Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1367: Furious and fierce (fifth more outbreak)

As soon as the words fell, everyone heard the rapid footsteps sounding. A young girl in a colorful and colorful robe strode forward with a long handle, and she followed her two running panting. Their maids shouted in unison: "Under Ye Jiali, please go slowly and fall carefully."

In an instant, anxious Ye Jiali had rushed to Eding, and her eyes wept, and Ewha's bitterness with rain said, "Brother, I hurt you."

"Ye Jiali, dodge, don't let this **** ..." Edin was just struggling and said here, that Fiyama had rubbed her palms and said hippiely with a smile: "Beauty, are you coming out, you know? I ’m Waiting for you here, you will ... "

"Junk stuff!"

"Pop!" In the fury, Ye Jiali raised her little white hand and slap Fei Yama's rogue slap hardly, regardless of her demeanor's demeanor. Don't look at the girl's fragile appearance and strength when angry. Not too small, but the opponent turned three and a half laps in place.

On the sidelines Guan Heng and Ruta gave a thumbs up in coincidence: "Girl, good fight!"

"Oops!" The kid, Fayama, opened his mouth, vomited, and lost three teeth. He shouted angrily: "Skinny girl, why not!"

At this time, the blackbird who was boarding with the gods saw Ye Jiali's tears and annoyance, and suddenly his head was blank. He murmured to himself: "This expression, I'm too familiar with it. At that time, Qilai Yisi was like this. Deputy looks ... I, I'm sorry for you ... "

Suddenly, the **** of man suddenly said in a deep voice: "Sorry, Qi Lai Mei Si, although I was not able to accompany you at the last moment, but I will never allow anyone to bully you and my descendants !!"

"Oh!" A fiery white beam of light suddenly burst out of the blackbird's body, and time swept away towards Eding, who was half kneeling!

"Slowly and swiftly-" As the white light penetrated into Eding's body, the young man's eyes suddenly flashed a azure blue color, and then returned to normal. He stopped in the dark-skinned eyes of Ruta's shoulder and suddenly lost his talent. Fascinated and dim.

"Well, what's going on?" Guan Heng and Ruta noticed the strange phenomenon just now, but hadn't waited for them to figure out what happened. The beaten Fayama suddenly went crazy, 锵While pulling out the long sword hanging under the ribs, he roared, "Slut, dare you hit me? I slaughtered you--"

"Yeah!" The cold and sharp Jian Feng, and his yelled at Ye Jiali, seeing that she was about to touch her neck, and said that time and time were fast, suddenly a strong hand came out from the oblique stab, "Pop!" Not leaning against the opponent's blade.

"Patter ... patter ..."

Drops of hot blood fell to the ground, "Edin" slowly said at this time: "This is pain, I haven't felt it for thousands of years, but how can this pain be compared with my anger ?! You, dare to call my son-in-law 'slut', are just this unforgivable sin, and you can disappear. "


One of the palms of "Edin" was just patted on Feiyama's head lightly. For a while, the guy's ears, nose, mouth, eyes, and other seven tricks burst into a fiery flame at the same time, and she suddenly burned Feiyama into fly ash powder.

"Eh ?!" Ye Jiali, completely scared by the scene in front of her, shouted involuntarily: "Brother, how do you ..."

"Child, now, it's not Eding who's talking to you, I'm just relying on his skin, because only my immediate bloodline can withstand the pressure of my gods, and will not collapse on the spot."

At this moment, the man in charge of Eding's body breathed a sigh of relief: "Guan Heng, I just exported too much divine power, and some of the power was poor, so I left these miscellaneous fishes."

"Well, Edin is crazy, he even killed Master Feiyama!" The other dozen knights of the missionary were frightened at this moment. They wanted to run away and rushed forward with courage. Fighting, but because you're too scared, you can't do both.

"Well, when it ’s not good, when it ’s a bad guy ’s running dog, in the end I have to stain my dragon's blade.” Guan Heng murmured angrily, the double blades on her back came out of the sheath, and saw Guan Hengshouyingfu Move, "Hello!" The cold flashes of light instantly, the next second, these dozens of people fell to the ground by accident, and immediately bathed in the blood.

"I said, Your Majesty, since things have been done, you have to be clean, do you mean?" Guan Heng slowly returned the dragon's blade to the sheath at this time, and he said: "It's better to rush to the guard now Teach the Knights' site to level that iron with his party feathers, so you can quickly take me to find the five pole beads. "

"That makes sense, boy Heng Heng, you have such a quick-to-determined personality." After saying this, the man and **** turned to Ye Jiali and said, "Children, take us to the station of the Guardian Knights immediately. I I want to help you solve all the problems. "

"He ... I ..." Seeing the familiar and unfamiliar brother "Edin" in front of her, Ye Jiali only felt that her head was buzzing at this moment, she was a little confused and confused, but Guan Heng said, " Under the maiden's crown, you should hurry and take us there. I am afraid that Chi will change. I will tell you about your brother. "

"Okay, everyone is coming with me." Ye Jiali had no choice but to believe in Guan Heng. She waved away the two maids around her, and ran out with Guan Heng, Ruta, and Eding, who was in the possession of the gods. At the gate of the Holy See, head straight for the site of the Patriarchal Knights.

On the road, Guan Heng first introduced himself, and then simply passed through the story, scaring Ye Jiali, the young girl, startled. At this moment, Ye Jiali stuttered and asked: "So, I, my brother and I are all human His Majesty your descendants? My God, I can't believe it. "

"So far, there is nothing difficult to explain." Shen Shen said in a deep voice: "I can enter your brother Eding and move him freely as a skin, and his physical body will not collapse, and this can be done. Only my relatives and descent can do it. So, my son, your God is your relative. "

"We are descendants of the Protoss ?! Is this, is this possible?" Ye Jiali heard the words, her heart beat involuntarily. This happened too quickly. You do n’t need to say that you were surprised or confused in your mind, but the most were Unacceptable for a while.

"Ye Jiali, there is another thing, I want to tell you."

While the gods and Guanheng walked forward, they said, "Your brother Edin's body has suffered very serious injuries. The only way to heal him is that I must stay in Edin's body for a period of time every day. , Repair the damage for him. "

—— [Fifth more on 2016.6.29, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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