Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1366: Undercover

"Boy, what you put into your body just now is the purest divine power."

The human **** said at this time: "Only my son ... Keke, oh no, only the descendants of Qila Yimeisi can adapt to this divine power. It can help you to suspend the pain, but your body is too hurt. , I ca n’t even cure it all at once. Tell me how you got hurt? ”

At this moment, Guan Heng also took out two bottles of ambergris potent restorer and handed it to Eding: "This is a potion made by the ancient ancient grass, which is very beneficial to the body, you take it first."

Seeing that Edin was grateful to accept the recovery agent, Guan Heng invented a "identity" for the blackbird in order to resolve the doubt in his heart.

Guan Heng said to Eding: "This black cricket, it is raised by His Majesty, one of the three ancient gods ... that ... the beast, so it has some divine power. The black cricket beast is a predecessor with great wisdom. You better answer the questions you ask, rest assured, we will not harm you. "

"It turns out that Blackbird's predecessor is the beast of His Majesty ?!"

Edin recalled the pain-relieving divine power that the other party had just put into his body. He immediately believed in eight or nine points. At this moment, his face hesitated for a few seconds before he finally sighed and said: " Well, since the black ancestors have a great relationship with humans and gods, I will not worry even if I ask them out. "

As a result, Edin began to tell the crowd about his injuries.

That was a year ago. Tie Du, the head of the Patriotic Knights, became more and more ambitious. On the one hand, he gathered experts to expand his strength; on the other hand, Tie Du was very eager to hope for his son. Marry Ye Jiali, the priestess.

This is not only because Ye Jiali has a beautiful appearance and has a good reputation and reputation among the people, but also because Iron wants to integrate the forces of the Patriarchal Knights and the Ancient Deities, so that he can dominate Schules alone. Cheshire this place.

However, Schlescher ’s first swordsman, Eding, once vowed that only by defeating his strongman can he marry his sister Ye Jiali. Tie knows that his son is simply a waste of grass, let alone defeating Eding. There is nothing he can do about his clothes.

As a result, the iron capital that was seduced by desire finally took the risk and dispatched a skilled assassin, repeatedly attacking Edin, making the other party annoying. In the end, Edin was besieged by dozens of assassins on his way home from outside the city on a moonlit night .

After the battle on that night, although Edin retreated to the Holy See after reluctantly repulsing the other party, but because his injuries were too severe, his health deteriorated and he was about to die on the sickbed, but at this time, Tiedu ’s son was old. Dad issued a formal challenge to Edin.

With this news, Edin was so angry and helpless that he knew he had been conspired by the other party, but the people who did not know the truth did not think so. Everyone thought that Edin could easily defeat Tiedu's son, like that. My sister-in-law, in the past, couldn't stop the strength of a thumb of Schlescher ’s hero Edin.

"That's how it happened. Rather than watching my sister forced to marry Tiedu's rogue son, I would rather end up with him on the ring!"

Eding clucked his fists at this moment. He gritted his teeth and said, "But if I die, my sister Ye Jiali will be persecuted by the iron capital. Now this situation really makes me a dilemma."

"I'm so mad!" The man and **** almost vomited blood at this time, and he yelled in a low tone: "The blood of the divine protagonist is going to be bullied by the descendants of the gods, this is going to turn heaven!"

"Edin, immediately take me to Tiedu's **** and his son." The man and God shouted without hesitation: "I want to tear up the dogs and fathers!"

"This ..." Edin was still hesitant. When he saw him hesitant, the **** said in a deep voice: "What? You want to watch your sister be bullied by them?"

"Predecessor Blackbird is right, let's go, I will take you to find iron." Edin knows that this is a rare opportunity. You can get rid of the iron capital once and for all, and Guan Heng and Ruta are still here, presumably this Neither will give up.

So Edin took them out of the parlour and went straight out.

At this moment, Guan Heng whispered to the black cricket, "Hey, god, I am here to find the five pole beads and the core of the astrolabe, how can you try to get me into trouble?"

"Don't be embarrassed, Guan Heng, anyway, I can't leave the two children, Eding and Ye Jiali, anyway." Ren Shen whispered at this time: "Edin's injury is too serious, my handful of divine power can't He was completely cured, and after the medleys that leveled Tiedu, he had to find another way to heal him. You and Ruta must help me! "

"Okay, but we have to say something good." Guan Heng shook his head slightly. "What I want ..."

"Don't worry, as long as you can help me to ease the trouble here, I will not only find you the five pole beads, the core of the astrolabe, but I will also give you the same gifts as Ruta." Man and God have not collected all the Soul Shards, and his power is limited, so he In order to stay Guan Heng's help, it is considered a hard work.

Guan Heng and Ruta heard each other and smiled, so they stopped talking.

But just when the crowds came to the hall of the Holy See, the dozen or so knights of the **** group who had just been burned by Dovre suddenly came around with a blond boy.

"Well, isn't this the hero of Schlescher County, Eddin?"

The talking Golden Retriever was Tiedu's uncle, Fei Yama. At this moment, the ruthless guy smiled at Edin with a grimace and said, "I said big sister, when will you marry your sister? Me? To be honest, I can't wait any longer! "

"Fayama! You jerk, I don't allow you to tarnish my sister's reputation!" In a rage, Edin tried to punch his opponent with a punch, but unintentionally affected his injury. He suddenly wow He spit out the dark, black blood, and fell to his knees on the ground.

"Hahaha-Edin, you have become a sick man, what qualifications are there to arrogance in front of me ?!"

Fei Yama at this time with her hands on her hips, proudly laughed wildly: "I advise you to hold your sister with both hands, and wait until the beautiful queen of the beautiful lady Ye Jiali will serve me comfortably, I might spare you not to die!"

As soon as these swear words came out, the knights of the **** group on the side of Feyama immediately laughed.

"Feiama, you beast !!!! It's too bad to die!" Just then, an angry young woman shouted at the end of the corridor: "You know my brother is seriously injured, and you have to force him to compete, it's mean and shameless. Villain! "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.29, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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