Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1372: Finally arrived (fifth more outbreak)

"Your Majesty, we have solved the iron duty and his minions, as well as the aftercare work of the paladin." After Edin and his sister saluted, they respectfully asked, "I wonder if you have any more orders?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about the matter of Guan Heng." Renren said at this time: "A long time ago, when Schlescher County was first established, Kira Immers should have kept a **** control stone, and also It's a box made of black stone. It's what Guan Heng is anxious to find. Do you know where it is now? "

"Well ... Your Majesty, Ye Jiali and I have never seen the black stone box you said."

Seeing the disappointment flashing in Guan Heng's eyes, Ye Jiali suddenly said, "However, some of the county's long-established and relatively expensive items have been placed in the central treasure house of the First Holy See. In the past, there must be The key I kept and the other key in Tito's hand were unlocked at the same time to enter the treasure house. "

"By the way, when I executed Tiedu just now, I kept the keys he kept." Edin quickly took the keys out and said to Guan Heng and Ruta: "Two, while this time, I and Ye Jiali will take you to the central treasure house, where we can look carefully. "

"So there is still a chance to find what I want." At this moment, Guan Heng was a little calmer, and he said, "Then you will be crowned with the Virgin."


A moment later, the central treasure house of the First Holy See. Brother and sister Eding and Ye Jiali opened the door to the treasure house with two keys.

The four went in there, started searching, and searched for nearly ten minutes. At this time, the black **** of humans shook his wings on Ruta's shoulders, and flew to a tall shelf in the treasure house. Then he called: "You don't need to find Come, let's take a look at it. It's this thing. "

The blackbird stopped at the top of the shelf at this moment. There was a square object wrapped in a thick coarse cloth. "Oh!" The sharp bird's claws were torn a few times. The contents inside suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and it turned out to be a black one. Stone box.

A few seconds later, the box was held on the ground by Ruta and Guan Heng. Guan Heng frowned when he saw the keyhole above: "Can we still find the key to this box?"

"I don't need that, let me do it." After saying this, the black **** of humanity fluttered his wings and waved a divine power, and drilled into the keyhole with impartiality. Just listened to the sound of a click, the lid of this box My aunt bounced.

Guan Heng looked over and saw that there was nothing else in the box, only a small skin.

Holding this thing in his hand and holding it for a while, Guan Heng immediately leaned his mouth toward his palm. Five beads of various colors and a diamond-shaped spar rolled down into Guan Heng's hand.

A familiar surge of energy spread throughout Guan Heng's body in a hurry. He cried out, "Yes, this is the five-pole bead and core spar of the inverse astrolabe. I have collected more than a dozen magic astrolabes. Debris, this energy touch is exactly the same as those things. "

"Congratulations, Guan Heng." Ruta laughed beside him. "This time, you finally found what you want."

"Well, if you want to completely repair the inverse astrolabe now, you only need the last piece of astrolabe in the hand of the demon dragon Tivello." Guan Heng carefully closed the five-pole beads and core crystals, he Then he said to the **** of man, "Your Majesty, do you want to return with us to the Stone Demon Fortress where we are now?"

Having said that, Heng Heng paused for a moment before continuing to say: "I intend to introduce the Sha people and know you. If I leave the mainland of St. Lomplon, I will entrust them to walk around to collect the soul fragments for you, because these sands The people are simple and kind people, and they can be trusted. "

"Well, this is a good way. Sha people, I haven't heard of such sub-humans in ancient times, but your introduction should be correct, because God trusts you."

The **** of man said here and said to Ye Jiali beside him, "But I want to let Edin go with me, because your brother ’s physical damage is too serious, which may affect his life, so I will take him Go to your side and take an hour or so into Edding's body every day to suppress his injuries. "

"Your Majesty, how can my humble body bother you with your labor ..." Edin listened to the words of the gods and hurriedly kneeled down and said, "I am ashamed to let you use your own power to heal me. Dare to be! "

"No, boy, you are my descendant, the godly pride of the Protoss, how can you be a lowly body?" The man and **** insisted, "In the past, I owed Qilai Yimeisi too much. , Or that sentence, I will never allow myself and her children's offspring to have an accident in front of you, Eding, you must go with me, this is not the order of the **** of the human race, just the elder's meager love for his own flesh and blood. "

"Your Majesty ... Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ... yyyy" who heard the true words of humans and gods, Eding was a dignified man who was nine feet tall and shed tears of heroes.

At this moment, Ye Jiali made up her mind and said decisively to Edin: "Brother, go with your Majesty, don't worry about Schlescher County and my sister, I will always try my best to protect here and guard our Home, you have to have faith in me. "

"Good sister, then I will go with my uncle, not only to let His Majesty heal my body, but also to assist His Majesty to learn his thoughts and knowledge, and be a qualified descendant."

Having said this seriously, Edin immediately stretched out an arm and said to the blackbird, "Your Majesty, please."

"Um." The man nodded and jumped to Edin's arm with a stun. At this moment, Ruta smiled bitterly and whispered to Guan Heng: "The big bird has left, you know, this blackbird has almost crushed my shoulder."

"Hmm ..." After listening to this sentence, Guan Heng almost didn't laugh on the spot, but in his opinion, after being boarded by a god, the black cricket's body has indeed become several times larger, and Ruta would suspect it. It is not unreasonable that the other party is too heavy.

"Well, next we have to rush back to the Stone Demon Bastion in the night, and I will fight with Otrow, the young master of the dragon race." At this time, Guan Heng involuntarily stretched out and said, "Calculate the time, go back now Then, you can have a good night's sleep in the middle of the night, Edin, Ruta, Her Majesty, let's go. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng suddenly remembered one thing: the dragon god's soul, Ganesha, who stayed in the crystal of the red dragon's breath. After leaving the temple of the god, he gradually returned to peace and stopped speaking. Somewhat strange.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.30, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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