Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1368: Kill the Knights (first)

Ye Jiali now only wants her brother to be safe. She hurriedly said, "As long as you can save my brother Eding, everything is at your command."

During the talk, several people were already running on the street. The surrounding people saw the first swordsman of the county, Eding, and the patriarch Ye Jiali rushed forward in desperation. All of them looked sideways. They were surprised. Some are at a loss.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly turned his eyes to his heart. He suddenly slowed down and shouted, "You guys, the iron guards of the Patriotic Knights tried to assassinate the maiden Ye Jiali, and he The conspiracy was stopped by the hero Edin. Tiedu was at the Knights' station at this time. Everyone had grievances and revenge. They all went to Tiedu to get the balance! "

Under the indulgence of Tiedu, the Knights ran rampant in Shulescher County, extorted, bullied and bullied women, and did nothing wrong. They have long caused anger, and people have heard that Tiedu is so mad that they want to assassinate their loved ones Ye Jiali, the priestess, immediately blew up her nest!

"The big guy followed the maiden and Mr. Edin, and went to find the iron to settle accounts!"

"Crushing-set foot on the Cavaliers, and drive away these rogues!"

Thousands of people were indignant, and Hula la all followed behind Guan Heng and others, and ran to the station of the Knights together.

"Guan Heng, why would you call everyone to the Cavaliers?" At this time, Doffer on Guan Heng's shoulder asked: "What's the point of doing this?"

"Hey, if you quietly slaughter Tiedu's jerk, it seems to be insincere, and some people will inevitably use this as an excuse to challenge Miss Ye Jiali."

Guan Heng whispered at this time: "Just tell the people what we have to do to level up the Knights, and let them bear witness. Anyway, everyone and the Knights have complained for a long time. In the future, Miss Ye Jiali and Eding can rightfully take over the power of the Knights. "

"Smart, boy Hengheng, you really think very well." The man and **** in front of the head slightly nodded his head: "I didn't even take this into account."

The people's voices were noisy and shouted. When they spread ten to one hundred, they immediately heard the news that the iron was about to fall, and they heard the news, so the more people gathered, the more everyone waited for the **** knights. Thousands of people had been swarming by the door of the mansion.

The guardian knight at the gate of the mansion saw that the people led by Guan Heng and others were so stunned that he was a little panicked, but a small captain still bravely shouted, "Mr. Edin, Ye Jiali, why are you doing this? You want to take the people around the Knights station? What are you trying to do? "

At this moment, the **** of man slowly said with his hands on his back: "Huan Heng, let's do it, I don't want to delay time here."

"Okay!" Guan Heng promised, and then led Ruta to the guard and said in a deep voice: "Tiedu is a murderer, assassinating His Excellency Edin and the prince Ye Jiali, his son has been killed on the spot. Now we It's all going to find iron! "

Ruta next shouted, "The maiden knows that the knights present have a large number of evil deeds, and they have not participated in this conspiracy. As long as you put down your arms and step aside, you will definitely not be blamed and resist to the end. Then there is only a dead end! "

"Damn, brethren, don't listen to this junk stuff nonsense." The little captain heard the death of Tiedu's son, knowing that things were getting worse, so he suddenly pulled out his sword and shouted, "Let's go together, Bring the Virgin and Edin ... "

"Oh!" Before the boy finished talking, I saw the cold light suddenly appearing in the air, a blood-stained head flew to the air in time, and then fell to the ground, his bones rolling away.

Looking at the red body in front of his neck, his body swayed twice, and he flung himself down, Guan Heng said to several other shuddering knights: "Hey, do you want to stay away or die like this guy?"

"Wow!" After several knights looked at each other, they did not hesitate to throw a weapon around their waists, and they said in unison: "We are all coerced by iron, and we are willing to follow the Virgin and Egypt in the future. Mr. Ding. "

"Excellent, you will stay at the door to appease the people." Guan Heng waved to these knights and said, "Now we go in, unless we are waiting for the danger to be lifted, do not let everyone approach the house, beware that iron dogs jump over the wall."

"Observe." A few knights immediately stepped forward to maintain order, advising the people to keep calm and wait for the news to come.

At this time Guan Heng, Ruta, God of God, and Ye Jiali had rushed into the mansion. Ruta shook the double short blades and killed a few iron dudes who rushed to resist the stubborn resistance. But none of the heads of the paladin knights Trail.

"It's weird, hasn't this iron been able to slip?" Guan Heng and everyone hurriedly walked up to the second floor, and after searching all the rooms, they found nothing, even the gods were a little anxious: "Where the **** did the ball go? ? "

"Guan Heng, I seem to hear something on the roof!" Doffer flew to Guan Heng's ears at this time and said, "Someone should be walking."

"By the way, I remember." At this moment, Ye Jiali shouted, "This house has a rooftop, which is where the griffins usually land."

"Everyone flash away-I'm here!" Seeing that it was too late to find the stairs on the rooftop, Guan Heng suddenly gathered the power of the Dragon God in the left fist and let it bloom, and he suddenly screamed: "Break !! "

The shocking fist wrapped in the unbeatable wind slammed into the roof in no time, listening to the loud noise, and the roof collapsed completely.

"Eh, yeah!" Several people screamed, and Tong Tong fell on the second floor.

When two people fell down, they were already bloodless and unconscious, except for a kid who fell heavily, and mournfully covered his bruised head: "Don't kill me, don't kill me! I'm not an iron capital ... "

"Well, this is the lieutenant of Tiedu ?!" Ye Jiali pointed at the chubby short-skinned man, and then snapped, "Lai Zuo, where did Tiedu go?"

"Under the crown of Ye Jiali?" The fat man Lai Zuo saw Ye Jiali and said with a sorrowful face, "Under the crown of the maiden, head, ah no, the iron ball is not at the residence, he went to the woods outside the city to meet his friend Go, it is said that those people are the well-known assassins and killers in St. Lompland, and they were brought to you and Mr. Edin by iron. "

"Bang!" Upon hearing this, the **** suddenly became furious. He flew a kick on the fat man's face, and then asked, "Where are the guys now? Say !!"

"I said, I said." Fatty Lai Zuo screamed, covering his face, "The killers will arrive at the stronghold in the woods to the left twenty miles outside the city this evening. The iron are going to let them stab Ye Jiali tomorrow at the celebration. Under the crown and Mr. Edin, I know so much. Forgive me. I have old and young, and I have to do bad things for iron. "

—— [2016.6.30 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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