. Ben The county does not welcome the evil dragon knight. Please leave immediately, otherwise, I will wait to force you out. "

Speaking of which, this row of seven Gryphon knights brushed up their arms and began to stand up. Seeing each other's fierce momentum, Guan Heng was not interested in turning their hands and he just said loudly: "Please wait, we are not the bad guys of the Dragon Army, but we have something to go to Shulescher County, please be convenient."

"Well, today's St. Lompland is a time when the dragon race is rampant. How do we know what you said is true or false?" The griffin knight who spoke first said blankly: "I think you should hurry and leave, don't It's a waste of words here. "

"Captain Lu Wensen, don't talk to these dragon villains, just do it!" At this moment, another Gryphon knight couldn't hold back anymore. When he patted his mount, the Gryphon snarled at Guan Heng. the two of them. Captain Louson, who had spoken first, wanted to stop this reckless knight, but it was too late.

"Oh, these guys are really not salty." Guan Heng glanced at the blackbird. At this time, the old **** was not saying a word, and Guan Heng snorted quietly: "Since you don't listen to good words, don't Blame me.

Having said that, Guan Heng patted Feng Yulong's head: "Bahru, come here with a roar of wind, give him some color to see!"

"Roar--" Feng Yulong was also holding a belly of fire at this time, and opened his mouth to the Griffin knight who rushed over, and opened his mouth with a violent drink, a fierce force wrapped around the wind element, mixed with a sonic attack. On the gryphon's head: "Bang!"

The howling wind is the perfect combination of wind magic and sonic attack. He used the fierce wind to drive the power of noise attack. The griffin ate this move, and he was dizzy and turned over and planted the ground.

"Ahhhh!" The Griffin knight on the saddle was unstable and was thrown out. Ruta then slammed the dragon bass, and flew forward to catch it without bias, Guan Heng It also made Baru use his tail to catch the groggy unlucky griffin.

"Abominable, let go of our companions!" At this moment, seeing Guan Heng they captured the Griffin and his companion, Lu Wensen and the other Griffin Knights were suddenly shocked and angry, and they drove His Majesty Mount, passionate anger will rush up and desperately.

"Huh-isn't it honest?" Guan Heng's tiger body shocked, and suddenly there was a sense of coercion. Those keen griffins first noticed that something was wrong, and all of them shivered and shivered, Gryphon knight saw his mount out of the situation, and suddenly began to be stunned, dilemma.

"You guys, as I said just now, we are not bad people. The reason why my Fengyu Long will start is because of forced self-defense." Guan Heng was smiling at this time, but his tone was soft and hard: "In order not to cause Everyone's misunderstanding, let's find a place to land first, so I can release your companions and griffins. "

After saying this, Guan Hengli ignored these people, beckoned to Ruta, and fell to the nearby woods by himself.

"Hehehe, these little guys are really unruly." At this moment, the silent man smiled: "Sure enough, it is more effective to deter them by strength."

"Well, you're watching the excitement next to you. It's really leisurely." Guan Heng shook his head slowly: "I hope to quickly get rid of the misunderstanding, and I'll get into Schlescher County early to get things resolved."

After a while, Guan Heng returned the unlucky knight and his griffin to the patrol squad. After introducing himself, Captain Luwensen even heard Guan Heng's name.

Lu Wensen said with a surprise: "It turned out that you are the famous human race Mr. Guan Heng. In the past half a month, your name has resounded throughout the entire St. Lomplon, and even the six legions of the Dragons have been destroyed in you. In our hands, we really don't know if Mr. Guan Heng came here, a misunderstanding, please don't mind. "

—— [Fifth more on 2016.6.28, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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