Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1374: Strengthening heart

At this time, Guan Heng's voice had sounded: "Haha, it's a coincidence that we didn't expect everyone to return at the same time."

"Boss, are you back ?!" Borui just screamed, and saw a dark thing flying across from him, falling on his head.

"Huh? Guan Heng, is this your companion?" At this moment, the **** of man in black slang said with a whisper: "It's a cowardly magician. If you encounter a powerful enemy, I'm afraid I will be hit by the other party. It will kill, hahaha. "

"You dead bird, nonsense on my head, see if I don't make you barbecue bird meat!" Borui angrily shouted: "Boss, where did you pick this one? Unlucky bird? Get rid of it! "

"Sorry, Borui, you still have to bear it." Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and narrowed a smile: "Because I just drove you away, it is impossible to expel this Majesty. His identity is much higher than you. "

"What ?!" Upon hearing this, Borui hardly believed his ears, and he almost cried, saying, "My identity as the first master of magic of St. Lomplon is not as good as a starling. What is the reason ?! "

Before Guan Heng talked, a griffin with a winged and winged back fell in the air, and Eding of Schleschershire jumped from his saddle. He took three steps and ran to the crowd in two steps. Panting, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my mage, your Majesty has troubled you, and I apologize."

"Hey, Edin, you child is very kind." The black man whispered back to Edin's shoulder, and he said, "I'm just joking with that little fart boy, why not everyone? So serious? "

"Okay, okay, wait for the rest to enter the Stone Demon Bastion." Ruta clapped her hands at this time and said, "Mrs. Jiang Ge, Mr. Sanqiu, and Mr. Shaharu are here. Let everyone stand at the door, it's too negligent ... "

"Squeak--Dangdang!" "It's great, for the elder brother and everyone to return!" Ruta's words had just fallen, the gate of the stone demon fortress had been opened, Dorie, Maze, and Akin took the Sha people The crowd greeted, and everyone rushed in.

On the way to the reception room, Guan Heng introduced the identities of the gods Heiyu and Eding. Suddenly, Borui was shocked, and a pair of eyes almost did not fall on the ground!

Borui glanced at the blackbird with a guilty conscience, and then whispered to Guan Heng: "You mean, that black bird is the human deity of one of the three ancient gods?"

"That's right, so I said his identity is special." Guan Heng replied with a smile: "You have to be kind to your Majesty in the future, otherwise, the gods will be angry, and your kid will be mad!"

"Eh !? Thank you, boss, for reminding me." After hearing Guan Heng's words, Borui shrank his neck, only feeling that his back was sizzling with cold air, and he said quickly, "You can rest assured, I dare not mess with it anymore He is. "

After arriving in the meeting room, Guan Heng told the people and gods to find the fragments of their own souls. They told the Sha people that the elders of the Sha people and Ke Song promised to help the people without any hesitation, which made people black. Both Xun and Eding were very happy.

On this night, Guan Heng was very rewarding. He met the black **** of the human god, allowing him to get the five pole beads and core of the astral disk for himself, and everyone else also mastered some secret skills and killers.

Coupled with the arrival of Mrs. Jiang Ge, Sanqiu and Shaharu, the support of the righteous side has greatly increased, and everyone is confident in the battle against Ottro tomorrow.

"Well, now the most important thing is to build up energy, so let's hurry up and go to rest each other." Guan Heng took the lead to stand up, he said, "Get a good night's sleep, greet with full spirit and excellent state. Fight tomorrow. "


On the other hand, Otrow, the dark dragon master, summoned his five closest transforming dragon fighters in a bright secret room.

On the table in front of the five fighters, there were square boxes containing a **** black heart. The magician of the transformation, Canku, asked carefully: "His Royal Highness, what is this heart?"

"This is a copy of the savage heart that Tivilo gave me, and hastily made it!"

At this moment, Urtero said slowly: "The battle tomorrow will be our best opportunity to show our strength to the demon Pawn, and to win Guan Heng and his companions, we are the heroes who have made great contributions to the devil. If it is defeated, I am afraid that Pawn already has plans to treat us as "abandoned children."

"How can this be so, our Dark Dragons have been forced to leave the country to come here and be horses for the Devil for thousands of years. In the end, they are not as good as a dog!"

Hearing Utero's words, Hao Sen, a famous warrior who transformed the dragon fighter with his fists clenched, said loudly: "Your Highness, as long as you shake your arms and lead us to resist the rule of the Demons, Hausen Willing to charge you for the last drop of blood !!! "

At this time, the long and robust dragon warrior "Boum", the short and strong dragon warrior "Lejie" with a single-horned face and fleshy head, the dragon warrior "Dike" with countless scars and one-armed axe Mai "said in unison:" I am willing to follow the young master to resist the demons and die in the blood! "

"Well, do you think I don't want to fight with the demons who have enslaved us? Do you live or die? I Otero, also a proud dragon!"

Looking at the faithful men in front of him, Urterol sighed, and said, "But our strength is still too weak, too weak! Don't say it is against the demon Lord Pawn, just in front of Guan Heng , I also have little to fight back! "

"Bang!" At this point, Urterol, who had red eyes and blood dripping on the table, punched him on the table, and he yelled, "So we have to be stronger and we need to transform our dragon body. Only in this way can we have the strength and hole cards to challenge the demons. These 'strong demonic hearts' are our opportunities. "

"But, Your Highness, this strong demon heart was sent by Pion to the despicable villain of Tivelo. Even if you can improve our strength, don't you worry about fraud?"

A well-thought-out, well-informed transformational magician, Canku, analyzed: "What if this thing is harmful to everyone's body?

"Too late to think about it, because I don't have a way out if I don't need a strong demon heart." Urtero's face, now gloomy and terrible, he said: "Tivelo took advantage of me and Guan Heng Immediately, the heart of the strong demon was sent, and it was clear that I would fight against the strong enemy in order to improve my strength, even if I knew it was a fire pit.

—— [Second more in 2016.7.1, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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