Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1370: Capture the culprit (third)

"Hey!" A mound soaring up to a few meters from the place suddenly turned into a terrestrial monster with limbs. This guy roared open his arms and used his huge body to stand up to the raid. Huge wind blade.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The wind blade repeatedly chopped on the earth monster, leaving a long and narrow trace, but did not let the earth monster step back half a step.

"Hahaha, don't think that we have only such strength after being trained by Lord Heng Heng." The two Fengyu dragons suddenly burst out laughing, and then extended four dragon claws in the direction of the earth and monsters. Gathered countless magical elements flashing red.

Time and time again, Baru and Bath shouted in unison: "Dragon Spell, Fengyan Blaze !!"

In this flame flame, there are not only fiery flames, but also countless wind elemental magical powers, which are severely thrown by the two wind-speaking dragons to the earth and demons.

"Break! This power is too great, I am afraid ..." The old-fashioned offensive man was so horrible that he was trying to escape with his companions, but it was too late!

"Bang! Boom--" The power of the Fengyan flames shattered and shattered. The locals were suddenly blown apart. The energy was violent when they were more than ten meters in radius, and the rubble shot in the smoke and dust. "These voices flowed endlessly.

"Oh!" The ogre was destroyed, and the old man who called it was also squirting red mist with his head raised in the sky. Several other killers suffered different injuries. They screamed inwardly. If they stay here, they will definitely become The live targets of the two wind-speaking dragons, the killers were just trying to escape, and they heard a clear and pleasant low-pitched drink in the air: "The fire of the elves-meteor falling flame!"

"Alas, alas!" Thousands of tiny flames suddenly appeared above the killers' heads. The fire of these little elves made a sound of smashing through the air, and fell quickly to the killer. On their heads.

"Uh ah ah-I'm scalded!"

"Oh! My eyes, ears, oops!" In the screams of screams, the killers were burned and fled to death, and then they were swung by the two wind-speaking dragons to claw the dragon's tail and knocked the tail over. You can't live with it.

"Howling, Baru, Bath, cooperating and working together happily!" Doffer flew happily in the air at this moment, and she laughed: "These guys are so wasteful, they even joined us in the first round. Can't carry the attack. "

At this moment, outside the woods, Guan Heng blocked the way to the iron capital that was about to drive.

"Head of the Iron City, do you want to leave now?" Guan Heng sneered slightly at this moment: "You are making Shulesche County suffocating, the common people are so angry, and now you want to assassinate the maiden and Eding. Unfortunately, Zun is considered blind. "

"I don't think so, I fight with you!" At this time, Tie Du's eyes were spitting fire. When he saw that Feng Yulong wasn't beside Guan Heng, he was brave and suddenly wanted to resist stubborn resistance.

"You go to death!" Tie Du was so angry that he pulled out his sabre around his waist, and stung as he was severely distracted!

"Hum, you can't help it, go to yours!" Where would Guan Heng put an incompetent guy in his heart? He didn't even look at the other person directly. He flew his feet between the light and flint, his toes were not biased. Wrist in the center of the iron city: "Slap!"

"Ahhhh!" Iron couldn't help screaming, and his saber flew straight to the sky. Guan Heng was so overwhelming. His left hand fisted up and wrapped up the wind.

"Oh!" Tiedu punched out blood in his fist, and his ribs were broken by two or three. This was still a bit of effort for Guan Heng, because the gods had said that they should deal with each other in person, so Guan Heng wanted to capture Tiedu. The boy took it back and made his hair fall.

But at this moment, a flash of coldness flashed in Guan Heng's eyes: "Although I can't kill you,‘ extra service ’is always prepared for you to try.”

"Pappapap!" "Damn, do you know how much time I wasted on your miscellaneous body? You scumbag!" Guan Heng whispered and scolded, and he was already pumping iron. With a slap in the face, the kid was bleeding from his mouth and nose, and the ghost cried, "Eh ah ah!"

Within a few seconds, Iron had been stunned by Guan Heng. At this moment, Dovre and the two Fengyulongs swayed from the woods.

"Ahhh, Guan Heng, why did you beat him so badly?" Dovre laughed. "Look, you're about to breathe."

"Well, it's all because of this jerk, that caused us to delay time here, and it was easy for the kid to die, it was all cheap!" He stunned the iron city that fell to the ground, Guan Heng said angrily: "Let's go , It's time to go back to make friends with people. "


After a while, Guan Heng returned to the residence house of the Patriarchal Knights, and climbed up to the second floor.

"Thump up!" Guan Heng threw all the iron on the ground, and then said to the gods, "I've got this kid back, and hurry up."

"Wait a minute, I have suppressed the injuries on Eding, and now I am back to Blackbird, letting Eding and Ye Jiali handle the iron capital in person, or to give the people in Schlescher County an account."

The man and **** said, stunned into a burst of white light from Edding's body, and returned to the black cricket body on Ruta's shoulder.

The next moment, the strange blue color disappeared in Eding's eyes, replaced by his original pupil color. At this time, Eding plopped down and knelt in front of the blackbird, shouting sincerely: "Humble The last seed has seen His Majesty ... "

It turned out that when the human **** penetrated into Edding's body to heal him, and punished the son of the iron capital, Edding's thinking was not interrupted. He knew about his ancestors, Qilai Yisi and the **** of the human race. Everything, so Eding will pay homage to the black gods who live on board.

"Well, get up, Eding."

Kurosaki said with some emotion at this time: "Child, I owe too much to Kiraimes, and I will take care of you as much as possible in the future, but you and Ye Jiali must remember that as my descendants, I will never get A lot of favors. On the contrary, you are likely to bear more suffering and responsibilities. Don't forget this. "

At this moment, the brothers and sisters vowed with serious faces: "Edin (Ye Jiali) obeys the teachings of His God."

"Well, go out now, in front of the people in the county, declare the guilt of the iron capital, let everyone decide on the punishment of this person." The man and **** Hei Ling reminded: "Remember, you can't act on your own. In addition, after you both deal with the iron capital, come here, I have something to tell you. "

—— [The third change of 2016.6.30, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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