Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1369: Plot in the forest

"Help evil and bully, what's the use of you?" The **** of man breathed his breath at this moment. Regardless of his exhaustion, he wanted to immediately kill the fat Lai Zuo in front of him, but was stopped by Ye Jiali.

At this moment, Ye Jiali whispered, "Your Majesty, please forgive him. Lai Zuo's wife is my maid in the Holy See. It is a simple and kind woman. I don't want her to drag her three widows to guard her. I beg you. "

"Well, this look is exactly the same as that of Kiraimes." Looking at the glory of love and mercy flashing in the eyes of the other person, the man and God sighed: "Child, this is what I owe you, no matter I will not refuse any request you make. "

Ye Jiali nodded gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Guan Heng gave a kick to the fat man: "Get up and show me the way immediately to find the junk stuff of iron!"

Guan Heng then said to Ruta: "You and Her Majesty, Miss Ye Jiali are waiting here, I will return to the iron trap and see you later." Watching Ruta nodded, Guan Heng held the fat Lai Zuo here. The window of the mansion immediately whistled. Within ten seconds, the two wind-speaking dragons of Bath and Baru were in front of the window.

"Bath, carry this fat man in front of him." Guan Heng threw Lai Zuo to the other side, and then hurried to Baru's saddle. He said, "Fat man, if you lead the way honestly, I promise you can still Live, if you dare play tricks, I will let this evil dragon eat you. "

"Uh ?!" Lai Zuo glanced at the Fengyulong who grabbed his own, frightened by the hot urine and rushed directly to the bottom of his pants, he hurriedly cried, "Master, rest assured, I dare not lie to you, ten million Don't let the dragon eat me. "


A moment later, in the woods outside the city of Schleschershire, a burly man nearly two meters tall and wearing bright silver armor was talking to several people of different appearances.

"Everyone rest assured, as long as you enter the city tomorrow to be the Virgin and Edin, I will decide that I will not treat my good friends."

The burly man is Tiedu, the head of the Knights of the Patriarchate. This boy is insatiable and bloodthirsty. In order to occupy the whole of Shulescher County, he finally decided to hire the killers in front of him to assassinate his opponents.

"It's good to say, the head of Tiedu, that Eding and Ye Jiali, we will definitely get rid of it." At this time, a hook-nosed old man with a eagle-headed staff said, "But you and a few of our brothers before Well, the old man decided to change it, presumably driving money is not big, isn't it?

"Damn killers are insatiable assholes, so they want to sit on the floor and start the price? It is obvious that I can't find other helpers, they're all about me ..."

Hearing this, Tiedu's heart burst into anger, but it was too late to regret it, and he had to swallow his voice, pretending to be calm in his face: "Good to say, good to say, everyone is a close friend, as long as you drive Bid code, I won't say no, what do you want? Gold jewelry? "

"Today, Saint-Lombon and the Dragons and Demons are at war. There are gun battles everywhere. We may have no use for money. However, this county of Schlescher is a good retreat."

The old-nosed old man said, and glanced at a few companions. Then he said: "Some of our brothers have spent the hard life of licking blood with their swords. They now plan to live in seclusion, so if this time The assassination operation was successful, as long as the head of the Iron City gave us each one of them and made us a little lord, everyone would be satisfied, brothers, are you right? "

"This group of guys really stomp their noses and wanted to grab the territory of Shulescher County from my hands. These are the property of Lao Tzu. Why do you rob me? !!!" After hearing this, Tiedu was furious in his heart, and his eyes flashed a bit of ferocious color that he chose to eat. He clenched his fists and even wanted to turn his face immediately.

But at this time, the old man with a nosedive winked at these companions, and these fierce gods each slowly surrounded them according to the weapon in their hands.

Seeing this scene, the tip of Tiedu's nose suddenly burst into cold sweat, and he was certainly afraid of these guys who didn't blink.

"Head of Tiedu, you are a big and noble man. You must hold the power of Heaven in your hands, but don't think about it." The old man's tone was soft and hard: "If the transaction is The talk collapsed, our brothers would n’t have turned their heads away, but your chances would be gone. Are you really willing to give away what you have in hand?

"Huh, this guy also makes sense, no, the arrow is on the string, everything is ready, I can't afford to lose weight because of small things."

Tie thought about this, and immediately held his anger in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, since some brothers want to live in Schlescher County, then I am welcome, rest assured, when everything is done, I Will you pick some of the most tax-rich sites to offer with both hands, are you satisfied? "

Seeing that Tiedu agreed to the harsh remuneration offered by his own party, the thick and murderous face on the face of the old man with nose and nose converged a lot, but at this time, the uninvited guest outside the forest, Guan Heng, also listened to their conversation Eight or nine are inseparable from ten.

"Hehehe, this iron did not know where to find a few cat and dog killers. The big thing was not done, and he started sitting here to distribute the stolen goods." Guan Heng laughed unconsciously: "Are these guys paranoid? How could all the good things in the world make you come across? "

Pressing the disdain in his heart, Guan Heng made a gesture to Feng Yulong hiding not far away, and Baru and Bath immediately threw the already faint fat Lai Zuo and walked in with heavy steps. Up the woods.

Hearing the sound of shivering footsteps behind him, Tiedu and the killers looked back, and they were horrified, and saw two tall Fengyu Dragons squinting at them with staring eyes. Change lane: "What do these two guys want to do?"

"What?" Guan Heng leaned under a tree with his arms folded at his leisure at this time, sneering: "Of course I'll clean up you idiots, Baru and Bath, let's do it." "Yes, Master Guan Heng." The two Fengyulongs agreed, and then they roared in unison: "Go to death, double kill of Windblade Hell !!"

"Woohoo--" For a moment, a hundred archiform large wind blades appeared, and they flew towards the killers with a rapid rush of tearing air.

"Danger!" The old-nosed old man was a magician, apparently also the leader of these people. When he saw the situation was not good, he suddenly pounced his staff on the ground, and shouted loudly, "Guardian of Rock and Earth-Earth Demon, now! "

—— [2016.6.30 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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