Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1363: A rare paradise (first)

"It's okay, it's okay." Guan Hengxin said, "Is my name so loud now? There are so many people who know me."

"Yes, I don't know how you heard of me?" Guan Heng casually said, "Because I have never been in this area before."

"That ’s because our sacred cult, the" Old God ", did not directly participate in the battle to repel the Dragon Army, but it has the relationship of the largest information network of the entire Saint Lomprum. Therefore, for Mr. Guan Heng, you have defeated the Dragon We all know a bit, and of course, we admire a strong man like you. "

Lu Wensen said that he paused here, and then continued: "Since you know Mr. Kwan Heng's identity, there is no problem in freely entering and exiting Schlescher County. I would like to take the liberty of asking you if you come to Schlescher County. What are you doing, is there anything we can do? "

Guan Heng first glanced at the black cormorant on Ruta's shoulder, and the latter said slightly to Guan Heng, so Guan Heng said to Lu Wensen: "It's true, my companion and I have something to see now. I wonder if Mr. Lu Wensen can introduce me? "

"Well ... if it's Mr. Guan Heng, there should be no problem, because under the crown of the patriarch of our church, Ye Jiali, is a very kind and benevolent official. Basically, the crown of the maiden is for any friendly friend. You will not refuse to seek. "

Captain Lu Wensen said: "Speaking of, in this county of Schlescher, the reason why the people can live and work in peace and maintain a good relationship with the Order is all thanks to Ye Jiali's hard work over the years."

When referring to Ye Jiali, the county's conservator and patron saint, the faces of the patrol squad Gryphon knights were full of reverence, Guan Heng nodded slightly, and he thought to himself: "It seems that ancient gods The regiment is doing a good job in this ancient county. This should be a rare land in St. Lompland today. "

"Well, the other brothers will continue on patrol missions." Lu Wensen said at this time: "I personally led Mr. Guan Heng to the county capital and meet with the maiden." The other Griffin knights agreed in unison, and After Guan Heng said goodbye to Ruta, they set off on a griffin and flew away.

After a while, the capital of Schlescher County, the first Holy See of the Ancient Deities, is Kaboyan.

At this moment, Lu Wensen has been handed over to a person at the gate of the city to take him away. Due to the large number of people and merchants in the city, medium and large Warcrafts are not allowed to walk around. In accordance with local rules, Guan Heng let the two Fengyu Long Baru and Bath go outside the city to rest and rest freely. Luta and Luta followed Luvinson into Kaboyang.

"Our first Holy See is at the end of Central Street, and under the crown of Our Lady Ye Jiali, she often preached here on the high platform and was very popular with the people."

Lu Wensen led Guan Heng and they walked on the street. He continued: "In Schlescher County, the farmland is vast and the annual harvest is very good. In addition, there are several huge rivers nearby and the catch is very rich. We It is entirely possible to achieve a self-sufficient life. Every year, St. Lomprum and merchants from all over the world trade, sell their novelty goods, and then sell our agricultural products everywhere. "

"It's really good. It can be called a paradise on earth." After listening to Lu Wensen's words, Guan Heng sighed: "Don't look at the flames outside, but people here can live and work in peace and contentment, it's not bad."

However, Ruta asked quietly in his ear: "Huan Guan, don't you think this kind of self-closing approach is selfish?"

"I don't agree with you." Guan Heng shook his head and said, "People here seem to have simple and happy expressions on their faces. Why should they be too close to the smoke of war?"

"Guan Heng is right. The reason why I let Kiraimes settle here with children is also because of the great protection of ancient protoss."

The blackbird shook his hair at this time and whispered to Guan Heng and Ruta: "If there is another place of safety on the land of St. Lomplon, it is here in Schlescher County, because that huge The protection circle covers this place for hundreds of kilometers, and no evil atmosphere, especially the demons ... keke ... and the dragons can not set foot here. "

"Is there such a thing, people and gods are an old thing, and they are still guarding against our dragons. It is really hard for you to protect your" species "." At this moment, the dragon **** Ganisuo shouted: "Huh, it ’s lascivious. Old bastard, hehe. "

"Dragon God, what are you talking about? I don't understand it at all." As one of the three ancient gods, he secretly "cultivated" the patron saint into a magpie. This is not a glorious thing on the face, so human **** The matter of Kiraimes has always been denied.

"You and everyone, we have arrived." Just as Guan Heng listened to the Dragon God and the Human God rubbing their teeth, Lu Wensen had led them to the gate of the palace of the First Holy See.

"Mr. Guan Heng, I'm sorry, but the two will wait at the door first." Lu Wensen said, "If you can usually go straight in, you don't need ultimatum, but today is a monthly celebration of the ancient shrine group. Ye Jiali should still be presiding under the crown, so I have to go ahead and tell her. "

"It's okay, we'll wait here," Guan Heng said with a smile. "After all, it's the two of us who bother you, thank you."

"Then I'll go ahead." Lu Wensen said as he was about to enter the door, he suddenly turned his head and said, "If two knights see the rose petals on their chests, please don't conflict with them ..."

Throwing this sentence without a thought, Lu Wensen left in a hurry, Guan Heng and Ruta looked at each other, he scratched his head somehow: "Don't conflict with those knights ?! What is this? meaning?"

"Who knows?" Ruta shrugged. "It doesn't look like Schleschershire is as calm as it seems."

"Hey, the two of you are waiting here first. God wants to fly around to see the scenery and come back right away." Heihe suddenly said this, and flew to the sky with a whimper.

Guan Heng slowly shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This man really has a sense of leisure and wandering around, and it turns out that God is very wayward ..."

Guan Heng and Ruta waited at the door for less than half a minute, and then heard a loud noise and commotion on the street behind them, and some people shouted, "Fastly close the stalls, the pests of the patrol knights. Come again. "

—— [2016.6.29 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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