Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1375: Double Evil Meeting (Third)

"Abominable, this **** from Tiverlo is obviously from the Dark Dragon origin, but he is despicable when he is willing to be a demon running dog." Howson waved his fist at this time and yelled: "I can't wait to catch him right away and take it There are thousands of pieces! "

"Well, when I'm cleared up by the group of Guan Heng, it will be Tivelo's turn soon."

Urtero said at this time: "The original product of the strong demon heart is only one. I decided to leave it to myself and use it until the final transformation. As for these five imitations, I also quietly collected the cells and flesh of the demon domain creatures. The rushing out should be of great benefit to your improvement of strength. As for whether you use it or not, I will never force it! "

"Patter!" Howson closed the lid without hesitation, and immediately grabbed the copy of the strong demon heart, he said loudly, "I'm willing to die for your highness, this strong demon heart. I accept it. Thank you His Royal Highness for your gift! "

"Papapa!" Immediately afterwards, the other several transforming dragon fighters also held the strong demon heart in their hands, and they said in unison: "For His Royal Highness, we are willing to use this object to enhance our strength, even if it is impossible. The expected consequences will never be regretted. "

"Thank you, all of you are my good brothers who lived and died together." The young master of the Dragon race said in a deep voice at this time: "Tomorrow will be a full-fledged battle, killing the strong tribe Guan Heng and his party feathers, and raising my dark dragon Wei! "

With a towering war, the five transforming dragon warriors roared in unison: "Kill the strong human race, and promote the power of the dark dragon race!"


On the other side, under the faint moonlight, a mysterious guest wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared in the endless deep valley and secluded. This place was windy, and the beasts roared from time to time, and there were three or five monsters. The birds passing by at a low altitude seemed particularly sultry.

At this moment, the mysterious guest stopped in front of a cave and muttered in a low voice: "Hey, I didn't expect you to find such a place to heal yourself, even Her Majesty Pawn's hide it."

Suddenly, a faint voice heard from the black cave: "Is it Tivelo? Come in, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Well, Captain Cohan, you can let me find it easily." Tivelo said, and walked into the cave, tens of meters forward to a narrow stone room.

"Well, this place is too shabby. How can it be worthy of the noble status of your demon servant?"

Tivilo said this with a hint of narrowness, but Cohan in the dark air on the opposite side didn't care. He asked: "You once left a message under my men and said you were looking for me. You have to discuss things. What is it? "

At this time, Tivelo was silent about the purpose of his trip, and the words turned sharply. Gu Wei said, "You are not badly injured? Who did it?"

"Well, the guy who hurt me is a black cricket with ancient divine power, but I suspect that it is only the remnant soul of a certain god, otherwise I wouldn't hurt so lightly."

Cohen's voice was as gloomy as ever: "And when I met the blackbird, it was with Guan Heng, and the two parties apparently have reached a tacit understanding and started to join forces. Tivelo, Guan Heng and others Be hateful to you, be careful yourself, don't fall into the hands of the other party, or you will die terribly. "

As the saying goes: If you do too much bad things, you will be afraid of walking at night alone. After listening to Cohan's words, Tivilo was stunned, but he said with a stubborn voice: "What is it about shutting them down, tell you, it won't be long before Otero will bring his own hands. To transform the dragon fighters to tear them apart! "

"What ?! Utro has already worked with Guan Heng so quickly?" Cohan was recently injured and trained in Deep Valley Youyan, and the news was blocked, so the matter of Guan Heng's decisive battle with Utro was only from Tivelo until now. Learned in your mouth.

"Not only that, His Majesty Pawn was wise, but he also gave me a small 'gift' that I hope he can defeat Guan Heng."

Tivilo sneered at this moment: "Did you know? The first time Urtero fought with Guan Heng, he ended in a fiasco and he now madly wants to improve his strength, Paine His Majesty's let me give him a killer. "

"Did you mean ... that thing ?!"

As the servant of Lord Pawn, Cohan knew quite a lot of secrets. The "thing" that Tivilo said, he even participated in the development in that year, how could he not know? At this moment, even Cohen, who has always liked to be calm, couldn't help taking a sip of cold air: "You are talking about a strong demon heart ?! That thing is a dangerous guinea pig, if you give it to Utro Then he won't ... "

"Hey hey, that's what Her Majesty Pawn meant." Tivelo smiled vaguely at this time: "If Utro wins, then everything is fine, if he loses, it's your turn and I'm going to clean up the mess. "

The next moment, Tivelo said something that surprised Cohan, the two guys began to discuss the countermeasures in the back room of the cave, but the content was not known to a third person.


Time passed so fast that in the blink of an eye the next morning. Guan Heng led a group of his companions into the Dark Dragon Canyon, and came to the place where he started with Urtero yesterday.

"There is still some time, now I repeat what we have discussed before." At this time, Guan Heng said to everyone: "It was me who dealt with Urtero today, and those of him who transformed the dragon fighters were entrusted to Zuo. Wei, Imira, Maze, Dorie, Sister Akin, Ruta, and Borui, are you okay? "

"Hey, Guan Heng, don't you really need me and Edin to help?" At this time, the goddess Heiyin volunteered and said, "Although my strength has not recovered, if I use Edin as a skin bag, I can still pass you on. Two miscellaneous fish. "

"No need, Your Majesty, you haven't collected all the fragments of your soul, so don't waste too much effort." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "Again, if you need help from Otero and his men, then In the future, I will be even more unsure about Peng, the Lord of the Abyss. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. "

Hearing this, the black **** of the human head slightly, he said: "Well then, since you are full of confidence, I will not insist."

"Also, you and the Sha people must remember one thing. If there is any accident in our battle, immediately drive the Stone Demon Fortress out of the Dark Dragon Valley. Do n’t do more here. Stay. "

Guan Heng said: "As for the safety of Mr. Edin and you, as well as the people of the Sha people, I have given it to Mrs. Jiang Ge and Mr. Sanqiu. They are one of the best magic masters in St. Lompland today and can definitely protect you. comprehensive."

—— [The third change of 2016.7.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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