Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1373: Things on the island (first)

"Did you quarrel with people today, because you have talked too much, and you have fallen asleep?" Guan Heng thought of it here and said, "Forget it, leave him alone."


At the same time, Borui and Yuyu Beast are still delving into the "magic forbidden spell" on the unknown island where Mrs. Jiang Ge lives. Borui has released more than one hour of magic power at this moment, but I've been using primary magic such as the Frozen Mantra.

"Oh-bang!" Another frosty spell burst out from the palm of the hand and hit the sandy beach not far in front of him. Borui asked with exhaustion on his face: "How? Can't we end it?" ?"

"Fool, don't stop." Praying for the rain beast lay lazily on the high **** next to it, he said slowly and unhurriedly: "Continue to release the spell until all the magic in your body is drained until."

"For the magician, subconsciously retaining some magic power is habitual common sense. Although this is a good habit, it hinders you from learning the curse."

Seeing that Borui continued to gnash his teeth weakly, released the frozen spell and slammed the beach in front of him, praying for the rain beast at this time to explain: "The so-called forbidden spell is an obscurity spell that uses all its magic power to explode. When casting the curse, you can't output all the magic power in one breath, it will likely be fatally backstabbed. I'm doing this for you. "

"Hey, it ’s all reasonable to you. It seems that if I want to learn this curse, I still have a lot of pain to eat." Borui sighed and sighed, but then thought again: "Just as long as it can help Boss Heng, I can sacrifice this life, not to mention just a little bitterness, persist, I want to persist !!! "

On the other side, Zuowei is chatting with Shaharu in the room of the master Shaharu on the island. "Uncle Shaharu, can my new priest's staff be inlaid with the God Control Stone?" Zuo Wei rubbed her hand and said impatiently: "You say it fast."

"Well, in theory, it should be possible." Shaharu sat there, touching the chin with a beard and carefully examining the control of the **** stone. He said, "Girl, give me half an hour's work, I give Add a gem-encrusted groove to your new staff, and that's it. "

"Then I will trouble you, Uncle Zuo." Zuo Wei stood up from the chair with a smile and said, "I will go to Mrs. Jiang Ge to help her. I will come to get the staff in a while, oh yes, don't forget to pack your luggage. . "

Zuo Wei ran and said. At this time, Mrs. Jolie brought a cup of tea and put it on the table. She chuckled and said, "Zou Wei is a very nice, good-natured and diligent person. Well, if she is our daughter, How good. "

"Wife, wife." The shaved beard of Shaharu suddenly smiled hippiely: "I'm strong now, let alone a daughter is a dozen children, it's okay."

"Death, you are not serious." Mrs. Jolie said with a red face. "The wife and wife of decades, even said such crazy words."

"Hey, wife, in fact, it's so wronged to let you live with me in the deserted mountains and forests these years."

Shaharu patted the back of his wife's hand gently and said softly: "I decided to move to the Stone Demon Bastion with Mrs. Jiang Ge and Sanqiu this time to help Guan Heng and prepare for the Demon and Dragon races. The final battle is really risky. Otherwise, you live in the castle of Koror in the back for a while, and don't go with me. "

"Old man, you don't need to say any more." Mrs. Jolie said categorically at this time: "Our husband and wife must be together for life and death, so I will never let you go to the Stone Demon Bastion alone. If you want to go, just two people together go with."

Having said that, Mrs. Jolie paused and continued: "Again, these years, you have been used to drinking my tea and eating the food I cooked, how can you leave me?"

"Hahaha, okay, let's go together!" Shaharu was a hero, and he laughed loudly: "Let us fight this old bone and do our part for the peace of St. Lompland. "


About an hour later, on the beach of the island.

"Boom!" After the loud noise, there were fumes of smoke spreading for more than ten meters, and a few seconds later, when the smoke dispersed, a huge crack pit appeared in place.

"Ha ha ha, try with one tenth of magic power, it already has such power, it is truly a curse !!" Borui shouted excitedly: "This is definitely a super killer."

"Boy, don't be complacent. I said that the real curse is to release all the magical powers in an explosive situation." Qi Yubei said angrily at this time: "The most you used just now are semi-finished products. Proficiency must continue to work hard, this is the ultimate spell of 'water and ice', you have to be serious. "

"I understand, I understand, dear pray for the rain beast." At this moment, Borui had to put the corner of his mouth to the back of his head, and he laughed: "Be assured, this recipe for curse, I will always be there Review my meditation in my heart, and when it comes to actual combat, nothing will go wrong. "

"Well, it's pretty much the same." Seeing Borui a serious and pragmatic guarantee, Praying for the Rain Beast slightly nodded his head: "Boru, I hope you can be the same, and you must remember, This curse is very detrimental to your body. If you want to keep your life down, don't use it more than twice in a row. "

Upon hearing this, Borui's eyes flickered with a strange color, but he quickly covered up the past and said, "Relax, I'm more afraid of death than anyone. It's too risky. It's impossible. Do it. "

After a while, Zuo Wei got a new staff from Shaharu inlaid with the god-controlling stone. The couple also packed their luggage, while Mrs. Jiang Ge let Sanqiu carry his own bottles and cans. Big bags and small bags came to everyone.

At this moment, Mrs. Jiang Ge waved her hand, and a large area of ​​extremely cold and cold weather sealed the grotto where she lived: "Oh! Slightly!-Pop!" Then, Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "OK, let's Go to the stone monster fortress and meet with everyone. "

Immediately afterwards, Sanqiu and Borui's teleportation spells were activated at the same time, and all of them suddenly disappeared into place, and in an instant came to the gate of the stone monster fortress on the side of the Dark Dragon Valley.

"Ha, we're here ..." As soon as Borui had finished saying this, he saw a dark cloud suddenly flutter in the moonlight, and blinked to the top of his head. "Well, what's that?" Before everyone responded, two Fengyulongs suddenly fell from the air.

—— [First update of 2016.7.1, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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